
Chapter 1450

Chapter 1450
Emperor Zhao Gou was not in the palace. He took Empress Dowager Wei and a few confidant guards to hide in the Meilu Nunnery on the back mountain of Phoenix Mountain. Practice here.

The reason why he chose this place was because the Empress Dowager Zheng was a monk here at the beginning. Zhao Gou came here several times to visit the empress dowager Zheng, and he found that it was very hidden. The ship escaped.

Of course, Zhao Gou will not escape for the time being. Although the situation is dangerous, it is still under his control. Lin'an is controlled by [-] elite soldiers from Yang Yizhong, [-] plum blossom guards from Yan Xin, and [-] guards in the palace. , these are troops loyal to themselves.

And the opponent has only 2 people in the Lin'an area, and his own troops are clearly superior, so he will not escape.

But when he received urgent information, Du Wanrong led [-] troops to kill from Yuhang County. He was so frightened that he sent someone to notify Yang Yizhong to defend, but he hid in Meiluan.

In fact, he was not only afraid of Du Wanrong's [-] troops, he was even more afraid of Wang Jian's [-] Wenzhou troops. The latest news he got was that Wang Jian's troops had already reached Shaoxing Mansion, while Han Shizhong's [-] troops had just arrived in Pingjiang Mansion. It is very likely that Wang Jian's [-] troops will arrive in Lin'an first.

Of course, Han Shizhong can't be blamed for this. It is closer from Wenzhou to Lin'an Mansion than Zhenjiang Mansion, and Han Shizhong's marching speed is fast enough.

At this time, his confidant guard Li Jian reported: "Your Majesty, Yang Dutong asked for instructions, saying that the morale of Du Wanrong's army is low. He wants to lead the army out of the city and wipe out the enemy!"

Zhao Gou thought about it and agreed, "Go and tell Yang Dutong that I agree to his request!"

Li Jian then galloped towards the palace on horseback. He is now the emperor Zhao Gou's liaison with the outside world.

About half an hour later, the night had fallen quietly, and suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes on the mountain road, and I saw a guard riding a horse with a torch. Zou Shuan immediately recognized this person, and whispered to Zhong Huan: "He is Li Jane!"

At this moment, Zou Shuan hurried over and whispered to Zhong Huan, "Maybe I know where he is hiding?"

"I saw Li Jian just now. He is the emperor's confidant bodyguard. He takes him everywhere. He rode to the front office. He must be delivering an edict for the emperor."

Zhong Huan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You can still make meritorious deeds with such a bad taste. If you succeed this time, I will definitely show my credit to His Royal Highness King Yong. It is no problem to come to my inner guard to be a commander."

The second thing is to find the covenant and plan of the dignitaries. The covenant is in the hands of Zhao Gou. It is clearly written that Zhao Bocong, the seventh grandson of Taizu, will be the new emperor and replace the current emperor. There are 25 on it. Signature and fingerprint of the head of the family, the evidence of treason is conclusive.

Like the Shi family, the Xiang family is also wealthy. All the wealth of the Queen Mother's private house was given to the Xiang family back then, and it was not taken away by Jin Guo. They transferred it to Jiangnan in advance. The wealth of the Xiang family is also jealous Zhao Gou was so happy that the goal was not copied.

With a way out, Zhong Huan became more at ease, and he said to a strong subordinate: "Go down and have a look, there must be chariots around the Meilu Temple, but don't startle the snakes."

Zou Shuan thought for a while, then suddenly slapped his forehead and said, "I see, there is only one place down there, called Meilu Temple. It is a nunnery. It is very hidden, and most people don't know about it."

Although there are rumors in the palace that the emperor escaped by boat, Zhong Huan, as the ruler of the internal guards, told Zhong Huan from his experience that the emperor did not run away and was still near the palace. The reason is very simple. With more than a dozen guards, they are obviously hidden somewhere.

"Where does the path ahead lead to?"

The soldiers under him quickly disappeared again.

At this time, Zhong Huan and four of his men dressed up as plum blossom guards were patrolling the palace. In fact, both Lin'an and the palace were in chaos. The emperor and the queen mother ran away. exists.

However, the content of the plan made Zhao Gou startled. It said that each family called Zhuang Ding in advance and hid in the mansion. When the army attacked Lin'an City, they should cooperate with each other and seize the city.

"Follow the order!"

Zhong Huan made deployments according to the terrain. Not long after, his subordinates came back, clasped their fists and said: "The humble officer found Mei Luan, and also found two light chariots, one with a phoenix on top, which should belong to the Queen Mother." , and the other is the dragon head."

"Then how do you know?"

Zhong Huan immediately said: "Which way does he go, we will wait for him by the side of the road!"

Riding horses on the mountain road required detours. Zhong Huan and the others took a straight line and could keep up with Li Jian. They galloped through the jungle and followed Li Jian on horseback. When they reached the back mountain, Li Jian suddenly turned and walked along A path went down.

"Continue to monitor and report any situation at any time!"

"How?" Zhong Huan asked anxiously.

Zou Shuan was excited, and pointed to the road and said, "Go straight along the mountain road, climb over the wall after descending the mountain, and you will come out of the palace. It's only two or three miles away. I know a small road. I'll lead the way later."

At this time, Li Jian submitted a secret report from Yan Xin to the emperor Zhao Gou. After reading the secret report, Zhao Gou's face became more gloomy. There were three things in Yan Xin's report. I heard from the butler that he sent it away, but he didn't know where it was sent, and it might be in a certain manor.

His soldiers are like foxes, 'whoosh! 'The ground disappeared.

Zou Shuanhong blushed, and Ai Ai said: "When I first came here, I had some bad intentions. I thought the nunnery could take advantage of it, so I sneaked here with two of my men. I searched for a long time before I found it. Unexpectedly, there were old nuns inside, so I lost interest. "

Zhong Huan nodded, "Follow him!"

"it is good!"

Zou Shuan was very familiar with the roads of the palace. He took Zhong Huan and other four people to wait on the east side of the mountain road.

This is not a whimsical plan, but an extremely realistic plan that has been deployed. The evidence is that Xiang Kui led a thousand Zhuang Ding to attack Yongjinmen. He would really be caught off guard by these thousand fully armed Zhuang Ding.

Zhao Gou also realized the seriousness of the problem. He read Yan Xin's secret report again. Yan Xin suggested to use the list in the covenant book to confiscate all the more than [-] dignitaries tonight, annihilate their hidden Zhuang Ding in the mansion, and remove This hidden danger.

Tomorrow Wang Jian's [-] troops may reach the city of Lin'an, and they only have their last chance tonight.

Zhao Gou was heartbroken, and he took up a pen and wrote on Yan Xin's secret report: "I agree, Yang Yizhong's army returns to the city, and they will attack immediately. All participants will be executed, and Zhao Bocong will be eradicated together." '

(End of this chapter)

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