
Chapter 1439 Mission

Chapter 1439 Mission

In Liaodong, a [-]-stone fishing boat went northward along the Liaoshui River under the cover of night. There were four people sitting in the boat. Li Wan, one named Wang Hu, and a boatman, these five people formed a mixed team, Zhong Huan and the boatman belonged to the inner guard, Yelukang was a member of the Yuguan West Army and served as a guide, and Li Wan and Wang Fu were scouts elite.

Their task is very clear, to assassinate the strange monk Hu Shatu. In fact, Zhong Huan prepared for a month on Yanshan Road, and learned a lot of detailed information from Yang Qin and other insiders of the Jin Kingdom. I know how to go to Shangjing, and I also know how to kill Hu Shahu.

The safest way to go is by water. Although the Jurchens are a fishing and hunting people, there are very few real fishermen. They mainly focus on hunting in the mountains, but they can’t reach Shangjing from Liaoshui River. They will transfer to a tributary from Guide County in the north of Shenzhou Huifachuan, then enters Songwashui, and finally enters Huntong River, directly arriving at Shangjing.

It was getting brighter, and they had entered the Huifa River. There was a thin layer of mist on the surface of the river. Zhong Huan looked out from the window of the fishing boat. It was bleak in late autumn outside, and there was no residential house on the bank, and there was no one inhabited everywhere.

Yelukang explained to Zhong Huan with a smile: "There is still a little population in the southeastern part of Liaodong, but the further north you go, the fewer the population. The area is so vast that sometimes you can't see a single person even if you walk for ten days and half a month."

Yelukang was very young, only in his early 20s. He was a prisoner of war. His mother was a Han exile from the north, and his father was a Khitan slave, so he was born a slave. He followed his father to carry salt around when he was a teenager. And supplies, once he fell ill, his father stole a piece of salt to treat him, but was beaten to death, and his mother was abused to death by Jurchen soldiers.

Yelukang was incorporated into the miscellaneous team stationed in Pingzhou. After the Western Army entered Yanshan Mansion, he became a deserter and went to the Western Army to avenge his parents. He has Han blood, and he understands Han, Jurchen and The Khitan speaks three languages, was recruited by the Western Army, and officially became a member of the Western Army. This time he was selected by Zhong Huan and served as a guide.

What's more, he was the only one who had ever seen Hushatu.

"The Jurchen population is not large, and the young and strong men are basically killed in battle. The remaining women and children are gathered in the area of ​​Shangjing, so the population of Shangjing is relatively large. Even if we see the village, it must be empty. I was in Jin Kingdom. When I was a slave, I went to various places to carry supplies to Shangjing.

Yelukang touched Zhonghuan and pointed to the northeast. Only then did Zhonghuan discover a sentry tower. The five soldiers should be living in the watchtower, and there should be other people in the watchtower.

Langya Valley is currently a military forbidden area of ​​the Kingdom of Jin. Anyone is not allowed to approach it, or they will be killed. Not only at the foot of the mountain, but also on the mountain there are sentries and soldiers patrolling.

The boat passed by on the sparkling water, and the upper capital was gradually left behind. The flames on both sides became sparse again, and finally turned into darkness. At five o'clock, the outline of a mountain appeared in front of their eyes. Their purpose land has arrived.

Zhong Huan's judgment was not wrong. When they saw the top of Langya Valley, they also saw five sentry golden soldiers. They held bows, arrows and spears, standing on a high place and looking around.

Li Wan has rich experience, and can tell what kind of firearm it is from the sound of the explosion.

Leaving the boatman to watch the boat, the four of them climbed up the mountain with various weapons.

At this moment, there was a loud "boom!" not far away, startling the birds on the mountain and flying into the sky.

Zhong Huan nodded and asked the boatman to rest on the shore. He called together several of his men, took out a map and put it on a small table, and said to the four of them: "I told you before that our goal this time is to Assassinate Hu Shatu, a strange monk, but it is not necessary to go to Shangjing to assassinate this person. In fact, we cannot enter Shangjing, and the Han people are not allowed to enter the city at all. If we are discovered, we will definitely be arrested as spies. But we still have another chance, and that's here."

Everyone was startled, and hurried out of the cabin. They were startled, and saw three white-fronted tigers drinking water by the river, only a dozen feet away from them. A tiger raised its head, looked at them vigilantly, and suddenly raised its head. With a roar, the tiger howled in the forest, and everyone rushed to help the boat leave the shore.

The next step is to wait patiently. Of course, it is easy for them to kill these five people, but they are also easy to be discovered by the people inside the sentry tower. Their mission is to assassinate Hushatu. Once they are exposed, the mission will completely fail.

In the afternoon, the experiment was over, and the five Jurchen soldiers went back to the sentry tower. Only then did Zhong Huan discover that there was a sentry hiding behind each of the two boulders. It turned out that there were seven sentries in total, not five. There was a cold sweat.

Zhong Huan said with a smile: "Our intelligence station got the news that Jin Guo's attack on Koryo consumed a lot of firearms. They are making every effort to prepare firearms. Hushatu will basically be in Langya Valley. There is not only a test site, but also firearms research and development. .”

All the way to the north, there was no sign of anyone. Five days later, the boat entered the Huntong River. The Huntong River is the Songhua River. They are very close to Shangjing, less than [-] miles away. They cannot sail during the day. There are patrol boats on the river, so they can only travel at night. past.

"Commander, there should be ten people in the sentry tower!" Wang Fu whispered.

He pointed to the map and said: "Thirty miles east of Shangjing City, there is a valley called Langya Valley. This is a forbidden area and also a test site for Jin Guo's firearms. Hushatu often comes here to test firearms. Just stay for a few months."

"What if he happens to be away during this time?" Li Wan asked worriedly.

At this time, it was already bright, and they climbed up a ridge. The hillside was long, but not too steep, and there were not many trees. There were all kinds of strange big rocks. They used the cover of the big rocks to climb quickly. On the way to the top of the mountain, they didn't see any patrolling soldiers.

"How far is it from the river?" Wang Hu asked.

The fishing boat docked in a hidden place, a big rock protruded from the river, and the boat could be hidden under it.

Under the cover of night, the boats sailed silently on the river, and the dots of flames on both sides of the river obviously increased. The dots of dots, like stars in the sky, did not know whether they were military camps or residential buildings. At this time, they saw the majestic outline of Shangjing City, They actually came to the capital of the Kingdom of Jin.

"It's right by the Hudong River, we can retreat directly from the river then!"

Yelukang nodded and said, "I heard from my father that he went to build fortifications in Langya Valley. He said that it is surrounded by cliffs and the valley inside is more like a gourd. I have never entered it, only stayed outside."

At this time, the boatman whispered outside: "There is a situation!"

The four hurriedly squatted behind a big rock, Li Wan whispered: "It's the barrel fire thunder!"

Zhong Huan nodded, "Langya Valley is conducting firearm tests, and the patrolling soldiers should be above the entrance of the valley!"

Langya Valley is located in a large mountainous area. The entrance is very small, but inside it is another world. There is a Jurchen barracks at the entrance. Anyone who wants to enter the valley has to go through the barracks. The defense is very tight.

However, Jin Guo also knew that basically there would be no scouts from the Western Army, so they were more likely to prevent ordinary people from getting close to Langya Valley, and soldiers guarded every road leading to Langya Valley.

The seven sentries all went back to the sentry tower. Their task was also very simple. When the firearms field was conducting experiments, they stood guard at the top and did not allow outsiders to approach.

Zhong Huan nodded, he thought so too.

Li Wan was the most agile, he approached the top of the valley very quickly and secretly, and looked down for a while.

He soon came back and said to Zhong Huan: "The other party has set up six wooden houses as test targets, and there is another brick house, three of which have been blown up, and three wooden houses. The other test devices have not been taken away. Will continue to experiment.

Zhong Huan pondered for a moment, and said to the crowd: "Anyway, we must bet this time, we will kill the sentry at night!"

(End of this chapter)

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