
Chapter 1456

Chapter 1456

Sima Chun personally welcomed Lu Gang into the study, and told his wife, "Anyone who comes will tell me that I'm already asleep. If there is anything else, we can talk about it tomorrow, and Wei Tong is no exception!"

Mrs. Liu heard her husband talk about Lu Gang, and she knew that the consequences of leaking the secret would be serious, so she immediately went to make arrangements.

Sima Chun asked Lu Gang to sit down, and Mrs. Liu personally delivered hot tea, closed the door and went out.

Lu Gang smiled and said, "Did Mr. Sima go back to his hometown to have a look?"

"I've always wanted to go, but I just don't have the time."

"Go and have a look when you have time! His Royal Highness King Yong is recuperating in all parts of the world, and all parts of the world are slowly recovering. It is estimated that the prosperity before the Jinbing invasion will be restored in ten years."

"Yes, His Royal Highness King Yong's low taxes are very popular, but I don't quite understand, how can low taxes support an army of 60 to [-]?"

"This question is a good question. Many people have asked me this question. It is actually very simple. It is clear why the Southern Song Dynasty had a high tax burden. It was because there was too little land for taxation. Only a small amount of land was taxed. In order to feed the government, The court and the army can only desperately raise taxes on the taxed land. The idea is that all the land in the Yong Kingdom must pay taxes, and the official land and military land are no exception. There are many lands that pay taxes, so naturally they can adopt low taxes. This is the key to King Yong's ability to conquer the world step by step."

"I see, it is true!"

Sima Chun hurriedly came to the handsome hall, and saw that Wei Tong was full of anger, the ground was full of shards of the inkstone, he must have been angry just now, Sima Chun quickly winked at the attendant, and asked him to clean up the shards of the inkstone.


"Liu Kai has a lot of experience in the army. If the marshal kills him, it will definitely cause widespread dissatisfaction in the army, and even cause disease. I think the best way is to borrow a knife to kill someone!"

Lu Gang took the pen and looked at it, and wrote a recommendation below, "Recommend him as the county magistrate of Xinxiang County!" 'And signed his own name, stamping the official seal of the special envoy's office.

Lu Gang smiled slightly: "Is it because Liu Kai disobeyed Wei Tong's order?"

Sima Chun nodded, accepted the money, and asked, "What should I do?"

Sima Chun nodded, "Use the hands of the Western Army to kill him, as well as those generals who are loyal to him, and give them to the Western Army to kill."

Lu Gang smiled and said: "Soon Liu Qiong will lead the army north to the Qiantang River. Liu Qi and Liu Qiong are cousins. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Who made the Marshal angry again?"

Of course Sima Chun is not a fool, this is the most important opportunity in his life, how could he not seize this opportunity, he said without hesitation: "Don't think about it, it is my honor to serve His Royal Highness King Yong!"

"Husband, could this be intentional?"

Sima Chun showed his wife the recommendation form, and Liu was surprised: "You actually recommended your husband to be an official, and he is the county magistrate of Xinxiang, really?"

Sima Chun knew what his wife wanted to say, and interrupted her with a smile, "He is not an ordinary person, he is Princess Yong's eldest brother, and the future head of the Lu family. He will not ruin his reputation and credit. The county magistrate is nothing to him at all, it’s just a seventh-rank gun, he has the right to recommend, the key is that I want to play a role.”

"Exactly! He looked down on Wei Tong from the bottom of his heart and opposed him everywhere, which made Wei Tong very embarrassed on the first day. He wanted to kill him but didn't dare. He asked me to find a way to deal with Liu Kai."

Lu Gang smiled and said: "Maybe Mr. Sima had no choice before, but now you can. If you choose His Highness King Yong, you can still have two choices. The first one is that you help His Highness King Yong, and we will give you a sum of money." Very generous money, the second is that you join His Highness King Yong, and I will recommend you to be the county magistrate of Xinxiang in the future. Of course, Mr. Sima can continue to choose Wei Tong, just pretend that I have not been here tonight. How about I give Mr. Sima Three days to consider."

Lu Gang left, and Sima Chun was pacing back and forth in the room excitedly. It had been his wish for many years to become an official. He had no chance with Zhu Shengfei, but he never expected it to come true with His Royal Highness King Yong. Can you not get excited?
At this moment, the wife walked in and said with a smile, "Why is my husband so excited?"

Lu Gang took out another 20 taels of silver, and said with a smile: "This is also a rule, every official who goes to Jingzhao has it, and you are no exception for the troubles on the way."

"it is good!"

"You mean, let someone else kill him?"

Lu Gang smiled and said, "If there is no accident, you will take your family to report to the Ministry of Officials of Jingzhao next month. It should not be a big problem. I have three recommendation places every year, and you happen to be the third one this year."

"I think your husband's last sentence is right. If your husband wants to play an important role, the county magistrate will give you your reward."

"It is estimated that our family will go to Jingzhao next month. Unexpectedly, when Sima Chun is 38 years old, I will finally become an official."

Lu Gang pointed to the two teacups and said calmly: "This is His Highness King Yong, and that is Wei Tong. Sima can choose one of the two."

"will not!"

Lu Gang whispered a few more words to Sima Chun, and Sima Chun nodded repeatedly, "Do I understand what the special envoy means?"


"How can I not be excited, look at this!"

Sima Chun said coldly: "Yesterday the marshal asked me to go back and think about how to deal with him. I thought about it for a long time, and there is only one way!"

"Who else?"

Lu Gang said again: "Now that the general situation of the world has been decided, only Lin'an Mansion is left in the Song Dynasty, and it won't last long. Why did Mr. Sima work for Wei Tong at this last moment?"

Sima Chun smiled wryly and shook his head, "I have no choice. If I don't agree, the whole family will suffer, so I have to bite the bullet and do things for him!"

The next morning, when Sima Chun arrived at the Marshal's Mansion, Wei Tong sent someone to look for him.

Sima Chun thought for a while and said, "What Special Envoy Lu means is to send Liu Kai to lead the army to stop the attack on the Qiantang River."

"Can I choose?"

Sima Chun nodded and said with emotion: "The position of county magistrate is not easy to get, I have to think about it!"

Sima Chun was excited, and quickly got up to salute, "Thank you for the recommendation of Special Envoy Lu!"

Speaking of which, Wei Tong is also difficult for him to wear a suit of armor. He is so thin, like a hemp pole, wearing armor as if hanging on his body. It is indescribably funny, without the mighty domineering that a general will have. In fact, he is a civil servant. , don't need to wear armor, but he just wanted to look like a marshal, and finally turned into a four-faced.

"But Mr. Sima can choose!"

Wei Tong said furiously: "It's not that thief Liu Kai, I ordered his men to repair the city wall by the West Lake immediately, but he said that his army is not hard labor, and asked me to find someone else. Taiwan, hate me too!"

Sima Chun looked at it, namely name, age, place of origin, imperial examination status, family status, etc., and he immediately took a pen to fill in all the places that should be filled.

Lu Gang took out a letter of recommendation for employment and said with a smile: "When officials of the imperial court go to Jingzhao, they must pass through my test first. I will write a letter of recommendation for employment. This is also my right. You can simply fill it out."

Wei Tong cheered up, and quickly asked: "What way?"

"Let me think about it!" Wei Tong didn't have the courage, he was a little hesitant.

Sima Chun continued to instigate: "Marshal, the soldiers are good but not many. Get rid of Liu Kai's 3 people, and the marshal can truly become an uncompromising coach. I guess we will negotiate to resolve the crisis in the end. The marshal has the capital in his hands. At that time, you can ask for more benefits, and if Liu Kai is here, he will definitely take away part of the marshal's benefits."

Wei Tong was finally persuaded, and he made up his mind, "I'll listen to the military adviser, when is the best time?"

"We have to wait patiently for the opportunity!"

(End of this chapter)

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