
Chapter 1447

Chapter 1447
Zhong Huan's new mission is to rush to Lin'an to support the special envoy Lu Gang. He brought 120 elite internal guards.

They used the method of constantly changing horses, rushed to Lin'an day and night, and arrived in Lin'an in only ten days.

Zhong Huan arranged 120 of his men to rest in an inn outside the city, while he himself went to the city to go to Changfeng Teahouse.

Soon, Lu Gang and Wang Mu rushed to the teahouse one after another. Together with Zhong Huan, Dong An and Wei Yanzong, the five of them had an urgent discussion in the back hall of the teahouse.

Chong Huan hadn't closed his eyes for two days, so he forced himself to say to everyone: "Before I left, Your Highness had a lot to say to me, first of all, he asked us to move the Cao family, Huyan family, Yang family, Liu family, and Gao family to other places as soon as possible. Quanzhou, His Highness infers that there will be a bloody struggle within the Song Dynasty, and it is not far away, we have to transfer the relevant stakeholders away, this is the first step."

Lu Gang said slowly: "I also received a pigeon letter from King Yong before, and I have already started preliminary preparations. First of all, the Yang family and the Gao family are not in Lin'an, but in Jiangning County. I have arranged for people to transfer their two families to Jiangbei. There are only three families in Lin'an, the Cao family, the Huyan family and the Liu family. They also received Cao De's letter and cooperated with us very much. Transfer their main tribe."

Zhong Huan said: "The second step is to participate in their internal struggle. I handed King Yong's letter to Special Envoy Lu. I have brought 120 elite internal guards, and I will fully cooperate with Special Envoy Lu's arrangements."

Lu Gang nodded, "I also just read His Highness King Yong's letter, which asked us to evacuate Lin'an City temporarily after we evacuated the three families!"

Wang Mu asked anxiously, "Is the newspaper office going to be evacuated too?"

"Retreat too!"

Moreover, [-] of the court's [-] armies were deployed along the Yangtze River and along the western Zhejiang line.

Xiang Kui shook his head, "Even if the Son of Heaven is overthrown and the new Emperor ascends the throne, so what if the Western Army comes and sweeps across the south of the Yangtze River, we still can't keep our land or even our property. His Royal Highness King Yong said very clearly that if soldiers come to the city, The most you can do is save your life, don't count on property and land."

"We still have the most important task!"

Xiang Desheng glanced at his nephew Xiang Kui again, "The third son is very silent today!"

Not long after, all the twenty or so representatives of the dignitaries disappeared. In fact, they were all the dignitaries living in Lin'an City, and there were ten other dignitaries living in other places.

In the back house, Xiang Desheng was still discussing with his two sons Xiang Jun, Xiang Wen, and his nephew Xiang Kui about the arrangements for the Xiang family. Xiang Kui rushed back to Lin'an yesterday, which is why today's gathering was attracted.

As long as the Wenzhou Army arrives in Lin'an in time, the dignitaries will have hope of victory.

The companion sneaked away to sleep, Sun Jin finally found the opportunity, and immediately ran to the back wall, climbed over the wall, and ran to the nearby Plum Blossom Guard to report.

It happened that his other was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, so he said to Sun Jin: "I'm really sleepy, brother, I'll go and squint for a while, it's over there in the corridor, if there is something urgent, please let me know!"

Xiang Wen nodded, "Everything that can be transferred has been transferred to Yangzhou, but the food cannot be transferred."

Xiang Desheng explained: "You have also seen today, except that we, the Xiang family, the Cao family and the Huyan family agreed to hand over the land, others did not agree. We are all one. If we insist, our alliance will be divided, so We must obey everyone’s opinions, I communicated with the Cao family and the Huyan family, and they also mean the same, obey the overall situation.”

Everyone at today's gathering reached two important consensuses. First, they rejected King Yong's land order. They would never give up their land, even if they exchanged overseas land.

"Let's go at dawn, baby!"

"Go ahead!"

There are hundreds of warriors standing guard on the outside. They paced back and forth, paying attention to the movement around them. Two patrolling warriors were deployed outside the southwest corner. One of the warriors was called Sun Jin. .

Dong An laughed and said, "The teahouse can be closed tomorrow, and we will assist the newspaper to evacuate!"

It was already midnight, but the lobby of Xiang's house was still brightly lit. More than [-] powerful families were urgently discussing countermeasures. They were agitated and arguing fiercely.

Second, they unanimously agreed to support Zhao Bocong, the seventh grandson of Taizu, as the new emperor, replacing the current emperor Zhao Gou.

"Go! Be careful all the way."

In addition, of the [-] troops distributed around Lin'an, [-] troops were controlled by these dignitaries, including [-] Wenzhou troops and [-] Lin'an garrisons, and the only army loyal to the emperor was Yang Xizhong leading the other [-] Lin'an garrisons. In Wanmeihuawei, the dignitaries had the upper hand five to three.

Wang Mu nodded, "I have to go back and discuss with everyone how to retreat without affecting the issuance. We had an emergency plan before, and now we can implement it."

Xiang Jun left first, and Xiang Desheng said to his second son Xiang Wen, "Have all the property in the treasury been transferred?"

It was almost the fourth watch, and he was eager to report to Plum Blossom Guard, but he couldn't find an excuse to leave, which made him very anxious.

Of course, this decision is actually a coup d'état. If it is leaked, the consequences will be unimaginable. Everyone signed a confidentiality commitment on the spot and will never leak the contents of the discussion, even within the family.

Lu Gang dipped his hand into the tea and wrote two words on the table. Everyone could see clearly, and their expressions became serious.

"Don't worry about the food, you rush to Yangzhou to sit in the town immediately, our Xiang family's wealth is all in Yangzhou, you have to protect me!"

In less than half an hour, he came back again, his companion was still sleeping, and he was still pretending to be on guard.

Xiang Jun nodded, "The boy will leave first, if there is anything wrong, send someone to contact the boy immediately!"

"What does Wenzhou say?" Xiang Desheng asked his eldest son, Xiang Jun.

Xiang Kui sighed and said: "Actually, we are at great risk. King Yong has promised not to confiscate our wealth, but also promised to guarantee our safety. We can welcome the Western Army. This is the best choice. My nephew will not Understood, why not choose the best option?"

The warriors all disbanded and went back to their dormitories to rest. Sun Jin found a companion and went back to the dormitory to sleep together.

At this time, the discussion ended, the back door opened, and one carriage after another drove out, and each carriage was followed by several warriors on horseback. These were their own guards, not the same as the warriors standing guard.

Xiang Jun served as the commander of the Wenzhou Army and commanded [-] Taizhou Army. He also just rushed back to Lin'an.

Lu Gang affirmed: "Your Highness has made it very clear that once internal strife breaks out, we will all be targeted. We must plan ahead and retreat as soon as possible!"

Xiang Jun said in a deep voice: "Wang Dutong means that if you decide to take action, you must be decisive and not delay. Once the officials find out, you will be in big trouble."

The reason why these dignitaries dared to compete with the emperor Zhao Gou was because they also had a certain amount of confidence. They controlled 15 of the [-] army of the imperial court, accounting for [-]%.

Xiang Desheng nodded, "You rush back to Wenzhou immediately. Since everyone has made a unanimous decision, then you can act. Ask him to enter Beijing immediately, and we will open the city gate to cooperate."

Xiang Desheng said indifferently: "When it comes to land interests, don't expect everyone to see the long-term and see the overall situation, otherwise there will be no regrets in the world."

"All right!"

Xiang Kui said helplessly, "What is my nephew responsible for?"

Xiang Desheng said slowly: "You are responsible for organizing a thousand family members, arming them, and protecting Xiang's family's retreat at critical moments!"

(End of this chapter)

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