
Chapter 1459

Chapter 1459

Zhu Shengfei's greatest strength is his knowledge of current affairs. He read Chen Qing's letter, and he went to the palace overnight to meet the Queen Mother.

Empress Dowager Wei used to pay attention to health preservation and went to bed very early, but now she has a lot of thoughts and has to deal with various court affairs, so she can't fall asleep until very late.

At this time, Empress Dowager Wei was considering Liu Qi's betrayal and surrender. Of course, she didn't think it was her brother's fault.

A general who surrendered as soon as he met him without any engagement with the enemy is definitely not loyal. If such a person stays by his side, he will only be a disaster. This is to let him run away, but it is cheaper for him.

Empress Dowager Wei was worried about Yang Yizhong at this time. She knew that Yang Yizhong's loyalty to the emperor and Song Dynasty was an advantage in the past, but now it is probably the last thing she wants to see.

If he becomes the throne himself, this Yang Yizhong is very likely to become the most dangerous person.

At this time, an eunuch reported at the door, "Queen Mother, Mr. Zhu has something urgent to see you!"

"this late!"

Empress Dowager Wei thought for a while, but still ordered: "Acclaim him an audience!"

When he walked to the street, he suddenly shot countless arrows from both sides, with powerful force, they aimed directly at Yang Yizhong and his men.

But Yang Yizhong is cautious by nature. He knows that this matter is not trivial, and he must be well-prepared before he can do it. This is also a weakness of Yang Yizhong.

The concrete manifestation of the lack of morale in the army is the emergence of a large-scale fleeing wave, especially in Yang Yizhong's army. The soldiers had long wanted to surrender to the Western Army. Willing to work hard again, the general even fled with his soldiers.

Empress Dowager Wei said with murderous intent in her eyes: "This person must be killed, but how to kill him, does Zhu Xiangguo have a way?"

Zhu Shengfei smiled wryly and said: "Don't worry, Queen Mother, this minister is also for his own safety. If he commits a coup, he will definitely kill this minister!"

Nearly [-] soldiers escaped overnight, almost all of Yang Yizhong's army fled.

"Zhu Xianggong, what do you need to see Ai's family so late?"

Zhu Shengfei didn't just talk about it. This was the information Lu Gang told him. Wei Yanzong, who was monitoring Yang Yizhong, did find out that he was secretly in contact with the royal family.

Wei Tong saw the Queen Mother's will, and he didn't know what to do, especially he didn't want to participate in such a dangerous thing. Since the Queen Mother asked Zhu Shengfei, he should do it himself, and let Zhu Shengfei do the rest.

Empress Dowager Wei was very sensitive. She immediately guessed Yang Yizhong's intentions. He also knew that he wanted to ascend the throne, so he secretly contacted the royal family, launched a coup to overthrow him, and then established the royal family as emperor and extended Zhao Song Sheji.

Empress Dowager Wei's face suddenly turned cold, "Is this news accurate?"

Yang Yizhong's three confidant generals, Li Da, Pei Datong, and Yang Zhi each led [-] troops from their headquarters to leave the city from Yuhangmen in the northern city, and went to Huzhou to surrender to the Western Army.

"Is there a chance? Will he hide in the barracks all the time?"

He is the only one who is truly capable of safeguarding the Great Song State. Yang Yizhong has an elite army of [-]. With these [-] elite soldiers, he can launch a mutiny and force the Queen Mother to make the Zhao family emperor.

Zhu Shengfei immediately found Sima Chun to meet Wei Tong together, and Sima Chun also received a letter from Lu Gang asking him to cooperate with Zhu Shengfei's actions.

"Thank you Queen Mother!"

At night, Yang Yizhong came out from Zhao Zicheng's mansion. Zhao Zicheng was the father of Zhao Bocong, a famous literati, but he was more fond of drinking, especially suspected by the emperor Zhao Gou.

The assassins dropped the evidence, naturally to avenge Xiang Jia and Xiang Kui, Xiang Kui was indeed killed by Yang Yizhong.

Yang Yizhong didn't consider him, but wanted to make his eldest son, the son of Zhao Bogui, the new emperor. This is where Empress Dowager Wei's ambitions were revealed, and it was also what made Yang Yizhong the most resentful. Obviously there was a suitable heir to the throne. She turned a blind eye.

It was so sudden that Yang Yizhong and his soldiers were caught off guard, and were shot by arrows one after another. Yang Yizhong was hit by three arrows in a row, and the horse fell down. Knowing that something was wrong, Yang Yizhong drew his sword and fought Unexpectedly, hundreds of soldiers were killed. Everyone held spears, cooperated tacitly, and were highly skilled in martial arts. In just a moment, several surviving soldiers were killed. Yang Yizhong only resisted two or three moves, and was killed by a dozen soldiers. The spear pierced the body and died tragically on the spot.

"What does he want to do? Want to launch a coup and overthrow Aijia?"

Immediately entrusted the selection of soldiers to Sima Chun, and Sima Chun took his token to select assassins with high martial arts skills.

Zhu Shengfei stopped abruptly, looked at the court ladies on both sides, Empress Dowager Wei said with a smile: "Just say it, they are all Aijia's confidantes!"

"Reporting to the Queen Mother, it is basically accurate."

Yang Yizhong's contact with the royal family was extremely concealed. He had very few guards, only a dozen or so, and there were too many guards, so it was easy to be discovered.

Zhu Shengfei pondered for a moment and said: "I feel that he also knows that the Queen Mother is going to kill him. He is very vigilant now and may launch a mutiny at any time. He cannot be killed in a conventional way, but must be assassinated."


All this was done to appease Yang Yizhong's [-] subordinates, and at the same time to get rid of himself.

The next day, Queen Mother Wei was furious when she heard the news, and ordered Dali Temple and the county government to investigate the murderer. At the same time, she stayed in court for three days to mourn for Yang Yizhong. middle.

Sometimes being cautious is reassuring, but sometimes being too cautious is a fatal weakness. Like launching a mutiny, if you think too much about it, you will lose opportunities and be more likely to be backlashed by the opponent.

Empress Dowager Wei's ambition to usurp the throne was Sima Zhao's heart, everyone knew it, and Yang Yizhong certainly saw it. He was extremely anxious, especially after Liu Qi surrendered to the Western Army, and Han Shizhong completely lay down again, regardless of any other matters.

"Queen, Yang Yizhong is secretly contacting the royal family in the city."

The assassination of Yang Yizhong was a plan formulated by Lu Gang, and it was the internal guards brought by Zhong Huan. These internal guards have been arranged into the army by Sima Chun.

"Humble job just got a message."

After killing Yang Yizhong, no one really wanted to mutiny, but another serious consequence appeared.That is, the morale of the army is completely slackened.

Empress Dowager Wei is a woman after all, and she has no experience in such big matters. She nodded and said, "Let me leave this matter to Mr. Zhu. I will give Mr. Zhu a hundred thousand coins to reward the dead!"

Not long after, Zhu Shengfei hurried in, bowed and saluted, "See the Queen Mother!"

"Queen, if he wants to contact the royal family, he will definitely have a chance. I can discuss with Wei Zhiyuan, select a group of soldiers with high martial arts skills from his army, assassinate him in the street, and then shift the responsibility to those dignitaries , the Queen Mother will give him a new title, posthumously title him as a county king or something, to appease his subordinates."

The Empress Dowager Wei scolded Wei Tong for not being able to control the army. As a last resort, she ordered the soldiers' salaries to be increased from three to six per month, which barely stopped the fleeing tide.

But at this time, there were only 7000 troops left in her hands, and she was completely unable to withstand the offensive of the Western Army. However, Queen Mother Wei was not worried that the Western Army would attack Lin'an. She knew that Chen Qing supported her ascension to the throne.

Three days later, the Empress Dowager Wei decreed to officially change the Yuan Dynasty to the Wei Dynasty. She stepped on the throne of the dragon chair and became the Emperor of Heavenly Mandate of Heaven.

The news came too suddenly, and Empress Dowager Wei's usurpation was too hasty. Everyone was unprepared, and there was an uproar in Lin'an, but at this moment, the ministers suddenly discovered that more than a dozen members of the Zhao family in Lin'an had disappeared without a trace. no trace.

(End of this chapter)

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