
Chapter 1431 Borrowing Money

Chapter 1431 Borrowing Money
There are currently three major cabinet workshops in Lin’an, Baoji Cabinet Workshop, Wanbao Cabinet Workshop and Jiangnan Cabinet Workshop. They each have their own background. Baoji Cabinet Workshop is composed of five powerful families headed by Shi Guangping. their assets.

Both Wanbao Cabinet and Jiangnan Cabinet are newly established cabinets. Wanbao Cabinet Zheng Tongquan and thirteen meritorious families funded the establishment, of which Zheng Tongquan accounted for [-]%. The head office of Wanbao Cabinet is in Jingzhao, on the Jiangnan side The main store is in Pingjiang Mansion. They originally wanted to put it in Lin'an, but the court didn't allow it, so they opened a branch in Lin'an.

Jiangnan Guifang was jointly funded and established by eight families in the Jiangnan area. Zheng Tongquan also invested 20 yuan and accounted for [-]%. , but Jingzhao’s branch is much larger than Bianliang’s.

This is the cleverness of the Jiangnan family. They did not irritate the imperial court and put the nominal northern head office in Bianliang. Jingzhao only had the name of a branch, but it performed the functions of the head office.

The first thing Wan Qixi visited was Baoji Cabinet, where he met Shi Guangping, the owner of the cabinet. Shi Guangping looked extremely tired, and Baoji Cabinet was in a huge crisis at this time.

The cabinet store stores wealth for big customers. They have a large warehouse, which is divided into small warehouses. Each warehouse stores the wealth of a customer. They cannot move these wealth and must be placed in the warehouse intact. However, there are only a small number of customers who can enjoy a separate warehouse. Most of the customers' money is stored in the public warehouse of the cabinet workshop, and they can be withdrawn with counter tickets, seals and tokens.

The money in these public treasuries can be embezzled by counters and used for lending to earn interest. This is an ancient business, and it is not only the current banks that lend.

However, the money in these public warehouses is mainly from small and medium-sized businessmen, and the customers of the cabinet lending are also small and medium-sized businessmen. This year, Lin’an merchants have fled on a large scale. The money was withdrawn, and Baoji Cabinet had to transfer money from branches in Pingjiangfu and Yuezhou to support it.

At the same time, they tried every means to recover the borrowed money, but many merchants who borrowed money also fled, leaving shops and houses behind. cabinet shop.

This is the crisis of Baoji Cabinetry. If it was a peaceful and prosperous age, it would be no problem. Selling the mortgaged houses and shops can also recover the money lent, but now...
Some of the mortgaged houses and shops were directly confiscated by the government, and the other part of the houses and shops that were not taken away by the government were instantly worthless. Wanguan money.

No one can afford such a huge loss, and only a few big proprietors can bear the loss separately. The Shi family accounts for 90% of the cabinet workshop, which means that the Shi family will have to pay more than [-] guan, making Shi Guangping want to cry without tears.

The chief steward whispered: "Proprietor, the current plan is to sell the two big restaurants in Jingzhao, and then sell the shops in Chengdu, Xiangyang, Bianliang, Jiangdu, and Suzhou, and rent them back for operation. some money."

Shi Guangping sighed, "That is to say, Jingzhao's restaurant is worth more, and other places can't sell it at a higher price. The current plan is to sell the members of Fengle Restaurant. Didn't Uncle Wei Guo always want it?"

"Uncle Wei Guo is a wolf that eats people and doesn't spit out bones. It's very risky to sell him."

"It's okay, I'll go talk to him!"

At this time, a small steward reported at the door, "Proprietor, Wan Qi Xiangguo has come and said he has something important to discuss!"

When Wan Qixie was mentioned, Shi Guangping was instantly furious. This bastard came just in time, and he was about to beat him to death, so he actually collapsed Lin'an's real estate.

"Please come in!"

Not long after, Wan Qixi walked into the inner hall quickly, clasped his fists and said with a smile: "It turns out that the Duke of Wei is also there, it seems that I came just in time!"

Official Shi Guangping is appointed as the Minister of the Ministry of Rites. This is a false and honorary position, but his title of duke is real, and his title is higher than Wan Qixi's duke. The Song Dynasty belonged to the dignitary level, so Wan Qixie had to be more courteous to him even if he was the prime minister.

Shi Guangping snorted and said, "Wan Qi Xiangguo is really a good trick. With a few swings, he beat Lin'an Real Estate to pieces. With this ability, I should really recommend you as the coach to fight against the Western Army."

Wan Qixi was stunned, and quickly explained: "This is not my responsibility. I am just an executor. Mr. Qin is the real decision-maker. I am just executing his orders."

"Really? But everyone thinks it's your responsibility."

Wan Qixi became anxious immediately. The people Shi Guangping mentioned were not ordinary people, but those dignitaries who hid behind the court, former powerful ministers, relatives, descendants of the founding heroes, etc. They held a lot of wealth and were the kings of the Song Dynasty. If the foundation of his life is targeted by them, his life will not be easy.

He hurriedly said: "Everything I said is true. How can it be my turn to decide on such an important matter?"

Shi Guangping looked at him for a while, then waved his hand and said, "Please sit down!"

Shi Guangping didn't want to pursue any responsibility with him, he wanted to get back some of the real estate stores in Wan Qixie's hands. Those were used by merchants as collateral, no matter how low the price was, they were still valuable things.

Wan Qixie sat down, and before he could speak, Shi Guangping handed him a list, "Wan Qi Xiangguo, please have a look!"

Wan Qixie took the list and saw that it was densely packed with real estate shops, and there were hundreds of them. He asked puzzledly, "What does Wei Guogong mean?"

"These are real estate and shops that merchants borrowed money to mortgage to the cabinet workshop. The land deeds are all here in the cabinet workshop, but they are all sealed by the government and confiscated by the government. I hope that Xiangguo Wanqi will return them to me. "

Wan Qixie looked at the list, and indeed, he picked a dozen properties at random, and they were all in his list.

The other party's list accounts for about [-]% of his property.

"This. It's important. It's not my decision. As I said just now, I'm just an errand runner. The decision maker is Qin Xianggong. Wei Guogong went to Qin Xianggong to ask for it."

"Forget it, I'll go back and look for Mr. Qin, and ask Mr. Wan to tell us about your visit!"

Wan Qixie handed his list to Shi Guangping and said, "I am here to borrow money from Baoji Cabinetry under the order of the government. The houses and shops on the list can be used as mortgages."

Shi Guangping frowned, he was devastated now, Baoji cabinets were all empty, so there was no money to lend to the court, but since it was an official asking for money, he couldn't refuse it straight away.

"I wonder how much the government wants to borrow?" Shi Guangping asked tentatively.

"Borrow 100 million guan first!"

"How much?" Shi Guangping's eyes widened suddenly.

"One million guan is nothing to Baoji Cabinetry!"

Shi Guangping stood up, took out a thick stack of deeds from the cabinet next to him, and threw them heavily in front of Wan Qixi, "These are businessmen who have borrowed more than 56 guan, and there are a total of 150 deeds. No one can find them. They left me a pile of real estate. , there are hundreds of loans of thousands of dollars, which are also mortgaged by the store, and I can't find the borrower. I thought I could keep the capital by selling the property, but the property plummeted, and Baoji Cabinet Square suddenly lost money. [-] million coins, I have lost all my money, how can I have money to lend to the court?"

(End of this chapter)

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