
Chapter 1455

In the study, the Empress Dowager Wei pondered for a moment, and said directly to Zhu Shengfei: "How likely is it that the Ai family wants to become emperor?"

Zhu Shengfei bowed and said: "This is also the advice I want to give to the queen mother. It is not impossible to become emperor, because there is no suitable heir to the throne now, so the possibility of becoming emperor is now."

"and then?"

Empress Dowager Wei continued to ask: "What can I do to turn proclaiming the emperor from a possibility into a reality?"

"Reporting to the Empress Dowager is actually the unity of the inside and the outside, and everyone expects it. Now there are no big problems outside. Chen Qing has made it clear that he supports the Empress Dowager's ascension to the throne."

"Why does he support Aijia?"

Empress Dowager Wei interrupted Zhu Shengfei's topic and asked: "Aijia has a bad relationship with him and has offended him countless times. I really don't understand why he is on my side?"

Zhu Shengfei smiled wryly and said: "The Queen Mother, Chen Qing is a hero, he will not take such trivial personal grievances to heart, as long as it can be used by him, he will support it. If the Queen Mother ascends the throne, the orthodoxy of the Song Dynasty will no longer exist. How can he Can you support the Queen Mother?"

Empress Dowager Wei said after a long while: "Okay! Even if he supports Aijia for his own benefit, with external support, is the key to internal affairs?"

Zhu Shengfei nodded, "That's right, the key is to straighten out the internal affairs, especially the military. If the Queen Mother can get the support of the military, then there will be no problem. Some ministers object, just let him go, and there will be no troubles." .”

Wang Mu said with a smile: "The weaknesses of all the Tai students are the same. He didn't pass the imperial examination, he couldn't be an official, and he was worried. He still has another weakness, which is his two sons."

In this way, by means of promotion, Han Shizhong was deprived of the military power of the commander-in-chief of the three armies. At the same time, Xu Xiantu was transferred from the Privy Council, vacating the position of Chief Privy Councilor.

"Husband, take a break!"

Lu Gang nodded, "I'll meet him tonight."

Sima Chun put down his pen, sighed and said: "Zhu Shengfei recommended me to Wei Tong, which really pushed me into the fire pit. This kind of evil, taking people's property everywhere, will be punished by God sooner or later. I will be tied to his car and will go with him bury."

Ms. Liu comforted her husband, "We also have some savings in our hands. If we can't do it, we can go back to our hometown, buy some land, live in peace, and raise our two children, isn't it good?"

"He is from Weizhou. He was born in the imperial school. Jianyan fled to Lin'an four years ago. There should be people in his hometown. He has two sons. Before that, he was Zhu Shengfei's staff. Wei Tong rewarded him with a house in Lirenfang. , it is estimated that they are moving in the past two days."

Empress Dowager Wei suddenly said: "The Ai family wants Wei Tong to be Marshal of the capital, replacing Han Shizhong, do you think he is competent?"

So Zhu Shengfei also trusted Sima Chun quite a bit, appointed him as his chief staff officer, and Sima Chun's life gradually improved.

Empress Dowager Wei said happily, "Does Zhu Xiangguo have any suitable candidates to recommend?"

Wei Tong is the Empress Dowager Wei's brother and the person she trusts the most. Of course, she wants her brother to control the military power, which means that the military power is in her own hands.

Zhu Shengfei also nominated Wei Tong as a member of the Privy Council, referred to as Zhiyuan, and the Empress Dowager Wei immediately approved it, making Wei Tong the fifth prime minister. At this time, Zhu Shengfei emphasized the principle of civilians in charge of the army. As the governor, he served as the Xuanfu envoy of the Shenwu Army and the marshal of the three armies.

This time Zhu Shengfei even recommended him to the Queen Mother to become Wei Tong's staff and military adviser. It was not only his opportunity, but it also put him under tremendous pressure. Wei Tong is an ignorant playboy who only knows how to eat, drink and play. I don't understand other farts. What kind of future will I have as an assistant to such a person?
At night, Sima Chun was thinking about the arrangement of the army's generals in his study. The army's generals obviously refused to accept Wei Tong, especially Liu Kai, the commander of the Shenwu Left Guard Army. Thousands of elite soldiers, with deep qualifications, are difficult to deal with. Both the Central Guard Army controls Yang Yizhong and the Right Guard Army controls Yan Changde. It's a little bit better, knowing that Wei Tong is representing the Queen Mother.

Lu Gang nodded, "Do you have any background and other information about this person? For example, his family and children."

"What about his weakness?" Lu Gang asked again.

But what really made Baiguan happy was another thing. At noon, the "Beijing News", which had been silent for nearly half a month, suddenly reappeared on the streets of Lin'an. After reading this newspaper, they can grasp the general trend of the world so as not to lose their direction.

Zhu Shengfei said in every sentence that in Empress Wei's heart, she also knew that her brother was ignorant, empty and useless, unable to solve her own problems, but she needed her brother to control the military power before she could give up, so Zhu Shengfei's staff The suggestion is very timely. If the brother has a good staff, it means he has a good mind, and he will make up for Wei Tong's biggest deficiency.

Empress Dowager Wei has lived in the harem for a long time, so there is no staff there, and Zhu Shengfei is her representative of interests in the court. Apart from Zhu Shengfei, she does not trust other ministers. Wei Tong."

Zhu Shengfei understood the empress dowager's thinking, nodded and said: "In the Song Dynasty, civil servants have always controlled the military power. Wei Tong can be appointed as the prefect, and then as the privy prefect, he can be the marshal of the capital and control the military talisman seal. In this way, there will be no problem in the system. Well, as for his ability, the key is that he must have a good staff, who will give him advice and teach him how to control him, if these two points are done well, Wei Tong can take control of the military."

In Xinfeng Teahouse outside Nancheng, Wang Mu gave Lu Gang a note with only one name on it, Sima Chun.

Of course, everyone understands that the queen mother's real purpose is to allow Wei Tong to take control of the military power. Of course, Han Shizhong also understands that this military power looks good, but it is actually very hot. If it is not done, he will become a sinner of the Song Dynasty, and he is not attached to it. , gladly handed over the military talisman seal and the Marshal Lingjian to Wei Tong.

Zhu Shengfei smiled slightly and said, "I do have a staff member named Sima Chun, who is from Weizhou. He has a clear mind and a flexible mind. If there is no suitable candidate for the queen mother, I will recommend him to be Wei Tong's military adviser and staff."

The new newspaper office is located on the bank of the Qiantang River outside the city. It is a mansion covering an area of ​​[-] mu. All the raw materials, equipment and personnel have been transferred here to continue to run the newspaper. Of course, it is impossible for Chen Qing to give up the "Beijing News". This is his public opinion. The weapon is also the mouthpiece of his voice.

"This person is Wei Tong's only military adviser and staff member. With Wei Tong's intelligence, he is not enough to control the military power. He must obey Sima Chun's arrangement. This person is the key."

Sima Chunnian was about 37 or [-] years old, and he was born in Xinxiang County, Weizhou. Six years later, he entered Zhu Shengfei's residence as a small staff member. He persuaded Zhu Shengfei to attach himself to the queen mother and become the spokesperson of the queen mother in the imperial court.

Empress Dowager Wei walked a few steps with her hands behind her back, and said slowly: "The Ai family also has this idea, holding the military power in their own hands."

At this time, his wife Liu Shi came in with a cup of tea. Liu Shi was the daughter of his benefactor and married him when he was at his worst. The husband and wife had loved each other for so many years, and they were very affectionate and gave birth to two sons.

In the morning of the next day, Empress Dowager Wei convened a small court meeting, and proposed to improve the system of Xiangguo and the internal affairs hall. In charge of the three departments of rites, punishment, and engineering, Qin Hui continued to be the prime minister on the right and in charge of the government, and Zhu Shengfei was the prime minister on the left and served as a support envoy.

Sima Chun smiled wryly, "That's the only way to go!"

At this time, the housekeeper reported that there was a visitor, and Liu was startled, "It's so late, who else is coming, I'll go and see!"

Mrs. Liu went out quickly, walked to the door, only to hear the butler say, "The man here is called Lu Gang, and he said that the master knows him."

"Lu Gang!"

Sima Chun jumped up in shock.

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