
Chapter 1453 Surrounding

Chapter 1453 Surrounding
Meihuawei's rebellion was quickly extinguished. Yan Xin was killed only in Dahuo County. The root cause was the confiscation of the property looted by the soldiers. They tried to rob Lin'an again, but this time they were monitored by Yang Yizhong's army. As soon as the soldiers rushed to the barracks, they were ambushed by [-] soldiers with strong bows and crossbows, and more than [-] soldiers were shot and killed.

Empress Dowager Wei wanted to buy the hearts of all the officials, so it was the best choice to attack Plum Blossom Guard, who would definitely be welcomed by all officials, so Empress Dowager Wei issued a killing order, using the blood of Plum Blossom Guard to sacrifice to the throne.

The remaining soldiers of the Plum Blossom Guard were brutally massacred by the soldiers of the Guards. It was useless to cry and beg for mercy. Everyone was beheaded.

The Plum Blossom Guard was wiped out, and the Empress Dowager Wei condemned the three major crimes of the Plum Blossom Guard, and ordered the complete ban on the Plum Blossom Guard. .

Chen Qing led hundreds of large ships and an army of [-] sailing eastward along the Yangtze River. After he got the news of the emperor's death, he ordered three armies to march south.

Commander Yang Zaixing led [-] troops across the Yangtze River from Hezhou, Zhenzhou and Yangzhou on the north bank of the Yangtze River. Gao Ding led [-] troops from Shangrao County and marched into Quzhou. The army went north from Fujian Road and marched into Wenzhou and Chuzhou in two ways.

The Western Army was in full swing, and it did not commit any crimes wherever it passed. It was warmly welcomed by the local people. The deputy general of the Song Army who stayed behind in Zhenjiang Mansion was the governor of the capital, Wang Gui.

He paced back and forth in the camp, unable to make up his mind. He had only one choice, either to surrender or lead his troops to retreat. It was impossible to fight. The [-] troops of the Western Army crossed the river in Jiangning and were heading towards Zhenjiang Mansion. There are still [-] Western troops on the river starting to land, and I only have [-] troops, and sending them up is also hitting stones with eggs.

Wang Gui was originally very loyal to the emperor Zhao Gou, but the Empress Dowager Wei did not like him. She obstructed his appointment several times, and in the end he was only appointed as the Jiangyin military envoy, completely marginalized. , how could it not be his turn to sit in Zhenjiang Mansion.

At this time, Chang Lin from Jiangyin, his aide, persuaded: "Now that the emperor is dead and the queen mother is in power, I think she must support the young emperor to ascend the throne. If she comes to control the government, then the first thing to bear is to control the military power. People she trusts will be promoted. Once in power, the person she hates will definitely degrade and seize power, the general can ask himself, which category does he belong to?"

It was still Zhu Shengfei who could speak and regarded negotiation as a strategy. Empress Dowager Wei nodded, "Let's talk about it first! Ask them why they are so impatient when the official family's bones are still cold. What do they want to do?"

"The only way out!"

Wang Gui immediately ordered that the resistance of the Western Army was not allowed to cross the river, and the whole army changed its flag and surrendered to the Western Army.

Xu Xiantu pondered for a while and said: "The Western Army is currently standing still, as if they are waiting for something. The humble post is probably waiting for the arrival of King Yong. Qin Xiangguo also has some reason. After all, we still have a little capital. I suggest using this capital to negotiate with the Western Army. Find a solution acceptable to both parties."

Empress Dowager Wei couldn't bear Zhang Jun, and finally issued an order to chase each other.

At the same time, Qi Qing, the deputy general of Liu Kai who was staying in Quzhou, also led [-] troops to surrender to the Gaoding army. The Western Army slowed down a little and began to march towards Lin'an in parallel. In Jiaxing Mansion, Gaoding's [-] troops entered Yanzhou, and Liu Qiong and Tang Qian's [-] troops entered Shaoxing Mansion.

At the same time, it is also tolerant enough to the government, and all officials will continue to serve, except that the prefect of the prefecture is changed to the governor, the county magistrate is changed to the county magistrate, and the general judgment is changed to the long history.

The imperial court was in turmoil, and one emergency report after another made the officials tremble with fear, which made the Empress Dowager Wei, who had just taken over the power of the government, feel restless day and night. She kept meeting with the Prime Minister and ministers to discuss countermeasures.

"Zhang Xiangguo is so indifferent, Ai Jia also gives you a suggestion, take the initiative to let Xian!"

Qin Hui comforted the Empress Dowager Wei and said, "Reporting to the Empress Dowager, we have not yet reached the end of the mountain and we still have money. The Song Army currently has 7 people and 100 guards. The population of the entire Lin'an Prefecture is still more than 3000 million. The important thing is that we still have a lot of accumulated wealth, grain has millions of stones, wealth in Zuo Zangku and Neiku exceeds 20 million guan, and there are also a large number of soldiers in the warehouse, we can increase our troops to quickly reach [-] troops.”

In other words, the Western Army did not enter Lin'an Mansion, or in other words, only Lin'an Mansion was left in the imperial court.

Speaking of this, Empress Dowager Wei glanced at Zhang Jun, and asked coldly: "Zhang Xiangguo, you are very silent today!"

For so many years, Zhang Jun has always been the enemy of the Empress Dowager Wei. Now that the Empress Dowager Wei is in power, she has become more and more intolerable to Zhang Jun. If the Western Army did not suppress the situation, the Queen Mother Wei would be the first to dismiss Zhang Jun.

The Western Army moved southward, eastward, and northward like a broken bamboo. Seven days later, 28 Western Army occupied Chongde County in the south of Jiaxing Prefecture, Deqing County and Wukang County in the south of Huzhou, Tonglu County in the east of Yanzhou, and Shaoxing Prefecture. In the northernmost Xiaoshan County, there are [-] warships of the [-] navy blocking Qiantang Bay.

"Then why is the general hesitating? Surrendering to the Western Army will cost you at least [-] troops. No matter how bad you are, you can still be in control. The general has done his best to the emperor. Now it's time to consider your own future and destiny."

Wang Gui let out a long sigh, "You're right, I've done my best to Da Song, it's not that I don't want to be loyal, but Da Song won't tolerate me anymore!"

At this time, Zhu Shengfei also said: "Queen Mother, you can indeed try to negotiate, at least you can touch the bottom line of the other party, and it will also buy time for us to prepare for the war!"

Empress Dowager Wei sighed, and asked Xu Xiantu again: "Xu Aiqing, the officials valued you the most when they were alive, what do you think?"

Empress Dowager Wei sneered and said, "It seems that Zhang Xiangguo really wants to meet Chen Qing and catch up on old feelings. I'm afraid this is Zhang Xiangguo's only way out."

"Wei Chen has no such intention!"

Wang Gui sighed and said: "I must belong to the latter. When I was in Lin'an, I ignored her solicitation and was hated by her. In the past, I was trusted by the officials. If you die, the Queen Mother will definitely make an example to others, and I guess I will be that chicken."

Zhang Jun sighed in his heart, bowed and said, "My minister is sick and unable to perform the duties of the court. I want to recuperate at home. I implore the Queen Mother to help me!"

More importantly, all the Song Dynasty taxes and taxes were abolished wherever they went, and the Yongwang decree was promulgated to exempt urban and rural areas from taxes for five years. We eat pots of milk to welcome the arrival of the Western Army.

In fact, all officials are human beings. They all know that the Song Dynasty is over. As long as they are not aliens and do not harm their own interests, it is normal to change dynasties. When the Song Dynasty replaced Hou Zhou, no Hou Zhou official committed suicide.

Zhang Jun said indifferently: "Wei Chen supports Mr. Xu's opinion. Negotiation is our only way out. Wei Chen advises the Queen Mother not to conscript any more. It will cause the people to panic and flee."

Xu Xiantu shook his head, "Negotiation is not surrender. Surrender is only when you open the city gate and raise a white flag. Negotiation is a civil war, and it is a way to protect your own interests. That's why it is said in the Art of War. Attack, attack the city from the government."

"Xu Xiangguo meant to make Ai's family surrender?" Queen Mother Wei was really dissatisfied.


"Thank you Queen Mother!"

Zhang Jun resigned and left, and Empress Dowager Wei immediately issued an order to remove Zhang Jun from his posts of political affairs and Shangshu Youcheng, appoint him as the Biejia of Xuanzhou, and allow him to recuperate at home.

At this time, King Yong's special envoy Lu Gang entered Lin'an City again.

(End of this chapter)

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