
Chapter 1438 New Palace

Killing a chicken will frighten the monkey most of the time, but there are exceptions to everything.

In the northeast of Lin'an City, there is a mansion covering an area of ​​[-] mu. This is the mansion of the Xiang family, the relative of the family, and the head of the Xiang family is Xiang Desheng.

The Xiang family is naturally the Empress Dowager's natal family, because the Empress Dowager Xiang was kind to Song Huizong's ascension to the throne, so during the Zhenghe and Xuanhe years, the Xiang family flourished.

But for more than ten years after moving south, the Xiang family kept a low profile. On the one hand, a large part of the clan was taken captive to the north, which dealt a heavy blow to the Xiang family. Another reason was that the relationship between the Xiang family and King Kang and Zhao Gou was not good. .

The low-key of the Xiang family is more of a strategy, a kind of self-protection, but it does not mean that the strength of the Xiang family is weak. On the contrary, the wealth of the Xiang family is still strong. The Xiang family is only low-key, but it has great influence on the court and the military. On the one hand, the Xiang family still cannot be underestimated, and its influence is even much greater than that of the Shi family.

After Xiang Desheng listened to a warrior's report, he snorted coldly and said, "This food looks really pretty."

His nephew Xiang Kui said: "I heard that the government sent Plum Blossom Guard soldiers to evacuate the No. [-] warehouse of Baoji Cabinet Square. Do we want to transfer Xiang's wealth out as soon as possible?"

Xiang Desheng shook his head, "The No. [-] storehouse is the property of the Shi family. Before the Shi family's wealth is exhausted, I forgive him for not daring to touch the money of other families, but it will be hard to say in the future. Don't worry! I will arrange it as soon as possible. Send the money to Yangzhou."

"But Baoji Cabinet also has part of our Xiang family. Will the government swallow Baoji Cabinet?"

Xiang Desheng pondered for a long time and said: "Don't think about Baoji Cabinetry anymore. Both Cabinet Factory and Fengle Building will not exist for long. What we have to do now is to find a way out as soon as possible."

At this time, a guard at the door reported: "His Royal Highness, Lin'an has sent an urgent pigeon letter!"

Chen Qing smiled faintly: "If you still want to use him, it means that I have failed too much these years."

After finishing speaking, Xiang Desheng stood up and said, "I'm going to visit the Gao family and the Wang family now. You should send people to Wenzhou immediately and tell those leaders not to act rashly for now."

At this time, Lu Gang sent the second pigeon letter within three days, but what happened?

Chen Qing said with a faint smile: "We have to wait for three months. How many things will happen in these three months? Actually, there is no need. Our imperial examination next year will still be in March."

Chen Qing took his family members ashore one by one, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Do you all like this place?"

Jiang Yan pondered for a while and said, "Will His Highness take any action?"

Chen Qing sneered and said, "It's like using strong medicine to cure a severe disease. A healthy person will have no problem, and he can bear the harsh medicine, but a weak person may die if he is not cured. The problem with Zhao Gou is that he can't face up to his own strength, and always thinks that his country is orthodox, and everyone in the world should listen to him. This is not the case, but the few ministers he often contacts still listen to him. People's hearts have changed early, these rich and powerful people are his last supporters, if even these powerful and powerful people are hostile to him, then his foundation will be completely gone."

Xue'er and Bing'er quarreled and said, "Daddy, I like this place. The grass and woods are so big. We saw a lot of little squirrels!"

"what idea?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "They are all specially raised for you, and you will also meet deer and lambs."

This is actually a security measure introduced by the Internal Affairs Hall after Chen Qing was assassinated. Officials have a place to eat and drink tea at noon, so they don't have to go out to face danger, especially His Royal Highness King Yong. It is not good for him to go out for dinner and tea safe.

The guard presented a pigeon letter, and Chen Qing slowly opened it for a closer look. He accepted the pigeon letter and said to Zhou Kuan and Jiang Yanxian: "It's not a big deal, there has been a serious run on Baoji cabinets in Pingjiang Mansion and Yuezhou , the cabinet shop couldn’t get the money, the shopkeeper and the clerk were beaten to death, two private treasure houses were robbed, and the Baoji cabinet shop in Yuezhou was set on fire.”

Chen Qing was also staring at the changes in the situation in Lin'an, and at the same time, he was using Xu Xiantu to promote the further development of the Lin'an Bureau.

Zhou Kuan said with a smile: "Now I can see it clearly. The Son of Heaven wants to use his left hand to embrace wealth, and his right hand to kill these dignitaries. The Shi family is the first one, and none of the other families will be able to escape."

Yongwang Palace is at least ten times the size of the previous mansion, covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand acres. It is actually an enlarged version of Chen Qing's mansion. The rippling lake alone has [-] acres of water, called Taiye Pool. The island covers an area of ​​[-] mu, and inside it is a group of buildings called Ganlu Palace. The main building is called the Five-Star Tower, which consists of five huge towers connected by a corridor in the middle.

Zhou Kuan sighed and said, "It's like falling dominoes, one link after another. It should be that the money from the Baoji Cabinet Workshop in Pingjiang Prefecture, Yuezhou, was transferred to Lin'an. The news spread, which triggered a panic. It is estimated that the next step That’s Yangzhou and other Baoji counters.”

Zhou Kuan and Jiang Yanxian looked at each other in blank dismay, and the Internal Affairs Hall knew nothing about this matter.

"Nephew will arrange it immediately!"

Chen Qing was startled, and ordered: "Submit it!"

Chen Qing nodded, "I sent thirty internal guards with high martial arts skills to infiltrate Lin'an to follow Lu Gang's instructions. Judging from the current situation, those dignitaries will not stand still and will definitely backfire. If we can use this backlash With the power to achieve political goals, the time to solve the southeast in one fell swoop will not be far."

The two clapped their hands happily, Lu Xiu also smiled and said: "I feel that the layout here is the same as our current residence, and we will not get lost. Is it built according to our current residence?"

Zhou Kuan said again: "Your Highness, I have an idea, I can try it out."

After leaving the teahouse, Chen Qing took a carriage to the Yongwang Palace, which is also the palace city part of the Taiji Palace, and Chen Qing's new home is already making preparations for moving.

Princess Lu Xiu was going to be the first one to go ashore. Chen Qing stepped forward quickly and handed it to his wife. Lu Xiu smiled sweetly and put his arms on the shore. His children cheered together when they saw their father.

There is also a teahouse recently opened in the Taiji Palace, called Taiji Teahouse. This teahouse is not open to the public, only open to officials. It is a bit like the internal canteen of the later generations. The teahouse provides all kinds of good tea and delicious delicacies, and there are also several beautiful people. The tea girls order tea and sencha, which are very popular among officials. Although they are cheap and good, they are not free, and officials still have to pay the bill out of their own pockets.

Jiang Yan clapped his hands and laughed, "This trick is wonderful, you can try it!"

"Don't worry, come one by one!"

Jiang Yan went back to the official office first, and when he found an opportunity, Zhou Kuan said in a low voice: "The former prince of Bianliang, will His Highness use it again?"

Chen Qing sighed slightly, "Yes! This is no longer my business alone."

Zhou Kuan nodded and said with a smile: "It is related to the vital interests of everyone, and I have to ask one more question."

"There is no problem with the Yangzhou Baoji cabinet shop. The cabinet shop is full of our people, and the money cannot be transferred. In fact, I have ordered the internal guards three days ago, and the internal guards will send people to assist the first cabinet shop in Sichuan and Shaanxi to take over Baoji. The cabinet is directly replaced by the brand of Sichuan-Shaanxi No. [-] Cabinet.”

"The Imperial Court's imperial examination is scheduled to be held on the tenth day of February next year. We might as well advance our imperial examination to early February. From the number of scholars who participated in the imperial examination in the two places, we can see what the people of the world want."

At noon, Chen Qing, Zhou Kuan, and Jiang Yanxian had lunch and tea in the Taiji Teahouse.

Chen Qing said indifferently: "It's best not to go through the internal affairs hall for this kind of plundering. I will arrange internal guards to handle it. You just know the result."

At this time, there were already [-] court ladies and dozens of old eunuchs living in the harem. They were all court ladies and eunuchs from Daxing City before. They were homeless, so they continued to live in Tai Chi Palace.

When Chen Qing rushed to the harem, he saw a [-] stone dragon boat sailing from the direction of the island in the middle of the lake. Inside were his wife and children, as well as a nurse holding the child.

Chen Qing nodded, "That's right, it's the same as our current mansion, as you can see, there is also an island in the middle of the lake, and an attic on the island, but the building complex has been enlarged more. It used to be a courtyard, but now No, it is now a small palace area, and we will have to take a car to visit each other in the future."

Zhao Qiaoyun asked: "Officer, how many people can this palace accommodate?"

"It can accommodate up to 2000 people, but in reality there will not be so many people, a maximum of 400 people."

Yao Mei really likes the openness of this place, so she asked impatiently, "When can we move here?"

Chen Qing said with a smile, "I'll move here after packing up. It's best to clean up before winter. We can spend our first winter here."

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