
Chapter 1448 Drum Secret

Chapter 1448 Drum Secret
In the middle of the night, Emperor Zhao Gou was woken up by the eunuch, "Your Majesty, Yan Dutong said that there is an emergency to report!"

Zhao Gou was shocked, and immediately woke up, and quickly ordered: "Let him wait in the outer hall!"

Zhao Gou put on a robe and walked quickly to the outer hall, Yan Xin quickly stepped forward to salute, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou waved his hand, "What's urgent?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, 25 dignitaries are gathering in Xiangfu in the middle of the night to discuss important matters!"

"Is it now?"

"Exactly, they have been discussing from night to midnight, and it just ended. The low-ranking insider should say that everyone signed and pledged, and it seemed that some major event had been decided."

Zhao Gou also realized that the matter was serious. These bastards had already controlled the Wenzhou army, and there was also an army controlled by them in Lin'an. Once they rebelled, the consequences would be disastrous.

He pondered for a moment, then immediately wrote a secret decree and handed it to Yan Xin: "You immediately send people to Zhenjiang Mansion, and hand over my secret decree to Han Shizhong, those dignitaries, continue to monitor!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

Cao Ju shook his head, "Cao's mansion has to keep one person. I signed the covenant just now, and the person ran away. It's too immoral. Don't worry! I'll be fine. If the situation is not right, I will slip away through the secret path. "

When Cao Meng and his party came to the mansion, Dong An welcomed them in, only to find that not only them, but also the Huyan family and Liu family, totaling 60 to [-] people.

The reason why he wanted to write another letter to Han Shizhong was that he still didn't trust Yan Xin. Although Yan Xin was his trusted confidant, who knew if he would change?Bought by the rich and powerful.

"The second batch of you go, go here tomorrow morning!"

Zhong Huan nodded, "That's the decision, starting tonight, we will be on duty every night!"

Zhong Huan asked again, "Will you meet the Son of Heaven?"

"We have five people on duty every night, and I arrange them all. I can give a group of soldiers a holiday, and then General Xiaozhong pretends to be them. But the time can't be too long, five or six days at most."

In the morning, Zou Shuan finished last night's duty, came out of the palace, and went directly to the Tianxiang Teahouse near Jiangjun Bridge, where he and Wei Yanzong made an appointment to meet. He has arrived, so every time he comes out on duty, he has to come to the teahouse to sit and see if Wei Yanzong has anything to look for him.

"Master, is there someone who wants to establish a new emperor and replace the current emperor?" Wang asked directly.

Everyone also persuaded, and Cao Meng finally agreed, "Okay! The fifth one stays, and the others must go!"

Yan Xin saluted and left in a hurry.

Wei Yanzong was a little worried and asked: "Will they be seen through when they enter the palace on duty?"

Sure enough, I met Wei Yanzong today, and this time there was another person beside him. Wei Yanzong smiled and introduced him: "This is your colleague, General Xiaozhong, the internal guard of the Western Army!"

"What do you think!"

"How do you know?" Qin Hui looked at his wife puzzled.

This sense of crisis not only comes from the emperor's neglect, but also from the escalation of internal struggles in the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Gou then wrote two more secret decrees, one of which was exactly the same as the one just now, and sent his confidant guards to Han Shizhong in Zhenjiang Mansion and Liu Kai in West Zhejiang respectively, ordering them to lead their troops back to King Qin of Lin'an immediately.

Wei Yanzong saw his expression of embarrassment, and said: "Don't you have twenty subordinates? How about pretending to be your subordinates?"

"The problem is that my subordinates all know each other. If five strangers suddenly appear, they will definitely inform."

Dong An shook his head, "Let's take the Wanshi sea boat to Quanzhou tonight."

Wei Yanzong waved his hand and said, "Let's cut the long story short and get straight to the point. General Xiaozhong wants to bring four brothers into the palace as errands. Can you arrange it?"

"Brother, are you leaving?"

Zhong Huan asked, "Where are you on duty at night?"

Zou Shuan thought for a while and said with a smile: "If you are on duty at night, it's really okay!"

"I am entering the palace today, the queen mother told me."

Especially in the last few days when the situation was tense, the Son of Heaven always called Xu Xiantu to discuss secretly, instead of looking for himself, which made Qin Hui really nervous and full of a sense of crisis in his heart.

Zhong Huan laughed and said, "Am I so famous?"

"Generally we avoid them. If we really want to meet them, we can meet them. Every day, eunuchs give us the schedule of the emperor, and then we go to supervise, mainly to supervise the guards to prevent them from slacking off. Of course , we are just going through the motions, everyone is eating, there is no need to be so serious."

Before dawn, a group of more than a dozen members of the Cao family left the mansion in three carriages and drove out of the city. This was the second group of people from the Cao family. The first group consisted of family members, women and children, and they had already left by boat five days ago. Xiaoshan County will take a boat to Quanzhou after the second batch converges.

Cao Meng asked again: "How many days shall we stay in Xiaoshan County?"

The situation became more and more tense, Cao Ju returned to the mansion and immediately summoned his brothers, nephews and nephews.

Zhong Huan smiled wryly, killing people like hemp, he actually has such a reputation.

Zou Shuan laughed and said: "We are not guards, we are the supervisors of the inner palace. All the maids, eunuchs and guards hide away when they see us. Basically, we don't meet anyone. We were a little interested at first, but then we got bored. , when on duty, they hide in the room drinking and gambling, or sleep, but there is a principle that women in the palace cannot touch it, and if they touch it, they will lose their heads. As long as you grasp this principle, there will be no problem."

Half an hour later, they arrived at a mansion by the Qiantang River. This was the Temporary Special Envoy's Mansion. Behind it was the Qiantang River. There was a private pier with four or five thousand-stone black shed boats tied to it. They could retreat in case of danger.

"How to say?"

"You are very famous, at least in our Plum Blossom Guard. You cleared up private salt on Sichuan Road and Jinghu South Road, killing people like hemp. We, Yan Dutong, always take you as an example and scold us for being incompetent in suppressing private salt, so We all know General Xiaozhong!"

During this period, Xiangguo Qin Hui also began to suffer from insomnia. Since Wan Qixie was assassinated, Qin Hui clearly felt that the emperor was indifferent to him.

"Master may not have imagined Queen Mother Wei's attitude!"

Zou Shuan was taken aback. Six people were sent to the palace as errands. How should this be arranged?

Dong An said with a smile: "They arrived last night, and they will take a boat to Xiaoshan County together later, the boat is ready, you came just in time!"

Zou Shuan was in awe, clasped his fists and said, "It turns out that your Excellency is the famous General Xiaozhong. I have admired him for a long time!"

Zhong Huan nodded, "Five or six days is enough."

Cao Ju handed a note to his elder brother Cao Mang, "You go here tomorrow, Special Envoy Lu will arrange for you to leave."

Cao Ju's youngest son, Cao Yidao: "Father, I'll stay with you! If we escape together, there is someone to take care of us."

Qin Hui was startled, even the Empress Dowager Wei knew about it, so he asked again, "What did the Empress Dowager Wei say?"

Cao Meng also persuaded: "Brother, let Wulang stay! He is very skilled in martial arts, so we can rest assured that he will take care of you."

Wang sneered and said: "The Empress Dowager Wei scolded the officials for being stupid and greedy for money, especially for copying the Shi's house, it was like digging her own grave."

"She's not wrong, but she doesn't know that this day will come sooner or later, starting from the government's plundering of merchants."

Wang shook her head, "I don't care about these principles. I only care about whether a coup will break out and whether it will affect us."

Qin Hui sighed, "I don't know, if possible, we'd better prepare two more options."

(End of this chapter)

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