
Chapter 1460 hint

Chapter 1460 hint
In the big tent, Chen Qing listened to the report from Zuo Botang, Lu Gang's deputy.

"His Royal Highness, all civil and military personnel of the Manchu dynasty did not attend the Empress Dowager Wei's enthronement ceremony under the pretext of being ill. Only thirty or so ministers and a dozen generals went to the ceremony, but several ministers went, and the resignation letters were piled up on the desk of the prime minister Qin Hui. Special envoy Lu did not attend the ceremony, but envoys from the Kingdom of Jin attended the enthronement ceremony of Empress Dowager Wei, and 10,000+ people went to watch the excitement, beating gongs and drums, and it was lively and festive.”

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing. The solemn enthronement ceremony turned into a lively and festive one, which was quite interesting. Of course, it was a matter of principle that Lu Gang did not attend the ceremony. Even the special envoy's office had to be evacuated from Lin'an, leaving only the "Beijing News" as a temporary contact point.

However, since he is supporting Empress Dowager Wei's ascension to the throne, some gestures still need to be done. Chen Qing ordered the army to withdraw northward and westward, the North Route Army retreated to Pingjiang Mansion, the West Route Army retreated to Huizhou, and the South Route Army retreated to Taizhou. At the same time, the garrison was greatly reduced. , to reduce the level of generals in the garrison, the North Route Army was reduced to 4, led by Li Fuxing, the governor of the capital, and the West Route Army and the South Route Army were reduced to 3, led by Wang Duo and Hu Yantong, the governor of the capital, that is, surrounded by [-] troops Lin'an Prefecture.

But this is only to relieve the pressure on Empress Dowager Wei, it does not mean that Huzhou, Jiaxing Mansion, Shaoxing Mansion and other places are given to her. The western army will not hesitate to send troops to wipe out the borders of the government.

After arranging the army, Chen Qing immediately went to inspect the states in the south of the Yangtze River to appease the officials, cut taxes and taxes, and let the people recuperate.

In the imperial study room, Zhu Shengfei reported Chen Qing's attitude of support to Empress Wei. Empress Wei was relieved by the large-scale withdrawal and reduction of the Western Army, but she was very annoyed by the principle of the Western Army's withdrawal and not giving up land. After thinking for a while, he said, "It doesn't matter if the army doesn't go in, we don't have so many troops to station, but our envoys are going to Lingnan, so we must keep the flow open, and what's the matter if the special envoy withdraws?"

Zhu Shengfei hastily said: "Weichen has already told the other party that they want to keep the Lingnan Passage open, and they agreed without hesitation. Besides, the withdrawal of the special envoy is only superficial, and the actual newspaper office is in charge of communication. As far as weichen knows, Lu Gang is still there. Inside the newspaper."

"What hypocrisy!" Empress Wei scolded.

"One more thing, I need to remind His Majesty!"

Liu Zilu didn't hesitate anymore, he put away the newspaper, put some money on the table, and went directly to the newspaper office.

"Your Majesty, villains are needed at any time, just like Wu Zetian needed Zhou Xing and Lai Junchen. Your Majesty can establish a small number of internal guards, set rules for them, take advantage of surveillance, and avoid the shortcomings of evil. The key is We need an army like that."

"what's up?"

At this time, the person just now laughed again: "Actually, there is a sixth hidden message. Let's see who wrote this article?"

At the end of the report, the officials who accompanied His Royal Highness King Yong on the inspection were mentioned, Huzhou Inspector Wang Suian, Chief History Liu Ji, and Wucheng County Magistrate Zhang Guangwen. The seemingly ordinary report actually hides many mysteries, but the most important point is , His Royal Highness King Yong is in the south of the Yangtze River.

At noon, the "Beijing News" reappeared on the streets of Lin'an. The headline on the front page of the newspaper was the news that His Royal Highness King Yong was inspecting Huzhou. He promised a group of old farmers a three-year tax exemption. King Yong also announced that all the unowned land in the south of the Yangtze River would be taken over by the government. , with a very low rent to the farmers to rent and grow, and the income subsidizes various government expenses.

"You mean Plum Blossom Guard?"

Liu Zilu's heart moved, and he quickly opened the newspaper to read carefully. He saw Wang Suian, governor of Huzhou, Liu Ji, magistrate of Wucheng County, and Zhang Guangwen, magistrate of Wucheng County. He was familiar with these officials. Nothing has changed, His Royal Highness King Yong has not changed a single official. "

"Thinking too much, the old witch destroyed the Song Dynasty, which is a good thing! If King Yong destroys the old witch now, will the Song Dynasty be revived, so it will definitely not be destroyed now, and the old witch will definitely be rampant for a few more days. "

Many big restaurants and big teahouses in Lin’an are closed, but it has given business opportunities to many small taverns and small teahouses. During this period of time, many major events have happened, and everyone wants to know the latest situation, so every small teahouse and tavern is full of customers .

"A total of five major messages were conveyed. The first is the arrival of King Yong. Needless to say, everyone understands this. The second is land. Instead of distributing land to the poor, it is collected as official property. The third is land rent. Rent is [-]% of land income. All rich peasants should change it quickly! If they don’t change it, they will have to farm their own land in the future. The fourth is to promote business. It is clearly proposed to reduce or exempt business tax and encourage business. The fifth is the most important and most hidden. Everyone See who is accompanying His Highness to inspect?"

Everyone asked, "What information, let's hear it?"

"In fact, the Song Dynasty can no longer be revived. There is no heir to the throne. The royal family on our side has been wiped out. The son of the former prince of Jingzhao changed his name and surname. Besides, King Yong worked hard to wipe out the Tartars and pacify the world. Finally, Let someone who is nothing be the emperor, not to mention the military officials, even ordinary people like us!"

Everyone was discussing enthusiastically. A middle-aged man was sitting in the corner, listening to everyone without saying a word. This man was Liu Zilu, the supervisor of the craftsman. He had already submitted his resignation letter and was depressed. He was drinking tea in the teahouse. .

"His Royal Highness Yong has actually come to the south of the Yangtze River. This is a major signal! Tell me, will His Royal Highness just wipe out the old witch and set foot on the Golden Palace?"

"This is very true. There will be no more emperors of the Song Dynasty."

Empress Wei nodded, "I will arrange it as soon as possible!"

Everyone read the newspapers one after another, and someone suddenly exclaimed, "I understand, I'm still the same official! Nothing has changed, only the official position has changed."

In fact, everyone knows that the so-called unowned land is the land of the rich and powerful, that is to say, most of the good land in the south of the Yangtze River has been obtained by the government, and farmers can rent it for a long time at a very cheap land rent. When it comes to land rent, [-]% of the annual grain harvest is really cheap compared to the [-]% of the land rent of the rich and powerful.

Empress Wei was a little hesitant, Meihuawei's reputation was too bad, and she was worried that it would arouse public anger again.

He didn't pay attention to this, Liu Zilu hurriedly read the following article and signed it, it was actually Lu Gang, he immediately understood, this is indeed a major hint!Lu Gang is at the newspaper office.

In a small teahouse in Sanqiao, dozens of teahouses were discussing enthusiastically, basically discussing the content of today's "Beijing News".

"We need to establish an internal army led by His Majesty as soon as possible, so that if someone wants to secretly collude against His Majesty, we can find out and suppress it in time!"

At this time, someone laughed and said, "You guys! You didn't understand the information in the newspaper at all."

It was really inconvenient outside the city, so the newspaper office moved back, cleaned up the ruins and broken walls, built seven or eight big tents, and left an unburned building as a warehouse.

When Liu Zilu walked to the door, a porter stopped him, "Excuse me, what can I do?"

Liu Zilu took out his name card and handed it to the porter, "I'm looking for Special Envoy Lu, please give him my name card!"

[There is something wrong at home today, there are only two more!Feel sorry. 】

(End of this chapter)

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