
Chapter 1449

During this period of time, Chen Qing was also very concerned about the situation in Lin'an. Although the State of Jin might develop the Iron Fire Thunder, the State of Jin did not have the ability to mass-produce it, and it could not pose a threat in the short term. However, the situation in Lin'an was different. Chen Qing felt strongly that the accumulation of various conflicts over the past few years had reached the point of explosion, and it was very likely that the situation would be broken.

At this time, Chen Qing had already arrived at Hanyang Mansion. The reason why he was in Hanyang Mansion instead of Xiangyang was mainly because Hanyang Mansion was a transfer station for pigeon letters. Jingzhao.

In addition, sending letters from Hanyang Mansion to the Western Army camp on the north bank of the Yangtze River in Yangzhou, set off on a fast horse, and deliver letters five times on the way, and it will take three days to arrive.

Chen Qing did not live on the shore, but on a big ship docked on the west bank of the Han River. Of course, it was his one hundred thousand shi ship. This time, only Yao Mei accompanied him. Because of the winter, his legs needed to person care.

Chen Qing was lying on a high couch next to the ship window, wearing only a thick robe and a thick quilt covering his body. He was looking at a copy of the information he had just received.

Yao Mei knelt down and carefully wrapped her husband's thigh injury with a hot towel. The old scar from many years ago turned red after being steamed. The wound, while gently massaging him.

Of course, when a concubine gives her husband a massage, she always wipes her gun and misfires, but Yao Mei has good eyesight. She knows that her husband is looking at extremely important military information, so she relaxes the massage and does not touch the part where the gun was wiped, so as not to disturb his body. concentrate.

Chen Qing was indeed looking at the extremely important military intelligence. Han Shizhong had led an army of [-] to go south quickly, and Liu Kai from West Zhejiang had also led an army of [-] to return to Lin'an. Thousands of troops.

At the same time, [-] Wenzhou troops have left Yongjia County and are rushing to Lin'an. Lu Gangzai also briefly analyzed the balance of forces. Of the [-] troops stationed in Lin'an, only [-] are loyal to the emperor, and the other [-] are controlled by the powerful. This is also the main reason why Emperor Zhao Gou did not dare to use the Plum Blossom Guard to cleanse the dignitaries of Lin'an City.

Once it came to the point where the fish were killed and the net was broken, the rich and powerful would inevitably turn back crazily, which was also what Chen Qing expected.

What are the similarities and differences between rich and powerful? They have many similarities. They are both local prominent families, enjoy prestige in the local area, and both infiltrate the government, but there is only one difference between them. Basically, there is an additional army. Yes, it is precisely because of the army that all places will be suppressed by the Western Army.

A thousand Plum Blossom Guards surrounded Xiang's house, at this time Xiang Desheng was like an ant on a hot pot, running around in a hurry in the inner hall, Du Wanrong was his son-in-law, and he was the one who arranged for Du Wanrong to attack Lin'an City tonight, unexpectedly Yang Yizhong was shrewd Incomparably, after seeing through Du Wanrong's plan, the plan that was originally a sure thing suddenly became uncertain.

At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly, Yao Mei was startled, she quickly got out of the quilt, covered her husband's quilt, and asked, "What's the matter?"

At this time, the butler came and cried, "Master, our Zhuang Ding was ambushed and killed, and Mr. Kui is also dead!"

Yao Mei got up to get the letter, closed the door again, and handed the copy to her husband. Seeing that it was getting dark outside, she simply pulled down the curtains, took off her dress and got under the quilt.

Chen Qing couldn't hold back his excitement, and even said hello to him, Yao Mei put his arms around his neck and said, "Since it's all agreed, husband, let's think of a name for our baby!"

"Not yet, but if my husband sows more seeds tonight, maybe there will be."

"Good! Good!"

Chen Qing was refreshed. He just saw the pigeon letter from two days ago, and now there must be a major change, so he quickly ordered Yao Mei to get the letter.

Chen Qing laughed, put his arms around his concubine and said, "Come on! Let's start tonight's planting plan!"

Now that his face had been torn apart, the emperor Zhao Gou had no scruples and ordered Yan Xin to lead a thousand plum blossoms to search Xiang's house, forcing Xiang Desheng to commit suicide.

The maid outside Chunshui said: "Little madam, there is another urgent letter from the shore!"

In fact, from the very beginning, Chen Qing had no intention of letting go of these court dignitaries. He always clearly distinguished allies and enemies when attacking the world, win over the nobles, treat the rich and powerful well, and attack the powerful and powerful.

It was expected that Zhao Gou would strike at him, but he did not expect that Plum Blossom Guard would come so quickly.

Chen Qing embraced his concubine while reading the letter, which said that Du Wanrong led [-] troops to forcefully enter the city from Yongjinmen, but was repelled by the central part of Yang Yi, and Xiang Kui led a thousand soldiers to help attack Yongjinmen. The Yizhong army was wiped out, and Xiang Kui was shot and killed by random arrows.

The news was like a bolt from the blue, Xiang Desheng sat down slumped, couldn't help crying, his brother was taken captive to Liaodong, and died in Liaodong, only Xiang Kui was left, and Xiang Kui was still dead. Sorry bro!

Chen Qing was startled, "You have it!"

Both sides dispatched troops, and internal strife would inevitably erupt. Chen Qingruo felt it, and pushed Yao Mei lightly, and gave her a wink.

In addition, the emperor is no longer in the palace, and his whereabouts are unknown.

The rich and powerful are not only powerful, but also the real masters of the wealth of a dynasty. If their wealth is not deprived, where does the original accumulation of the new dynasty come from?

The contradictions in Lin'an have intensified in an all-round way. Du Wanrong, the commander of the Shenwu Central Army stationed in Yuhang County, attempted to seize control of Lin'an City, and led the army to attack Yongjinmen at night. He led [-] troops to repel three attacks by Du Wanrong's department with strong attack and hard crossbows, and shot and killed more than [-] people.

Wan Kui led one thousand Xiangjiazhuang Ding to try to take over Du Wanrong's troops from the inner city. Unexpectedly, the news got out and he was ambushed by three thousand soldiers ambushing on both sides of the street. Killed instantly.

Not long after, the housekeeper came to report again, this time with panic in his tone, "Master, the Plum Blossom Guards have surrounded our mansion."

He waved to Desheng and asked the steward to go out. At this moment, he was ashamed and knew that he had failed. If Du Wanrong's army could not enter the city immediately, he would be in danger.

But Xiang Desheng didn't want to escape, as long as his children and grandchildren could escape, his own life and death didn't matter, he would rather die than surrender to Zhao Gou.

At this time, hurried footsteps came from outside, and more than 300 plum blossom soldiers surrounded the inner hall where he was, and Pan Ji, the commander, said loudly on the steps: "Son, please go on the way to the Patriarch, and Yan Dutong promises to protect your whole body." !"

"Then... please do it!"

With a wave of Pan Ji's hand, three soldiers walked in and wrapped a white silk around Xiang Desheng's neck. The two soldiers pulled hard and Xiang Desheng was gradually strangled to death.

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