
Chapter 1454 Preliminary Discussion

Chapter 1454 Preliminary Discussion
Most of the Yongwang special envoy's office had been burned down in the riots in Meihuawei, and a small house remained intact. Lu Gang re-hanged a sign in the small house with the words 'Yong Guo special envoy' written on it.

It was originally the special envoy's mansion of King Yong, but if one word was changed, the meaning would be different. It used to be the relationship between the king and the emperor, but now it is the relationship between the countries.

Lu Gang hired someone to clean up the yard, and at the same time sent his men to report to the court. Soon after getting the news, Empress Dowager Wei sent Xu Xiantu and Zhu Shengfei to test out his attitude.

The two came to the special envoy's mansion and walked into the gate, only to see Lu Gang directing people to clean up the rubble. Lu Gang hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "It's completely changed, I made you laugh!"

Xu Xiantu also sighed and said: "The chaos of Plum Blossom Guard was very serious, not to mention the special envoy's mansion, my mansion was also attacked. Fortunately, there is a secret room in my house, and the whole family escaped by hiding in it, but the housekeeper was killed and the maid was killed. All the valuables at home were robbed, and tens of thousands of guan were also robbed from Mr. Zhu’s mansion, and he was fortunate that his wife and daughter were not in Lin’an.”

Zhu Shengfei also said: "The imperial court is registering the loss. Some items that were stolen can still be returned. Special Envoy Lu can go and register."

"My property loss here is nothing, but some furniture was burnt down, and there is still a house, so I don't need to bother the court, you two please!"

Lu Gang invited the two of them into the small room and sat down in the living room. One of his subordinates served them tea. Lu Gang asked again with concern: "I heard that the emperor was assassinated, can the assassin be caught?"

Xu Xiantu shook his head, "At that time, Lin'an City was in chaos, and the assassin just escaped, so it is impossible to investigate now."

"Any clues?"

"His Royal Highness King Yong has only one plan. The Song Dynasty can be temporarily retained, but the capital must be moved back to Bianliang. The palace is still there. The army is not allowed to remain, but the guards can be retained. The Song Dynasty is protected by the Yong Kingdom and becomes a country within a country. , The Empress Dowager wants to ascend the throne as Emperor Song, and King Yong does not object."

"Basically, the imperial court has determined that it was the dignitaries' retaliation against the emperor, and it was related to the Xiang family. It was most likely the work of the dead men raised by the Xiang family. The steward of the Xiang mansion also confirmed that the dead men had a poisonous arrow. Seeing blood sealed the throat, the emperor To be stabbed by this kind of poisonous arrow."

"But what if it's not Da Song Jiangshan?"

Zhu Shengfei said anxiously: "How is it possible to give up the army?"

Qin Hui already knew from his wife what Empress Dowager Wei was thinking. This woman wanted to become emperor, and she asked this question now, obviously hoping to veto the hope of establishing a new emperor.

Empress Dowager Wei was not furious. Although she could not accept the various conditions proposed by Chen Qing, such as moving the capital and abandoning the army, etc., she agreed with her proposals to proclaim herself emperor and beware of army rebellion, but it hit her heart.

"My minister supports Qin Xiangguo's opinion and supports the queen mother's regent!"

"Reporting to the Empress Dowager, the Great Song Dynasty is already in crisis, and I can't arbitrarily establish a new emperor, otherwise the virtue will not be worthy, and people in the world will no longer recognize the Song Dynasty. I suggest to wait patiently. The Empress Dowager can also serve as the regent. Take up the heavy responsibilities first, and wait until there is a suitable candidate in the future before considering the new emperor."

Xu Xiantu and Zhu Shengfei looked at each other in blank dismay, this move is absolutely perfect!Their retreat was completely cut off, and Zhao Bocong and his son also died, but it was said that Zhao's blood was completely cut off, but in fact it was not. Zhao Bocong's father was still there, but that man was a well-known old alcoholic in Lin'an City. Being an emperor is simply not worthy of virtue.

She immediately brought Qin Hui to discuss with her. Without Zhang Jun, she could easily control the remaining three prime ministers. Qin Hui was a courtier, especially his wife, Wang, who had a close relationship with her. Empress Dowager Wei was sure to control him. Needless to say, he was originally one of his own, and there was only Xu Xiantu left. Empress Dowager Wei had already seen through him, a slippery guy, a compromiser in his bones.

Xu Xiantu no longer denied it this time, and said flatly: "To each other, isn't your son also in Yangzhou?"

Lu Gang said indifferently: "Anyone, no matter if he is an idiot or a fool, as long as his surname is Zhao, he can become emperor and rule the world, do you think it is reasonable?"

Empress Dowager Wei spoke modestly, but she glanced at Xu Xiantu. Although Xu Xiantu did not receive Chen Qing's note, he fully understood Chen Qing's intentions from Lu Gang's mouth. Let Empress Wei go to destroy the Song Dynasty. Do, encourage her to ascend the throne as emperor.

Xu Xiantu pondered for a while and said: "The former prince has two young sons, they are the authentic grandsons of the emperor."

In fact, the emperor Zhao Gou's funeral plan had already been decided, and he was buried next to the mausoleum of the late emperor Huizong. The posthumous temple name was Pingzong.
Qin Hui and Xu Xiantu resigned, and the two walked out of the Ziwei Hall, Qin Hui said coldly: "Xu Xiangguo, the county magistrate Yu of Zhongmou County is your son!"

Empress Dowager Wei reluctantly accepted Qin Hui's plan, to regent first, and then ascend the throne when the time is right. Wasn't that what Wu Zetian did back then?
"I'm afraid that Ai's family is not capable enough to bear the burden of regent!"

Lu Gang laughed, "The Miao descendants of the Zhao family are all gone, so where is the Song Dynasty? Could it be that Empress Dowager Wei wants to ascend the throne and become the Empress herself?"

Empress Dowager Wei put the two statements on the table, "The former prince has completely given up, and now only those from Lin'an City are left, can you accept it?"

"Let's talk about the three princes! What about our throne?"

This is the first time in so many years that Xu Xiantu and Qin Hui have the same opinion. The Empress Dowager Wei was about to speak, but seeing Zhu Shengfei winking at herself, she said lightly: "Okay! You step back first, let the Ai family think about it Zhu Xianggong stays here, and the Ai family wants to discuss with you about the funeral of the official family."

"That's a pity. Now that the emperor has passed away, who will succeed him?"

Zhu Shengfei's expression changed, "King Yong really wants to destroy Song Dynasty?"

"What about His Royal Highness King Yong's plan?"

Xu Xiantu and Zhu Shengfei looked at each other, both of them showed embarrassment, Xu Xiantu smiled wryly and said: "At present, the Queen Mother is in charge of the court temporarily, and the heirs of the Great Song Dynasty are scarce, and the court is still looking for them."

Lu Gang said indifferently: "It's actually for your own good to let you give up the army. Once the army can't support you, the court will be backlashed by the army. Can't you imagine the consequences?"

Qin Hui got the news from another subordinate that Wei Yushou of Yuchi County had been promoted to the magistrate of Zhongmou County. Without Xu Xiantu's relationship, that Yu County lieutenant could not have been promoted so quickly.

Qin Hui did not agree with the queen mother to proclaim the emperor immediately, but he suggested that the queen mother can be a long-term regency. Of course, he told the queen mother implicitly that proclaiming the emperor immediately would not work.

Lu Gang took out two documents and handed them to the two of them, "This is a statement written by Zhao Chen last year, declaring that he and his two sons renounced the imperial power and will be civilians forever. In the reaffirmation letter written by the spies after the assassination, she inherited her husband’s behest, and once again stated that her two sons will no longer inherit the imperial power, change their surnames to Li, and be civilians forever, King Yong and the Internal Affairs Hall have officially approved her request.”

Zhu Shengfei said disapprovingly: "The rules are like this, as long as you are a great Song Dynasty, you can only ascend the throne with the blood of the royal family!"

Qin Hui's son Lin Yifei is currently in Yangzhou, guarding Qin Hui's family property transferred to Yangzhou, but this matter is very secret, even his wife Wang does not know.

Qin Hui's face changed, "How do you know?"

Xu Xiantu smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter if I know or not, as long as Mrs. Xiangguo doesn't know."

After he finished speaking, he chuckled and walked away. Qin Hui's face turned red and then pale, and he became really worried. It must be the Western Army spies who have been monitoring his son.

(End of this chapter)

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