
Chapter 1461 Harvest

Chapter 1461 Harvest
Chen Qing was on patrol in Mingzhou at this time. He originally planned to patrol in Yuezhou, but when he got a message, he rushed to Mingzhou immediately. Mingzhou is now Ningbo. It was renamed Qingyuan Mansion in Southern Song Dynasty, but in Yongguo On the map, it is still called Mingzhou, just as Shaoxing Prefecture is still called Yuezhou.

The reason why Chen Qing came to Mingzhou was that he got the news that Liu Dajiang's fleet had returned from Nanyang and was currently anchored in Mingzhou.

Chen Qing's team came directly to the pier by the sea. At this time, Liu Dajiang had been notified by Chen Qing's soldiers to wait on the pier.

"See His Royal Highness King Yong for humble positions!"

"Thank you, please sit down!"

Chen Qing smiled and asked Liu Dajiang to sit down, and then served tea to the soldiers. Seeing that Liu Dajiang was tanned and rosy, he looked like a typical captain, so he asked with a smile, "Did you come back from Nanyang just now?"

"No, it's been half a month since I came back. I rested in Quanzhou for a while, and then went to Jingzhao. One is to let the soldiers visit relatives, and the other is to transport some belongings to Jingzhao."

"Any gains?"

"Your Highness is definitely interested in two harvests. One is crops, which are brought from faraway places by the natives of the sea. They are grown in some islands in the west of Nanyang. I bought a few baskets, and this is it!"

Liu Dajiang took out a fist-sized object from a leather bag, Chen Qing's eyes widened, and the object on the table in front of him turned out to be - potatoes!
That's right!It is potatoes, which should have been brought to Southeast Asia by European navigators during the Ming Dynasty in history, but they appeared in front of me hundreds of years in advance.

"Humble job understands!"

"The island is full of forests, low mountains, and dozens of rivers. It is entirely possible to build a small country there."

"Your Highness, Da Dao doesn't have a name yet. Chao Shuling said that His Highness must name it!"

Of course, modern history was written by Europeans. If they want to become the disseminator of human civilization, they will naturally obliterate all the achievements and creations of other civilizations.

Liu Dajiang smiled and said: "Some of them have already germinated, and we let the Quanzhou government plant them directly, and all of them survived. This stuff is easy to grow and has a high yield."

Chen Qing thought for a while and smiled: "Since it is the southernmost land of the Yong Kingdom, it is called Yongnan Island. The first county town to be built in the future can be called Yongnan County."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Aren't the beans that grow in the ground very good?"

Liu Dajiang took out another map and spread it out on the table, "Baizhi bought a piece of land in Nanyang according to His Highness's instructions."

This is Tamna Island in the south of Goryeo, which is today's Jeju Island. It is famous for producing high-quality oranges. Just a few decades ago, it was an independent country called Tamna, with a king and his subjects. , but the population is not large, only more than [-] people.

"Go! After going to Jingzhao, don't forget to give the potatoes to Taixue."

Liu Dajiang pointed to an island and said, "It's this big island and dozens of small islands around it."

"Say, do you have any suggestions?"

"How is the island?"

"Humble jobs are foreigners. Generally, foreigners can only buy land near the capital city. The amount cannot be too much. There is no problem within a few tens of acres, and there is no problem. But to buy this kind of big island that can be used to build a country, you must become their nobleman. , only the nobles can own it, and as a nobleman, they have to pay tribute to the king every year. If the tribute is not paid in time or the gift of the tribute is not satisfactory to the king, he will cancel the status of the humble nobleman, and naturally this island cannot be owned. Buy land The money will not be returned, and many businessmen have been cheated in this way."

"Of course it's legal. I'm a noble now. I own the island legally. I can buy and sell it freely, but no one is willing to buy it. If I lose my title of nobility and then transfer it to the Quanzhou government, it will be illegal."

After Liu Dajiang met Chen Qing, he continued to lead the fleet north to Jingzhao, while Chen Qing continued to inspect various places in the south of the Yangtze River, but it was time for him to go north and return.

But since the Koryo army forcibly occupied Tamna Island 50 years ago, the Tamna Kingdom perished, and the king and prince were killed. In the following decades, the people of Tamna Island were sent away in batches, and the Koryo Kingdom moved in again. Some Goryeo people, plus the garrison and their families, the island was completely forcibly occupied by the Goryeo Kingdom.

"Why?" Chen Qing asked.

"Okay! Remember that humble job, it's called a potato."

Chen Qing nodded, "You transferred it to the Quanzhou government, what do they say?"

"I specifically asked the other party's officials this question, and he said that they have no such precedent, and there is no such provision, and it will be decided by the king temporarily. He will definitely not allow it, so it depends on whose fist is hard."

"This is a good thing. Leave one basket for me. I will let the Jiangnan government plant it. You can take the other basket to Jingzhao and give it to Taixue's Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Institute for them to plant."

From a normal point of view, the two thousand garrisons should have nothing to do, just maintain an existence.

"But the Quanzhou government is not an aristocrat, can it own this island?"

Chen Qing glanced at it and immediately understood that it was Natuna Island, a large island.

"Yes! I'll have someone carry a basket later."

"The humble staff found that there are still many Han people living in Sanfo Qi Kingdom, and they are all people who have made a living from Fujian Road and Guangnan East Road. They can be moved to Dadao and given some very favorable conditions, and they will settle down. .”

Chen Qing said happily: "You can give them land and tax exemption, this is the best condition."

"Reporting to Your Highness, Beizhi is actually a tripartite transfer agreement signed with the Overseas Administration of Trade and Supervision and the Quanzhou State Government. The land belongs to Quanzhou and is operated by the Overseas Administration of Trade and Inspection. After the spring of next year, the fleet led by Beizhi will be on board. According to the banner of the Overseas Administration of Trade and Supervision, the strength may be increased to 2000. Then Chao Shijun said that next year, a group of Japanese civilians will be organized to build docks and cities, and then the first batch of troops will be stationed. In addition, I have another suggestion. "

"His Highness calls it potatoes?"

After a pause, Liu Dajiang said again: "According to His Highness's instructions, I have already transferred this island to the Quanzhou government. The Three Buddhas Qi Kingdom is very dangerous, and their king will deny the island I bought."

At this time, there were originally 8000 garrisons on Tamna Island, but [-] of them were urgently dispatched because of Jin's invasion of Koryo, and now there are only [-] garrisons left.

"Then is it legal for you to transfer the land to the government?"

Chen Qing was refreshed, and quickly asked, "Where is the land?"

Chen Qing laughed again: "I mean under normal circumstances!"

At the same time as the great changes in the south of the Yangtze River, there was also a fierce battle in a distant overseas country.

But they never dreamed that Tamna Island would be favored by Chen Qing, and Chen Qing planned to turn it into a transit center. First of all, it would be a military transit. As the nearest logistics base, Tamna Island is undoubtedly the most suitable. It can build a city, build a military camp, a large warehouse, a dock, and it can also graze and raise horses.

The second is trade transfer, whether it is trade with Korea or Japan, with Tamna Island as a transfer point, trade with Japan can increase from a dozen times a year, and even warships can start from Tamna Island , against Japanese pirates.

It is also true that Chen Qing is bound to win Tamna Island.

This morning, [-] large ships loaded with [-] sailors under the leadership of Tang Huai, the governor of the capital, appeared on the sea south of Tamna Island.

(End of this chapter)

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