
Chapter 1444

Chapter 1444
Guo Changwu never imagined that he would return to Jingzhao again. Three months ago, he failed to assassinate Yong Wang Chen Qing at the intersection of Dongda Street, but managed to escape from Jingzhao and went to Jin Kingdom to join Wan Yanchang. He stayed in Jin Kingdom for less than one year. Month, was sent back to Jingzhao again.

Of course, this time he was carrying out the mission entrusted by the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. The Kingdom of Jin even personally met him, gave him two tasks, and promised that as long as he completed any one of the tasks, he would be able to gain official status and glory in the Kingdom of Jin rich.

Needless to say, the first mission is to assassinate Chen Qing again, but Guo Changwu has been in Jingzhao for ten days, and he can't even see Chen Qing's shadow. He only found out yesterday that King Yong had moved to the inner palace, and his motorcade He will no longer pass by the downtown street, and when he goes out, he will go out of the city directly from the north gate of Taiji Palace. He doesn't even know when he is squatting in the city.

The emperor of the Kingdom of Jin promised Guo Changwu that if he could assassinate Chen Qing, he would be made a prince directly, but if he completed the second one, he would be made a thousand households. There was a big gap. Of course he wanted to complete the first one. task, but the reality is here, if he didn't seize the last chance, he won't have a second chance.

Guo Changwu still lived in an inn outside the east city. This time he was pretending to be a scholar who was rushing for the imperial examination. He lived in the innermost room on the second floor. He asked the buddy to reward him with the condition that he could not enter his room, and no one was allowed to disturb his study. This time he completely learned the lesson from last time.

In the room, Guo Changwu pulled out his dagger and slowly cut open a wax pill. This was another task of his. The Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin repeatedly told him that he could only cut the wax pill when the first task was really impossible to complete.

Guo Changwu was already desperate for the assassination of Chen Qing. He had no choice but to carry out the second mission. It would be nice to be able to seal up thousands of households, so he could only comfort himself in this way.

Inside the wax pill was a note. He unfolded the note, and there was only one sentence on it, 'Assassinate Zhao Chen, the former prince of the Song Dynasty! '

Guo Changwu was a little confused, why did he assassinate the former prince Zhao Chen by himself?In fact, he did not understand the mentality of Wanyan Quan, the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. Of course, Wanyan Quan knew that he could not assassinate King Yong Chen Qing, so assassinating the former prince Zhao Chen was Wanyan Quan's real intention, which was a return gift to King Yong.

King Yong Chen Qing sent someone to assassinate Hu Shatu, a demon monk of the Liao Kingdom. Wanyan Quan also wanted to assassinate an important figure in the Northern Song Dynasty. He chose the former prince Zhao Chen, who was an important pawn of King Yong. A chess piece is enough to make King Yong extremely annoyed.

But Zhong Huan kept his hand and did not touch the Shanzhentang Pharmacy, which made the Shanzhentang Pharmacy slip through the net. At the same time, he turned against the shopkeeper Wang Kuang. It was used by Wan Yanchang again.

Wang Hao smiled and said, "Treasurer Wang, please introduce to General Xiaozhong!"

Wang Hao said with a smile: "General Xiaozhong doesn't know, Zhao Chen's family was sent back to Jingzhao three months ago."

I can't figure it out, but Guo Changwu must carry out the mission without compromise. Before leaving, Wan Yanchang gave him an address, Shanzhentang Pharmacy on Qinzhoumen Street, and told him repeatedly that it is not a last resort, don't Go find this pharmacy.

When he came to the official room soon, he bowed and saluted, "See Du Tong for humble posts!"

After packing up his things, he put on a felt hat. He purposely covered the space between his eyebrows. There was an obvious feature between his eyebrows, and he was worried about being recognized. Fortunately, it was snowing, so wearing a hat to keep warm went smoothly.

Wang Hao handed him an envelope with a smile and said, "Your errand is done!"

The two came to the inner courtyard one after the other, sat down in the inner hall, Wang Kuang asked: "Are you sent by Wanyan Shangshu?"

"Please give orders!"

Wang Kuang laughed and said, "So it's Mr. Guo, how can I help you?"

Chong Huan was taken aback, "Ex-Prince Zhao Chen? Then he should go to Bianliang, right?"

"No, I'll come back at noon tomorrow!"

Zhong Huan nodded, got up and walked quickly to Wang Hao's official room.

Zhong Huan returned to the inner guard after a three-day vacation. He has been promoted to deputy commander and has become one of the three major commanders under Wang Hao. It was handed over to another commander, and he has no new arrangements for the time being.

Shanzhentang Pharmacy was a branch of Wan Yanchang's intelligence leader Pi Xiangyang in Jingzhao City. At that time, it was a single-line contact, through the seat No. [-] of Xianquan Teahouse. The teahouse was used as bait, and three intelligence points were seized in a row, and Shanzhentang Pharmacy was one of them.

Guo Changwu nodded, took off his hat and put it on the table. Wang Kuang couldn't help but look at him. He saw that he looked very ordinary. The only thing special was that there was a big black mole between his eyebrows, which was quite conspicuous.

Guo Changwu nodded, "That's him!"

"Ex-Prince Zhao Chen?"

Wang Kuang pondered for a moment and said: "This information is very unpopular, we have never paid attention to it, how about it! Mr. Guo will come again at noon tomorrow, or Mr. Guo will give us the residence, and we will come!"

After carefully locking the door, Guo Changwu left the inn and entered the city. Qinzhoumen Street is located in the southwest of Jingzhao.

After speaking, Guo Changwu got up and left
Wang Kuang sat for a while, and then greeted the shop assistant, "Take care of the store, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back soon!"

The envelope was sealed by King Yong, and Zhong Huan was about to open it impatiently. Wang Hao waved his hand and said, "No hurry, there is something I need you to do right now."

"My surname is Guo!" Guo Changwu cherished his words like gold.

The soldiers brought up a middle-aged man who was Wang Kuang, the shopkeeper of Shanzhentang Pharmacy.

Guo Changwu walked into the lobby, went directly to the shopkeeper, and without saying a word, spread out his palm, which contained a silver medal, which was a token from Wan Yanchang.

Then send the information to Yanshan Road, and then send it to Liaodong by Eagle Letter at the Yanshan Road transfer station.

"Surname Guo?"

The shopkeeper is a Han Chinese named Wang Kuang, about 40 years old, a Han Chinese drug dealer in Liaodong, who was ordered to open a drug store here to collect information. Wang Kuang looked at Guo Changwu for a moment, then nodded, "Please come with me!"

"Shopkeeper Wang, please tell me!"

Wang Kuang bowed and saluted, "General Xiaozhong, long time no see."

Wang Kuang went out and stopped a carriage, told the driver the address, and the carriage immediately drove towards West Street.

It's just that Shanzhentang Pharmacy is mainly responsible for collecting public information, which is basically relatively stable and there is no risk. The internal guards often give it some important public information. Shanzhentang Pharmacy is quite valued by Jin Guo.

Wang Kuang asked again with a smile, "May I ask what your name is?"

He rented an ox cart, and arrived at Qinzhoumen Street not long after. The street is neither wide nor long, only two miles long, with residential houses on one side and shops on the other. This is actually a slum area, as everyone knows. It is about to be demolished, so private land speculation is very expensive, and the price has risen to [-] guan per mu. When Lu Xiu and the others bought the land, it was only [-] guan per mu, which increased more than ten times in just a few months. Part of it is government land, no matter how much the price increases, the biggest beneficiary is still the government.

"He only said his surname was Guo, but he refused to say what his name was specifically!"

"An assassin from the Kingdom of Jin came today and asked us about the residence of the former crown prince, Zhao Chen."

Guo Changwu was silent for a moment and said, "I want to know the residence of Zhao Chen, the former crown prince of the Song Dynasty?"

Zhong Huan nodded: "What's the assassin's name?"

Wang Hao immediately said: "Bring it up!"

At this time, Zhong Huan was sitting in his official room looking through the files. At this time, a soldier reported at the door, "General Xiao Zhong, everyone has something to look for!"

Guo Changwu could easily find out that Shanzhentang Pharmacy was an old store that sold medicines and also saw doctors. Its real identity was an intelligence station in the Kingdom of Jin. It was only established last year. Public information, such as army buildup, war outbreak, major disasters, etc.

A name flashed across Zhong Huan's mind, Guo Changwu.

He asked anxiously: "Does this person have a big mole between his eyebrows, with three short hairs on it!"

Wang Kuang nodded, "That's right!"

Chong Huan slapped his hands, "It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia, he's finally back!"

(End of this chapter)

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