
Chapter 1458

Chapter 1458
Although Liu Kai looked down on Wei Tong, he could not resist the Queen Mother's will in the end, and led [-] troops out of the city to kill the Qiantang River ten miles away. Teams of cavalry patrolled the river.

Deputy General Li Fuyuan said in a low voice: "Looking at the appearance of the Western Army, it doesn't look like they are going to cross the river."

Liu Kai said bitterly: "I wouldn't have crossed the river in the first place. The Western Army will advance into Lin'an Mansion together. They will not only advance to the south. That idiot Wei Tong doesn't understand himself, but he used the empress dowager to suppress me!"

Another commander, Zhang Rui, said: "There are rumors that the queen mother wants to ascend the throne, is it true?"

"It should be true. In fact, there are still a few Zhao clans in the city, but she doesn't think about the new emperor. It's obvious."

"Does she want to be the second Wu Zetian?"

Liu Qi sighed and said, "If she had Wu Zetian's great talent and strategy, I'd be willing to support her, but she has nothing but ambition, and she will bring Da Song into disaster!"

"Then it's better to support King Yong!" Deputy General Li Fuyuan said.

Liu Kai turned his head and glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Dutong, I'm not talking nonsense. King Yong led his army to the Northern Expedition and regained the Han family. He treated the people leniently and benevolently. The whole world has long since returned. The brothers all want to join the Western Army. This is everyone's heart."

Zhang Rui also persuaded: "Brother and Wei Tong are fighting against each other. Once Webster usurps the throne, Wei Tong's son will be the heir to the throne. Will Wei Tong spare Big Brother? Will he spare us?"

"His Royal Highness King Yong hopes that Empress Dowager Wei will be enthroned as emperor, Wei Hao, the son of Wei Tong, will be crowned as crown prince, and the dynasty will be changed. I hope that Mr. Zhu will facilitate these as soon as possible."

The news that Liu Kai's army surrendered to the Western Army soon spread to Lin'an City. Instead of feeling that he had done anything wrong, Wei Tong was very grateful. Liu Kai must have secretly surrendered to the Western Army long ago. See it out by yourself and drive out of Lin'an City, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

How could Zhu Shengfei not understand Yongwang Chen Qing's intention to let the Song Dynasty be destroyed by Webster's hands, he sighed and said: "Actually, I don't need to persuade her, she is already imperative."

Zhu Shengfei nodded, "What does Your Highness want me to do?"

"Then let's be honest! If Mr. Zhu still wants to go back to his hometown to enjoy his life, or if he wants your son to continue serving as the county magistrate in Yanzhou, then he has to do something. Mr. Zhu should understand what I mean!"

He read the two letters, especially His Royal Highness King Yong's letter twice. In the letter, King Yong still recruited him as before, inviting him to destroy the gold together, and to wash Jingkang's shame with a soldier's sword.

Third, I can tell you that once she ascends the throne, Yang Yizhong will definitely rebel. At present, Yang Yizhong is already suspecting that she assassinated the emperor, so she must kill Yang Yizhong. "

As soon as night fell, a special guest came to Zhu Shengfei's mansion. The guest was Lu Gang, the special envoy of King Yong.

"Which three things?"

For a while, Liu Kai was extremely disappointed. What kind of idiot was sold and counted the money for others.

"I didn't say anything. I've kept these words in my heart for a long time. It's obvious that the Song Dynasty is dead, and there is no heir to the throne. It's obvious that Webster wants to usurp the throne. The elder brother wants to be loyal to Wei Tong and the Wei family. We don't want to do it!"

Zhu Shengfei nodded, "I can persuade her, how about the negotiation?"

Some soldiers came to report, "Tens of thousands of western troops came from the east and cut off our retreat."

The last sentence deeply moved him, and Chen Qing also gave him enough face. Liu Kai glanced at the expectant eyes of the generals, nodded and said to the soldier who sent the letter: "I will tell you, Liu Dutong, that I accept His Highness King Yong's invitation." , Willing to pledge allegiance to him!"

"Zhu Xianggong should know the purpose of my coming here at this time!"

After a while, a letter delivery soldier was brought up, knelt down on one knee, saluted, and handed over two letters, "This is a letter from His Royal Highness King Yong and Liu Dutong!"

Dozens of generals around him immediately cheered. According to rumors, [-] soldiers also cheered together.

All the generals stared at Liu Kai together, Liu Kai nodded, "Bring it up!"

At this moment, there was a commotion in the rear army, and the soldiers ran one after another. Liu Kai asked in amazement, "What's going on?"

Now Zhu Shengfei began to think about his future. Of course he would not be so stupid as to bind himself with Queen Mother Wei, but he found that even if he went back to his hometown to provide for the elderly, Chen Qing had to agree.
These few days he was really a little anxious, so Lu Gang's visit made him like a drowning man grabbing a log, so he hurriedly invited Lu Gang to his study.

Especially when Chen Qing visited Lin'an, Zhu Shengfei had been in charge of negotiating with Chen Qing and got along well, helping the emperor and Chen Qing to reach an agreement, and he was the one who played around with Wei Tong in the case of Wei Tong being kidnapped by Chen Qing, making Wei Tong pay for it. Big ransom.

Liu Dutong is Liu Qiong, the younger brother of Liu Qi. Now the entire Liu family has surrendered to King Yong, and there is only one Liu Kai left. Willing to betray, now that the emperor has passed away and Webster shows signs of usurping the throne, Liu Kai naturally has no worries.

Liu Kai immediately ordered that the whole army put down their weapons and surrender to the Western Army.

Second, cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, and killed the few remaining Zhao clans in Lin'an City.

Lu Gang shook his head, "We won't negotiate until she ascends the throne. You have to keep her stable. She not only has Lin'an, but also Lingnan. She can go to Lingnan and continue to be the empress."

"Yes!" Zhu Shengfei said awkwardly.

At this time, a soldier came to report, "Someone from the Western Army came to deliver a letter, saying that it was a letter written by King Yong!"

Although the morale of the army has gradually disintegrated, the superiors still have the ideas of the superiors. They don't care much about the army and think more about their own interests.

He himself was from the Western Army, and he was allowed to return to the Western Army in the end. He could accept it emotionally, but he couldn't save face.

He thought about it, and suddenly understood that the camp on the other side was empty. In fact, the Western Army had already crossed the river. This was clearly a trap. Could it be?
Of course Wei Tong would not be a spy of the Western Army, it is very likely that there is someone around him, Liu Qi thought of Sima Chun, it was very likely that he had secretly surrendered to the Western Army, and encouraged Wei Tong, an idiot, to let him fight.

"But you can be more considerate for her. I hope you can persuade her to do three things."

"Have you finished?" Liu Kai glared at him.

"First, suggest that she follow Wu Zetian's example and set up a new Plum Blossom Guard, and kill all dissidents who oppose her ascension to the throne, except Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun can be placed under house arrest, but he cannot be killed.

But what Wei Tong didn't expect was that the news of Liu Qi's army surrendering to the Western Army caused huge waves in the army, and the morale of the army was completely shaken. In fact, most of the soldiers were not from Lin'an, and their parents, wives and children were already the sons of King Yong. The newspapers also published the news that the Western Army had committed no crimes and treated the common people kindly, which had already spread among the soldiers.

Of course, Zhu Shengfei was also considering his own retreat. In fact, he and Chen Qing did not have any deep hatred. When he served as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, he basically didn't care about Chen Qing, who was still the envoy of the Qinzhou system at that time. He was not like Qin Hui when he was prime minister. Targeting the Western Army like that everywhere, he is more of a kind and muddy existence.

Liu Kai was shaken. He knew that what everyone said was right. Wei Tong sent him out of the city to fight. He just wanted to use the hands of the Western Army to get rid of him. Even the Queen Mother Wei ordered him to fight. Wei Tong wanted to eradicate himself and completely grasp the military power. His intentions were obvious, and he was momentarily at a loss.

Liu Kai was taken aback immediately, how could it be possible to kill him from the east?

Zhu Shengfei was taken aback, "Are you really going to let her go to Lingnan?"

Lu Gang said lightly: "I've said it before, it's just to stabilize her, everything is for her to ascend the throne smoothly!"

"I understand!"

Lu Gang stood up and put a letter on the table, "This is a handwritten letter from His Royal Highness King Yong, you can take a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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