
Chapter 1430 Responsibilities

Chapter 1430 Responsibilities
Under tremendous pressure, Emperor Zhao Gou suffered from insomnia for several consecutive nights. Housing prices in Lin'an collapsed and plummeted, while the prices of food and daily necessities skyrocketed. People's grievances boiled over, making Zhao Gou feel an unprecedented crisis.

In the past few days, he held meetings in the political hall to discuss solutions. Xu Xiantu proposed to open Changping warehouses to sell cheap grain to stabilize grain prices, and Zhang Jun proposed to purchase living materials in other counties and counties to supply Lin'an in large quantities.

Just today, Xu Xiantu opened the Changping warehouse, intending to take out 20 shi of grain to stabilize grain prices, but Xu Xiantu unexpectedly discovered that the Changping warehouse, which should have 40 shi of grain, only had less than 30 shi of grain left. A total of 12 shi of grain was missing, Zhao Gou was so angry that he almost fainted, and immediately ordered the Meihuawei to arrest the officials in charge of the granary of Shaofu Temple and interrogate them severely.

In the Imperial Study Room, Xu Xiantu reported to Zhao Gou: "The lowly officials have probably checked. The food shortage happened at least ten years ago. It may be related to several officials of the Shaofu Temple. The Plum Blossom Guard has started to investigate. Soon The truth can be found out, but Wei Chen suggested that the theft should not affect the grain output of Changping warehouse, and the grain price should be stabilized as soon as possible."

Zhao Gou nodded, "I agree, sell the official grain at the price of one hundred coins per bucket as soon as possible, and bring down the price of grain. How much can you sell for 20 shi of grain?"

"Report to Your Majesty, about [-] guan!"

"Only twenty thousand?"

Zhao Gou was disappointed. He had always wanted to sell grain to earn income, but now that the income was so low, Zhao Gou was a little shaken.

At this time, Qin Hui, who had been silent all this time, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I still insist on my previous opinion. There is no need to open a regular warehouse. There is no shortage of grain in Lin'an. Every manor has stored a large amount of grain. Now that grain prices are high, they will definitely Take out a lot of grain for sale, and the price of grain will naturally come down. Yesterday the grain price was [-] yuan per bucket, but today it has dropped to [-] yuan per bucket. There must be grain coming in."

Xu Xiantu shook his head and said: "Confidence is very important to stabilize prices. If the court takes action, it will give confidence to the people, and the prices of various materials will drop. On the contrary, if the court remains silent, it will make the people feel pessimistic. If it falls, it will rebound soon, and the people will see no hope, besides, the grain in the manors outside wants to sell at a high price, and counting on them to stabilize the grain price is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger."

Zhao Gou was not confused about this matter, and he immediately said: "There is no need to argue any more, just follow the previous decision, put 20 shi of grain at a par price into the market, and bring down the price of grain as soon as possible, and Xu Xianggong is fully responsible for this matter. "

"The minister obeys the order!"

Xu Xiantu bowed and went first.

Zhao Gou said to Qin Hui and Zhang Jun again: "Now there is only 20 guan in the left treasury of the imperial court, which is not even enough to make up for one month's military salary. You should think of a way to get the money out as soon as possible."

Zhang Jun bowed and said, "Humble job has thought of a way!"

Zhao Gou was overjoyed and quickly asked, "What way?"

"Your Majesty, we can borrow money from the cabinet workshop and mortgage the houses and shops that we cannot sell to the cabinet workshop. It should not be a big problem to borrow 100 million yuan. It will last for two months. By December, the tax on Guangnan East Road Fu should be escorted to Beijing."

Qin Hui immediately said: "Your Majesty, this method is very good. If Xiangguo Wanqi had done this earlier instead of hastily selling it at a low price, the housing price would not have collapsed. Because his improper operation caused such serious consequences, the responsibility is heavy. If Your Majesty does not want to punish Wan Teng Xiangguo, let him be responsible for borrowing money from the counter shop, even if he makes him pay off the crime."

Taking this opportunity, Qin Hui quietly shifted the responsibility for the collapse of housing prices to Wan Qixie. Qin Hui made sense!Obviously you can borrow money from the cabinet with the mortgage of houses, houses and shops. Why do you have to be stupid to sell at a low price? This is not your responsibility. Whose responsibility is it?

Zhao Gou nodded, and he also agreed with Qin Hui's point of view. He just urged them to deal with houses and shops to exchange money, and did not let them sell at a low price, causing market turmoil, so the responsibility should be borne by the executors.

"Xuanwan will meet with the prime minister!"

Not long after, Wan Qixi came in a hurry, these days his pressure was also enormous, he really did not expect that selling houses and shops at a low price would actually trigger the collapse of real estate and land prices in Lin'an, which made him too regretful.

Of course, although Wan Qixi knew that he was responsible, he believed that he was at most secondary responsible. He was only the executor, but Qin Hui was the decision maker, and Qin Hui should bear the main responsibility.

Wan Qixi stepped forward to salute, "My minister sees Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou said coldly: "Wan Qi Xiangguo, this time your improper operation has caused serious turmoil in land prices. I am very dissatisfied, but now I will not hold you accountable for the time being, but I will entrust you with one more thing. Get things done, or I will never forgive you lightly!"

Wan Qixi was stunned, how did it become his responsibility?He hastily argued: "Your Majesty, this minister only carried out the instructions of Mr. Qin, which caused the land price to fluctuate. This minister is only the executor, and the responsibility has nothing to do with this minister!"

Qin Hui sneered and said, "President Wan Qi, it was my instruction to sell the house, but I didn't ask you to sell it at a low price, did I?"

Wan Qixi said angrily: "Why did Mr. Qin say this? After the price is fixed, I will show it to you for your purpose. If you still say that you can't sell it at a low price, why did it become me selling it at a low price without authorization?"

"Wan Cheng Xiangguo, I just asked you to sell a house at a low price first, and didn't ask you to throw out hundreds of houses and shops all at once. Wouldn't that be scary?"

"You didn't say to sell only one first!"

"This is common sense. I think everyone should know common sense. There is no need to remind you. If you don't try to sell a property first, how do you know whether it is expensive or cheap? You don't know common sense, and you operate indiscriminately, causing Serious consequences, and want to pass the responsibility on to me, Wan Cheng Xiangguo, this is not something a virtuous person should do."

"It's nonsense. You asked me to sell all the houses and shops within three days. The time is so tight, can I still experiment a little bit? I also ask you for a grace period of ten days. You said it was the government's intention. It must be sold within three days, what should I do?"


Seeing that he was involved in their quarrel, Zhao Gou interrupted them with an angry shout.

"Let's put aside the matter of pursuing responsibility. In Wancheng Xiangguo, I want to borrow 100 million yuan from the cabinet and use the house and shop as collateral. This matter will be left to you."

Wan Qixi was shocked, and just as he was about to refuse, Zhang Jun hurriedly gave him a wink, but Wan Qixi swallowed back the words that had just come to his lips, so he could only hold back his dissatisfaction and said, "My minister obeys the order!"

"Okay! Go get in touch today and report to me at any time."

Coming out of Ziwei Hall, Qin Hui walked away first, Wan Qixie waited until Zhang Jun, he bowed and said: "Mr. Zhang, this matter is so difficult, how can I complete it?"

Zhang Jun asked with a smile, "How many houses and shops do you have?"

Wan Qixie sighed and said, "In fact, I only sold one house and one restaurant, earning [-] yuan, and no one took over the others. I still have hundreds of houses and shops in my hands."

Zhang Jun said indifferently: "Isn't it possible to exchange hundreds of houses and shops for 100 million yuan?"

Wan Qixi was stunned, "What Zhang Xianggong means is that all the houses and shops are sold to the counter shop at a low price?"

Zhang Jun shook his head: "If you really sold it cheaply, the government will definitely not let you go. I came up with this plan. I mean to use it as collateral, borrow 100 million yuan, and see the specific situation at the end of the year. If the market If things get better, then redeem the houses and shops, if the market is even worse, I believe the government will make a decision, then it will not be your responsibility."

Wan Qixi suddenly realized, "I see, thank you Zhang Xiangguo for his wonderful plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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