
Chapter 1433 Burning Eyebrows

Chapter 1433 Burning Eyebrows
Xiangguo Zhu Shengfei also said: "Your Majesty, I also agree with Zhang Xiangguo's opinion that the assassination case should be related to the plummeting of Lin'an real estate. The only thing that cannot be determined now is whether it was done by an individual or a certain power group."

University scholar Tao Lin stroked his beard and said: "Mr. Zhang is right. The assassination case is just the beginning of revenge. I'm afraid there will be a series of revenge in the future. The murderer should be found out as soon as possible!"

Qin Hui wanted to blame King Yong and the Western Army for everything, but this time he encountered a big problem. The four ministers in the Yushufang except him did not support him. This time, even Zhu Shengfei, who had always followed behind him, did not Not supporting him anymore is really a matter of great importance, and everyone is unwilling to follow him to fool the emperor.

The discussion for nearly an hour ended in vain, and no one could come up with a solution. First of all, the direction was inconsistent. The five ministers showed three attitudes. Qin Hui's attitude was negative, and he just repeatedly emphasized that he must find out the truth, what should he do to find out the truth He didn't say what to do, so what if he couldn't find out the truth, and he didn't even mention it. His opinion was actually evasion, and it was best to let it go.

Xu Xiantu and Zhang Jun strongly urged the emperor to be tough and never give in, to punish the murderer severely, and to severely crack down on the arrogance of the murderer behind the scenes. As for how to fight?hit who?Both were silent when it came to details.

On the other hand, Zhu Shengfei and Tao Lin advocated to appease the powerful and prevent them from taking further radical actions, but neither of them could say exactly how to appease them.

In fact, everyone knows that the best way is to let real estate prices rebound, so that those whose interests have been seriously damaged will be compensated, and the world will naturally be peaceful, but how easy is it to make real estate prices rebound?
Xu Xiantu was retained by the emperor Zhao Gou. The emperor Zhao Gou had too many things that disturbed him, which made him upset, but he was still able to stay awake and kept his eyes on one goal, which was his military salary, which was 50 yuan a month. Wan Guan's military expenditure must be implemented as soon as possible.

Zhao Gou sighed and said: "Wan Qixie went to borrow money from the three major cabinets, but was plotted against him if there was no result. Please Xu Aiqing take over from him, continue to negotiate with the three major cabinets, and borrow 100 million yuan as soon as possible."

Xu Xiantu was silent for a moment and said: "Wan Qixie went to Baoji Cabinet with Liu Chen, the doctor of Duzhi. I asked Liu Chen yesterday, and Baoji Cabinet has no money. I'm afraid it will close down soon. We can only Go to the other two cabinets to find a way."

Zhao Gou was taken aback. A lot of his and his concubine's personal money was stored in Baoji Cabinet. He quickly asked, "Did Baoji Cabinet really go bankrupt?"

"That's what Liu Chen said, but what Weichen learned from other sources is similar. They couldn't get back the money they borrowed, and the mortgaged properties plummeted and couldn't be sold. They suffered heavy losses. Liu Chen said, Baoji Cabinet I have already lost all my capital, and I still owe customers 60 guan, once a large number of customers come to withdraw money, they will not be able to pay, the situation is very serious, and it can be said that it is at stake."

"If that's the case, Zhen and the imperial concubine will take out all the money stored with them!"

"Your Majesty has a private treasury, so it shouldn't be a big problem, but we still need to take it out as soon as possible. Besides, I have another suggestion."

"What advice?"

Xu Xiantu said in a low voice: "Wan Qixie was assassinated in front of the gate of Baoji cabinet workshop. Liu Chen told me that after the assassination, the proprietor Shi Guangping never showed up, but he was inside the cabinet workshop. After talking, it is impossible to leave so soon."

Zhao Gou took a breath and said, "Ai Qing means that Shi Guangping is suspected?"

"Wei Chen believes that the assassination of Wan Qixie was done by a group, and Shi Guangping should be a member of this group. He probably participated in the planning, so he dared not show his face with a guilty conscience."

"Then what does Xu Aiqing suggest?"

Xu Xiantu said slowly: "Wan Qixie died at the gate of Baoji cabinet workshop. Your majesty can use this as an excuse to strike at Shi Guangping and severely attack the arrogance of that group of people. Your majesty, the Shi family is as rich as an enemy!"

Zhao Gou will not offend the powerful group because of a Wanqixie. He thinks the same as Qin Hui. Wanqixie dies as soon as he dies. But the enemy country, and he is extremely short of money.

But the matter is important, Zhao Gou still has to weigh it. It is not that simple to attack the powerful group. He has to think carefully before making a decision.

"Let me think about it, Xu Aiqing should visit the other two cabinet shops first."

Xu Xiantu nodded, "It's not that easy to borrow money. Maybe those houses and shops have to mortgage at a very low price to borrow money."

"Everything is up to Xu Aiqing to decide on her own, I hope there will be a result today!"

Zhao Gou was already impatient, and he had to choose these two days to solve the problem of military pay. He couldn't even care about Wan Qixie's death for the time being. As long as he could get the money, Xu Xiantu would do whatever he wanted to mortgage it.

"Wei Chen is going!"

In the inner meeting hall of Jiangnan Cabinet Workshop, Xu Xiantu summoned the principals of the two major cabinet workshops. Of course, the principals were not the big shopkeepers, but the representatives of the proprietors of the cabinet workshops. The principal of Wanbao Cabinet Workshop was Liu Wei, the eldest son of Liu Xianchen.

There are two representatives of the proprietor of Wanbao Cabinet Workshop, one is Zheng Qing, the eldest grandson of Zheng Tongquan, who lives in Jingzhao, and Liu Wei lives in Jiangnan.

Liu Wei is usually in Pingjiang Mansion, because Lin'an real estate land prices plummeted, causing turmoil, in order to ensure the safety of money, Liu Wei has been sitting in Lin'an during this time, accompanied by the big shopkeeper Qiu Ping'an.

The person in charge of the Jiangnan cabinet shop is Qian Wenyi, who is also the son of the Qian family, the largest proprietor of the cabinet shop, and Yang Da, the shopkeeper of the cabinet shop, was also present.

Liu Wei asked: "If Xiangguo was assassinated at the gate of Baoji Cabinet, did he go to Baoji Cabinet to borrow money?"

The three major cabinets are all in a competitive relationship, and they are very well-informed about each other, and they can't hide any troubles from them.

Xu Xiantu nodded, "That's right, he was Baoji Cabinet last night to discuss borrowing money?"

"Can Mr. Xu tell us the result of the discussion with Baoji Cabinet?" Qian Wenyi asked.

Xu Xiantu hesitated, "Can I not say it?"

Liu Wei and Yang Wenyi glanced at each other, and they had a good understanding. They both realized that they could use this opportunity to find out the secrets of Baoji Cabinetry, so the two cooperated quite tacitly.

Liu Wei smiled and said: "Of course Xianggong Xu can not talk about it, but it is very difficult for us to talk about it. At least we have to get the same conditions as Baoji Cabinet Shop, and we can't treat one more favorably than another. With all due respect, if Xianggong Xu doesn't say anything, We will not see the sincerity of the court."

Both Liu Wei and Yang Wenyi are both 35 and [-] years old. They have worked hard in the mall for many years. They are unambiguous in the details. They know that the court wants from them, so they must get the best conditions.

Xu Xiantu pondered for a while and said, "Then give me a confirmation letter first, whether the money can be borrowed. If you don't want to borrow money at all, then I don't need to say too much."

Liu Wei and Qian Wenyi looked at each other, Liu Wei nodded, "If the price of the mortgaged property is low enough, we can borrow it, up to 50 yuan."

Qian Wenyi also said: "Our Jiangnan cabinet shop is the same. In principle, we can borrow it, depending on the price."

Xu Xiantu let go of his heart, since he was willing to borrow money, it was easy to say, at this time, the secret of Baoji Cabinetry became a stepping stone for him to borrow money, and he didn't care about selling Baoji Cabinetry at all.

(End of this chapter)

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