
Chapter 1446 Rumors

Chapter 1446 Rumors
In the imperial study room, Zhao Gou put down the newspaper and asked Xu Xiantu, "Could this be Chen Qing's scheme to plant the murderer on Jin Guo?"

Xu Xiantu shook his head, "I don't think it's necessary. Chen Qing wants to get rid of the prince, just let him die. Anyway, the former prince's health is not good, so he was chronically poisoned. It's normal for him to die in the end. Trouble, what if the Kingdom of Jin refuses to admit it? We need to prepare a lot of evidence, and we need to link each other. If you don't think carefully, something will happen."

Zhao Gou thought it made sense, and asked Qin Hui again, "What does Qin Xiangguo think?"

Qin Hui thought about it and said, "Whether the assassination case is true or not is hard for me to judge, but I just feel that the newspapers have said too much, and it feels a bit like trying to cover it up."

"It's not trying to cover up!"

Zhang Jun added from the side: "They want to clarify the matter so that no one will doubt it. As Xu Xiangguo said, there is really no need to make it so complicated when a glass of poisoned wine can solve the problem. I even met Lu Gang at noon. When asked about this, he said that the internal guards of the Western Army had seized the assassination order of the Emperor of Jin, so there would be no fakes."

Zhao Gou nodded and put the newspaper aside. He didn't have much interest in the death of the former prince Zhao Chen. He convened the Prime Minister today to expand the army, and he will expand the army by 20. He already has thousands of troops in his hands. Ten thousand coins is enough to support an army of more than [-].

But several prime ministers did not support his expansion of the army. The reason is very simple. They don't have that many people to support the army. There are more than 200 troops. It takes almost [-] million people to have so many young and strong. How many people are there in Jiangnan now?
All the young and able-bodied men go to serve as soldiers, who will farm the land?Who will mine?Who will do the various crafts?

"Your Majesty, if it was 20 years ago, we might have had enough population, but now many people have returned to the Central Plains, and the population in the south of the Yangtze River has dropped by half compared to 20 years ago. If Your Majesty recruited 20 troops, many things would not be done. , Your Majesty, please think twice!"

Zhao Gou said in displeasure: "Before you told me that all the big shops have closed down, a large number of employees have nothing to do, and it is a problem to support their families. They said that there was a job and several people scrambled for it. Now I let them join the army to earn money to support their families. Isn't it a good thing?"

"What are the rumors?" Zhao Gou was a little anxious.

Zhao Gou nodded, "I know!"

Xu Xiantu was the only one left in the imperial study room, and Zhao Gou asked again, "Has the Wenzhou Army found out who is in charge?"

Yan Xin had no choice but to think for a while and said: "The first rumor is that they are transferring wealth in various ways, some to King Yong's territory, and some to the manor."

Zhao Gou stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back and asked, "Do you have any news about the dignitaries of the Xiang family, the Cao family, the Gao family, and the Cai family?"

Yan Xin, the commander of the Plum Blossom Guard, happened to be in the palace. When he heard the call, he immediately rushed to the imperial study room. After a short while, he was brought into the imperial study room. Yan Xin knelt down on one knee and saluted, "I see you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou was taken aback, "What do you mean by that?"

"Speech that Yan Xin is here to see me!"

"It's all rumors from the neighbors. Newspapers will not publish such unsubstantiated news."

Yan Xin was a little confused: "I really don't have any evidence!"

Xu Xiantu bowed and retreated slowly.

Yan Xin hesitated for a while and said, "Weichen didn't get any definite news."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it should be Wang Jian of the capital!"

"Wei Chen retire!"

How shrewd Zhao Gou was, he immediately heard the meaning of his words, and immediately asked: "Where are the rumors?"

"Hasn't Your Majesty heard any rumors?"

The first rumor was expected by Zhao Gou, not surprising at all, but the second rumor he was concerned about.

"Then relax the conditions!"

"This is not necessarily a rumor, it is very possible, what about the second rumor?"

Zhao Gou's tone became more and more dissatisfied, and he said to everyone: "I recruited more than 20 troops not to fight the Western Army, but to have enough troops so that Chen Qing dare not underestimate us. This kind of deterrence, I have made up my mind, I will recruit 16 troops, starting tomorrow, only age limit, over 40 years old, under [-] years old, no other restrictions!"

"Tell me about the rumors."

"In addition, I would like to remind Your Majesty that although the former crown prince was assassinated, he still has two young sons in Chen Qing's hands, which is also a big threat."

Zhao Gou's eyes widened, "What rumors, have they been published in newspapers?"

Zhao Gou now knows that most of the outside world comes from the "Beijing News". Qin Hui tried to persuade him to seal up the "Beijing News" several times, but he refused. source.

"And then? What's the second rumor?"

Zhao Gou's face suddenly changed. It can be said that this is the second most feared thing after his brother Zhao Huan. The brother Zhao Huan is dead, and the greatest threat to his throne is the descendants of Taizu.

"Yan Du is exempt from courtesy!"

"I don't want evidence, just say it!"

He has no son himself, and the royal family of Taizong's lineage was all wiped out in the Jingkang Rebellion, but many descendants of Taizu lived in Yingtian Mansion, but survived. Those powerful people who came into contact with Taizu's descendants obviously wanted to overthrow him and establish a new one. Jun.

Zhao Gou was really angry, and he was pacing back and forth in the imperial study with his hands behind his back. He knew Xu Xiantu very well, and he would not talk nonsense about rumors. He must have got some definite news. To overthrow myself and establish a new king, I really don't know how to write the dead word!

"Your Majesty, there are rumors that those dignitaries are contacting the descendants of Taizu!"

"There are quite a few rumors!"

"The second rumor is that someone saw Xiang Kui, Xiang Desheng's nephew, in Jingzhao."

Zhao Gou immediately understood what Xu Xiantu said that Wang Jian was loyal to Song Dynasty, but not necessarily loyal to himself.

"Your Majesty, there are two rumors. The first is that someone saw Xiang Desheng's nephew in Jingzhao."

Zhao Gou frowned. He had a very good impression of Wang Jian and was very loyal to Song Dynasty. That's why he reused him and asked him to lead an army of [-] in Wenzhou. How could he betray him?
But then again, if it wasn't for Wang Jian, who would have the right to mobilize [-] troops to assemble?
Seeing that Zhao Gou hesitated a bit, Xu Xiantu said cautiously, "Your Majesty, Wang Jian's loyalty to Song Dynasty is true, but he may not be loyal to His Majesty!"

Zhang Jundao: "Your Majesty, there are requirements for recruiting soldiers. They must be strong and tall. If anyone can join the army, they will be old and weak soldiers. Many soldiers are not suitable for joining the army."

Zhao Gou frowned. This was exactly what Xu Xiantu said. It was obvious that someone was deliberately spreading the news.

"What else, you continue to talk?"

"There is also the fact that they are constantly gathering in secret, as if they are discussing some important matter, only this news is more definite!"

Zhao Gou nodded and said, "I came to you to tell you to use elite Plum Blossom Guards to closely monitor the words and deeds of these dignitaries and report to me at any time!"

(End of this chapter)

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