
Chapter 1451 Qualitative Change

Chapter 1451 Qualitative Change
Lin'an City was bloody and rainy, all 20 Plum Blossom Guard soldiers were mobilized and surrounded more than [-] mansions. The soldiers rushed in and killed people. Both young and old were killed, and women were not spared. They were abused by soldiers, followed by looting and ransacking, and all the property that could be moved was looted.

Even the families next door to these powerful people were affected, and the soldiers killed and looted in the chaos without any scruples.

The "Beijing News" was hated by the generals of the Meihuawei because it often exposed and criticized the Meihuawei for extorting businessmen and lax military discipline. There was no oil or water, so he simply set a fire and burned the newspaper.

Hundreds of Plum Blossom Guard soldiers rushed into Wanbao Cabinet Shop and Jiangnan Cabinet Shop. The two cabinet shops were prepared in advance, and the money and personnel were transferred in advance. There are two cabinets.

As time went by, the soldiers of the Plum Blossom Guard became unruly and became more and more unrestrained. Military discipline became disorganized. As long as they were rich families, they rushed in and robbed them. Many high-ranking officials' mansions were also attacked, and several prime minister's mansions were also looted. .

More than a dozen members of Xu Xiantu's family hid in the secret room and shivered. When they came out, the whole mansion was completely devastated. Being swept away, Xu Xiantu trembled all over, too angry to say a word.

At this time, there was crying in the yard, and he walked out tremblingly, only to find that the old butler who had followed him for 30 years had been pierced in the chest by a sharp object and fell in a pool of blood, and several maidservants curled up in the corner in disheveled clothes. cry.

Xu Xiantu knelt down, raised his hands, and shouted to the sky in grief and indignation, "God! The Great Song Dynasty is the best."

Yang Yizhong won a great victory outside the city, wiped out Du Wanrong's troops, and captured more than [-] people. Du Wanrong was killed by his own soldiers in the chaos, and his head was dedicated to Yang Yizhong.

At this time, Yang Yizhong had received the news of the chaos in Lin'an City. He was shocked and led his army back to Lin'an City. As a team, rush to various parts of the city to stop the Plum Blossom Guard soldiers from committing violence, and those who do not obey the order will be killed!

Yang Yizhong gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Whenever I see soldiers raped and burned, I will treat them as scoundrels and behead them!"

Yan Xin squinted his eyes and said: "General Yang is lying down and talking without pain in his back. Wan Kui led a thousand Zhuang Ding to attack the army, you forgot? Wang Jian's [-] troops have come and cooperated with each other, can Lin'an City be saved? Can the emperor's life be saved?"

After finishing speaking, Yang Yizhong turned his horse's head and went away. Yan Xin was stunned. After a long while, he suddenly said furiously, "Whoever burned down the newspaper office and the special envoy's office, I caught him, and I will kill him with my own hands!"

Several guards drew their swords one after another to protect the small chariots of the emperor and the queen mother, while the four guards drew their swords and rushed up, and fell down as soon as they reached the woods. The queen mother shouted anxiously: "Put Aijia down!"

The word chariot means a cart carried by two husbands. It is actually a large sedan chair carried by dozens of guards. The emperor sits in it. Of course, cloth curtains cannot be used, which will form a claustrophobic space. A layer of light gauze, the emperor sits inside and has a wide view, as does the empress dowager.

"However, you can't burn, kill, rape, and harm innocent people at will. Even the prime minister's government will not be spared. The whole Lin'an city is bloody and bloody. How do you explain it to the emperor?"

Two small chariots came out of the narrow path and turned onto the avenue. Just as they turned the corner, they heard 'Ka!Click! 'Two poisonous crossbow arrows shot out from the woods like lightning, pierced the tulle on the chariot, and hit the throat and chest of Emperor Zhao Gou.

Yan Xin had his own strategy to save his life. He ordered the soldiers to gather all the property looted by the soldiers. Although the soldiers were extremely dissatisfied, the emperor must be satisfied. up.

There are two small chariots in front and one behind, the chariot of the emperor Zhao Gou is in the front, and the empress dowager is in the back. There are no court ladies or eunuchs, but only ten guards. The less the better.

At four o'clock, under the strong suppression of Yang Yizhong's army, the riots of the Plum Blossom Guard soldiers gradually subsided, but Lin'an City was devastated.

Yan Xin was furious and shouted: "Yang, if you dare to attack my soldiers, I will impeach you to the heaven for colluding with the powerful and attempting to rebel!"

At five o'clock, another important news came. Wang Jian's [-] troops were ambushed by Liu Kai's [-] troops at the western foot of Kuaiji Mountain. Wang Jian's army was defeated, and countless people were killed and captured. By the time the six thousand remnants fled south in panic.

The good news passed through Li Jian to the ears of the emperor Zhao Gou who was hiding in Meiluan.

Yan Xin denied it straight away: "That's the rascals in the city taking advantage of the fire to rob, my army won't do that kind of thing!"

"It only takes a few hundred people to deal with the powerful and imprison them. Does it need to send out tens of thousands of troops and cause chaos in the whole city?"

Fortunately, the guards have all gone up the mountain, and they are about to join the emperor.

And Han Shizhong's [-] troops also entered Jiaxing Mansion smoothly, getting closer and closer to Lin'an Mansion.

Emperor Zhao Gou sat in the chariot with a thick blanket on his legs, worried for a day and a night, he finally got a little sleepy and took a nap on the chariot.

Zhao Gou let out a muffled snort, and fell into the chariot. Several guards were shocked and shouted: "There are assassins!"

Yan Xin said coldly: "I have a secret decree from the emperor to wipe out 25 rebels. I act according to the decree. How can General Yang criticize me?"

Yang Yizhong sneered and said, "You should save yourself first! Your soldiers even burned down the "Beijing News" newspaper and the official office of King Yong's special envoy, which gave Chen Qing a reason to send troops to destroy Song Dynasty, whether it was Song Dynasty or Yongguo , you are doomed!"

Before dawn, more than a thousand guards began to go up the mountain to welcome the return of the emperor, and the emperor Zhao Gou and the Queen Mother Wei also boarded the light chariots and began to return to the palace.

The [-] troops were dispatched quickly and rushed to all parts of the city to stop the Plum Blossom Guard from committing violence. Although the Plum Blossom Guard soldiers were tyrannical and vicious in front of the people, they were mobs in front of the real army. Either resist in the corner and be beheaded on the spot.

Yang Yizhong found Yan Xin, the capital of the Plum Blossom Guard, and angrily reprimanded him: "You are ruining the reputation of the emperor and the country of the Song Dynasty by indulging the soldiers!"

Due to the narrow mountain road, they could only sit in a light chariot. Four guards lifted them up high, surrounded by guards for protection.

The eight guards who carried the chariot came to their senses, put down the chariot quickly, drew their knives and stood guard in front of the two small chariots, and stood in a stalemate for a stick of incense, when the welcoming guards appeared in the distance, and the guards shouted: "Help, help!" assassin!"

A large group of guards rushed forward with their swords drawn, and surrounded the dragon chariot, while another group of guards rushed into the woods, looking around, but there was no trace of the assassin.

At this time, Su Hong, the commander of the guards, came galloping on horseback. Hearing the news of the assassin, he immediately rushed to him and shouted, "Your Majesty is well!"

After a while, a guard shouted sadly: "Your Majesty, it's broken!"

(End of this chapter)

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