
Chapter 1434 hint

Chapter 1434 hint
After nearly an hour of negotiations, the three parties finally finalized the loan agreement. Wanbao Cabinet and Jiangnan Cabinet each agreed to lend 50 guan to the imperial court, and the total loan amount was 100 million guan. The interests of the two cabinets are sufficient, and this interest is the valuation of the collateral.

What Xu Xiantu took out were houses, shops, and farmland outside the city as collateral. The valuation of the collateral was half of the current market value. For example, the Yulou of the Yu Qingfeng family covers an area of ​​about three acres. The top ten restaurants in Lin’an, last year’s market price was 15 guan per mu, and the total price was 1 guan. In the past few days, the land price has collapsed, and the price of Yulou has dropped to [-] guan per mu, and the total price has become [-] guan , but the estimated value mortgaged to Jiangnan Cabinet was halved again, becoming [-] guan.

Is this low price?In fact, it's not low, it's just a normal market price. Jiangnan Guifang is not asking for a sky-high price, and its asking price is also based on its basis. It is based on the price of restaurants in the most prosperous areas of Pingjiang Mansion and Jiankang Mansion, where the price per mu is only [-] About [-] guan, once Lin’an loses the aura of the capital, the normal land price is only [-] guan, and Jiangnan Cabinet Factory only asks for a slightly lower price.

The same is true for Wanbao Cabinet Workshop. They mainly take the farmland outside the city as collateral, and the mortgage price is about [-] guan per mu. The price of farmland outside the city has not dropped much. It fell to about eight guans per mu, only half of it, and Wanbao Cabinet Square is based on the farmland prices in Yuezhou and Jiaxing Prefecture, where the farmland prices are about six guans per mu.

The price of farmland in Jingzhaofu is ten guans per mu, and in places other than Jingzhaofu, it is five guans per mu. The price of farmland in the Central Plains is also five guans per mu. Of course, the farmlands in the Central Plains and Guanzhong cannot be compared with those in the south of the Yangtze River. The farmland in the south of the Yangtze River is Double-cropping rice has a high yield, so the price must be much higher, but isn't the court begging for help now?To ask for help, you must show sincerity and give the cabinet enough benefits.

You must know that the housing prices in Lin'an City were hyped to be very high before, but the farmland prices in Jiangnan are just the opposite. They are constantly suppressed by the rich and powerful to facilitate them to buy land at a low price. The normal farmland prices in Yuezhou and Jiaxing Prefecture should be per mu About ten guan, was suppressed by the rich and powerful to [-] guan per mu.

Therefore, the mortgage price of Wuguan per mu has also benefited greatly.

The two cabinets knew very well that although the loan was mortgaged, judging from the financial situation of the imperial court, the money would never be repaid by the end of the year, so the mortgaged property must belong to them.

Of course, Xu Xiantu also won certain benefits for the court, that is, there is no interest on this three-month loan. You must know that the normal loan interest of the counter shop is two per cent per month, and three months is six per cent. The money needs to pay back 100 guan in interest, so Xu Xiantu gave a low enough valuation of the collateral, even if the interest was included.

Of course, the two cabinet shops are not fools either. They clearly stated in the terms that if the imperial court redeems the collateral after three months, they must pay the normal loan interest, which is [-]% per month.

After the three parties reached a loan agreement, Xu Xiantu immediately sent Liu Chen, a Duzhi doctor, to rush back to the imperial court to report to the emperor. After half an hour, he received a reply from the emperor, saying that he could sign a contract. At noon, Xu Xiantu officially signed the agreement on behalf of the imperial court and the two cabinet shops An agreement was made to borrow 100 million yuan.

The government immediately remade a new title deed, and all the original title deeds were invalidated. The worst thing among them was Baoji Cabinet Workshop, which meant that the thick stack of mortgage title deeds in the hands of Baoji Cabinet Workshop had all become waste paper.

Nominally, the interests of the merchants were completely deprived, but in fact it was the bankruptcy of the imperial court. You must know that the essence of dynasty change is the change of interests. A group of new nobles came to power to seize the interests of the old nobles. It is land interest.

Although the new title deed replacement only involves the interests of merchants, this matter itself has touched another major issue, that is, the credibility of the dynasty. Guaranteeing land ownership is the most basic credit of a dynasty. For land, they have to use various means to obtain the land deeds from farmers, and then carry out mergers and acquisitions at low prices, and dare not say that they bribe the government to invalidate the land deeds in your hands.

But now, the title deeds of farmland and real estate are still in the hands of merchants or cabinet workshops, and the imperial court directly invalidated them, which undoubtedly means the complete bankruptcy of the imperial court's credit.

Of course, this result was already doomed when the imperial court confiscated the merchant's land and real estate stores, and it did not happen after borrowing money from the two counter shops.

Xu Xiantu left, but Liu Wei did not. Qian Wenyi persuaded him to keep him for lunch, and Liu Wei of course understood that he would stay, just like two cheetahs holding hands when an elephant is about to fall.

The tea time after the meal is the time for the two to talk about business.

"Brother Liu, do you think Baoji Cabinet can survive this round?" Qian Wenyi asked with a smile.

Liu Wei smiled and said, "Let me tell my virtuous brother one thing, how does His Royal Highness Prince Yong evaluate Baoji Cabinet Workshop!"

Qian Wenyi was refreshed, and quickly said: "Brother Liu, please tell me!"

"His Royal Highness Yong said that the emperor has never realized the importance of the cabinet. When the emperor realizes it, that is, when the disaster of Baoji cabinet and even the Shi family comes, the emperor will definitely swallow the treasure. Swallowing it is too ugly, he must find a reason to kill the Shi family, and Baoji Cabinetry will naturally get it."

Qian Wenyi frowned and said: "I understand Brother Liu's meaning. The emperor can take money directly from the cabinet, but no matter how rich the cabinet is, it is also the customer's money. The emperor cannot take away the customer's money at will. Come on, who still believes in Baoji Cabinetry?"

Liu Wei smiled wryly and said, "Zheng Tongquan told us these words, and we never understood them. Later, Zheng Tongquan told us one thing. If we understand something, brother, do you still remember the salt lord Zhang Tai?"

Qian Wenyi nodded, "I know that Hu Yun forcibly took away his wealth stored in Baoji Cabinet Workshop. Afterwards, I got the news that a total of 35 gold, silver and various properties were taken away."

"That's right, if Baoji Cabinet is owned by the emperor, will it be Hu Yun's turn to take Zhang Tai's huge wealth?"

Qian Wenyi understood a little bit, "You mean that the emperor will look for prey from the wealth in the inventory?"

Liu Wei sighed and said: "We later realized that what King Yong meant was that if the emperor took a fancy to a certain amount of wealth, he would unknowingly kill the owner of the wealth, and the wealth would fall into his hands." , Baoji Cabinet has branches all over the world, and its century-old reputation has made everyone believe in it. Now that there is a Wanqixi case, will the emperor use it to attack Baoji Cabinet and even the Shi family?"

Qian Wenyi pondered for a moment and said: "Brother Liu means that our two families still can't take the idea of ​​Baoji Cabinet, so as not to be affected by the case of Wanqi Xie."

Liu Wei said indifferently: "The elephant in Baoji Cabinet is down, the real predator is not only the Son of Heaven, we little ants don't want to join in the fun."

Qian Wenyi pondered for a moment, and suddenly understood that King Yong was also staring at Baoji Cabinet, Wanbao Cabinet must have got the news.

Qian Wenyi thought of another rumor that [-]% of the Wanbao Cabinet Shop is in the hands of King Yong, it seems that this rumor is true.

He immediately stood up and said, "Thank you, brother Liu, for reminding me!"

(End of this chapter)

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