
Chapter 1443 Supplies

Chapter 1443 Supplies
Chen Qing said lightly: "You asked a very good question. You should know that the Yu Qingfeng family and the Wang Zhenbang family also obtained honorary officials by donating money and food to the Western Army. According to regulations, the upper limit of land that the two families can own is Fifteen hectares, but in fact, the land owned by the two families is more than [-] hectares, what is the reason?"

"I implore Your Highness to clarify!"

"I can tell you that the Zheng family only owns 280 hectares of land in the territory of Yong State. It is a manor covering an area of ​​[-] mu. I rewarded Zheng Ping. The other [-] hectares of land of the Zheng family are overseas. The Yu Qingfeng family It’s the same with the Wang Zhenbang family, their family’s land is also overseas, and overseas is not restricted by land.”

"Overseas? What does overseas mean?" Xiang Kui was at a loss.

"The current overseas is the guide ocean, and it will be even wider in the future. We will build a powerful navy and continue to occupy the vast land of no man overseas. You can carry out land replacement, and replace the farmland in your hands with overseas land. According to the replacement ratio of [-]:[-], the current [-] hectare of Jiangnan land is replaced with [-] hectares of overseas land, and [-] hectares of land is replaced with [-] hectares of overseas land, which can be exchanged for a big island. This is actually the best way. Of course, It is also possible to sell the land, we have not forced it, and we will give a certain amount of time to process it, but it cannot exceed one year.”

Xiang Kui sighed, "I fully understand what Your Highness means!"

Chen Qing said again: "I am very happy that you are willing to declare your allegiance, but I also have a bottom line. I will do what I want to do. If you only express your allegiance when I am at the gate of the city, it will be impossible for you to keep your property. At most Save your life, so I only have one piece of advice for you, being pragmatic is the way to save your life!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Qing wrote a line and handed it to Xiang Kui, "Take it back!"

Xiang Kui could see clearly that His Royal Highness Yong Wang wrote exactly: "He who understands current affairs is a hero!" '

Xiang Kui left Jingzhao on the same day and returned to Lin'an. He stayed in Jingzhao for less than half a day, but he already got what he wanted.

"After we went ashore, we went straight up the mountain. There were only ten sentries on the mountain. At that time, we couldn't figure out why there were so few sentries. We figured out the reason later. One reason was that we went up the cliff directly and didn't take the surrounding paths. There must be sentries on the surrounding paths. The second reason why people can’t go up to the hills is that the various experiments are relatively top secret, and the Kingdom of Jin doesn’t want more soldiers to see the experiments, so there are very few soldiers on the top of the mountain, which also helps us.”

"Has the property been transferred out?" Chen Qing asked again.

Chen Qing was silent for a while. From various indications, this should be the first time that Jin Guo exploded an iron fire mine. Regardless of whether Hu Shatu was assassinated or not, as long as the iron fire mine exploded successfully, they would be able to create a second one sooner or later. Tiehuolei, and then the third and fourth ones, I really don't have much time left for myself.

"Reporting to Your Highness, three thousand stones should be okay, but I'm afraid it won't work if the boat is bigger, and some sections of the river are relatively narrow."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said, "Your father is still in Lin'an, right?"

"I wrote you a note. You immediately send someone to your father and ask him to take the note to Lu Gang for help. Lu Gang will use a sea boat to transfer the Cao family to Quanzhou. The matter is urgent, so act quickly. .”

"Actually, nothing happened, it was just a precaution. I was worried that the conflict between the powerful and the emperor would intensify. The emperor would attack the powerful in order to keep the throne. It is just a possibility. If the emperor really strikes, the first to bear the brunt would be someone who has something to do with the Yong Kingdom. Families, such as your Cao family, Huyan family, Gao family, Yang family, Liu family, etc., I want to protect these families, so I will inform you first."

This time Zhong Huan returned to Jingzhao Mansion to report the details to Chen Qing, mainly the details. Chen Qing paid special attention to the development of Jin Guotiehuolei.

Chen Qing nodded, "Continue talking!"

Chong Huan and four of his subordinates were promoted and rewarded by Chen Qing on Yanshan Road, Zhong Huan was promoted to deputy commander, Li Wan and Wang Fu were promoted to command envoys, Yelukang and the boatman were also promoted to capitals, and each was rewarded with 1000 silver two.

"Father said in a letter that the property is being transferred to Fujian Road!"

"Because Tie Huolei had already been placed in the brick house, the soldiers moved it out to Wan Yanchang to check. He was pleasantly surprised and stroked Tie Huolei repeatedly. Therefore, I said that he didn't know beforehand, and after the match was lit, the soldiers There was no response until Hu Shatu yelled and squatted down with his ears covered, the soldiers reacted and covered their ears and squatted down. It can also be inferred from this that this is the first time to do the iron fire mine test, so everyone does not know how to prevent it .”

As he spoke, Chen Qing handed an envelope to Cao De. Cao De was startled and asked anxiously, "Your Highness, what happened?"

Chen Qing nodded, "I know, he is eager to go back and report, I don't know how they will choose in the end, but I am looking for you, there is another big thing!"

"How do you say that?"

Chen Qing met Wang Hao and Zhong Huan in the Qilin Pavilion of the inner palace, where he handled court affairs and received ministers in the inner palace.

Walking towards Kuigang, Chen Qing summoned Cao De immediately, Cao De clasped his fists and said, "Your Highness, he has already left and returned to Lin'an!"

Chen Qing took a few steps with his hands behind his back and asked, "You mean that the wood fire mine was tested the day before, and the iron fire mine was tested on the day of the assassination. There was only a brick house at the scene, right?"

Zhong Huan reported very carefully. They entered the Liaohe River and began to report, describing in detail the situation along the way and arriving at Shangjing. I want to know, can the ship of three thousand stones reach Shangjing directly from the Bohai Sea?"

"Wan Yanchang also showed up at the test site on the day of the assassination?" Chen Qing asked again.

Today is a day off, and it is also the first day off after his family moved to the inner palace, but Chen Qing has no time to accompany his wife and children. Kui, and today he is going to meet Zhong Huan who has just returned to Jingzhao from Yanshan Road.

Cao De nodded, "Not only my father, but our entire Cao family is in Lin'an."

"Exactly, I think that he is here to check the explosion of the iron fire thunder, so it can be seen that he didn't know it beforehand?"

Zhong Huan also explained in detail how he deployed, how the opponent tested Tiehuolei, and how he shot and killed Hu Shatu.

Cao De walked away quickly, and Chen Qing paced back and forth in the official room with his hands behind his back. He knew that letting these powerful families give up their land would also endanger their vital interests. They would definitely not accept it, so they would definitely take another This method of self-protection, or another method they have already prepared, is only their last retreat to find their allegiance, and it is by no means their first choice.

"Reporting to Your Highness, that is exactly the case!"

Chen Qing waits and sees
The next day, Jingzhao City was covered in a light snowstorm. This was the first light snowfall after winter. It snowed overnight. The next day, Jingzhao City was covered with a thin layer of white snow, and the weather became colder.

"Understand, I will immediately send someone to ride a fast horse to Lin'an!"

Apart from Hushatu and Tiehuolei, another focus of Chen Qing's attention is Zhonghuan's return journey, from Tongmen River to Jinghai, then south along the coast of Koryo, and then around the Bohai Sea, let Chen see it again Another line of attack.

"Did the ship encounter any dangers or difficulties when you returned?"

Zhong Huan thought for a while and said: "The big ship is going along the coastline of Koryo, and there is no storm. If it is difficult, it means that it is a bit difficult to supply. If there is a supply point in the middle, it will be completely smooth."

Chen Qing nodded slowly. Regarding the problem of the supply point, he should take down Tamna Island as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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