
Chapter 1462 Tamna

Chapter 1462 Tamna
The Koryo army on Tamna Island thought it was a pirate invasion, and immediately assembled two thousand troops to attack the fleet. All frightened.

The two thousand troops turned around and fled, but there were also countless troops behind them, attacking back and forth, and the arrows were like a storm. The soldiers of the Koryo Army suffered heavy casualties. The soldiers showed no mercy, and fired several rounds of arrows in turn. In just a moment, the surrounded Goryeo soldiers had no more lives.

The 1 army cleared the battlefield, and then occupied Tamna Island. At the same time, they gathered more than 50 Korean people and began to send them back to Korea by boat. 1 years ago, they forcibly sent away more than [-] Tamna people. But they never imagined that one day they would be forcibly sent back to the mainland by a stronger army.

But the Western Army was kind enough to allow them to take away all their property and food.

Immediately, the [-] Western Army set up a large camp in the north of Tamna Island, and began to use some natural harbors in the east to build piers, pave roads, and build large warehouses.

But not all the residents of Tamna Island were sent away, and more than 100 households were left behind. These people all have a common feature, they are all Han Chinese.

They were originally crew members of Fujian Road. Fifteen years ago, several cargo ships were looted by the island garrison when they were replenishing on Tamna Island. The ships and supplies were robbed. More than 15 young and strong crew members were forced to grow citrus on the island. Afterwards, the crew all married local widows one after another and had children, so they lost the idea of ​​going home. Their ships were also thought by the people in their hometowns to have sunk in a storm at sea.

These sailors never dreamed that they would meet the army in their hometown in their lifetime, and all the crew members cried bitterly, mixed with sorrow and joy.

Tang Huai ordered them to be screened out. At first, there were 130 people, seven of whom died in foreign lands. Now there are 120 or [-] people, all of whom are orange farmers. Tang Huai left these orange farmers on Tamna Island. They are hired to do some odd jobs at a price of a hundred cents, and currently they are mainly guides.

A middle-aged man riding a donkey took Tang Huai and a dozen generals to inspect Tamla Island. The middle-aged man was Xie Ping, and he was the oldest among the more than 100 crew members.

"Why haven't you sent it away yet?"

At this time, the first phase of Shangzhou's water transportation management has ended. Through measures such as widening the channel, blowing up the reef, and making equal bends, the thousand-stone ship can reach the foot of the Qinling Mountains in the northernmost part of Shangzhou. The next step is to build the Danba Waterway and use A large iron fire blasted the mountain to clear the road, and [-] civilians were hired to dig and transport mud. It is estimated that it will take at least two years to complete the project.

In fact, this has been the case in all dynasties. The Qin Dynasty built the Qin Zhidao and the Han Dynasty paid attention to water transportation. Even the Sui Emperor Yang Guang did not dig the canal to go to Yangzhou to see Qionghua. A button between the north and the south, the canal was dug to communicate with the north and the south through the canal, so as to break the ice and melt the relationship between the north and the south.

Xie Ping pointed to the low and low mountains in the distance and said: "The island is very big, equivalent to my hometown Fuzhou, and several counties can be built. The terrain is also good. There are mountains in the middle and plains around. The mountains are relatively low and the soil is fertile. There are large tracts of land everywhere. The pasture is very suitable for grazing and raising sheep."

"Didn't you tell the Koreans?"

"There are close to [-] mu of oranges. A large number of oranges produced every year are sent to the capital of Korea for the enjoyment of princes, nobles and rich people. Our children want to eat them, so we are only allowed to pick up the rotten ones and cut off the rotten parts. It’s a coincidence that you came here, the oranges produced this year are all in the warehouse, and they haven’t been sent away yet, just in time for the brothers to taste.”

The Metropolitan Water Supervision Department ordered Zhang Yuanlang to take full charge of digging the Danba Waterway. He devoted himself to this project and did not return home for a whole year.

"There are about [-] rivers! They all originate from the mountain in the middle. The streams converge, are very small and short, and finally flow into the sea. But there is also a lake on the mountain in the middle. We call it Tianwantan. It is like a big lake. bowl, filled with half a bowl of water. There are also several small lakes, all of which are too small, ranging in size from a few acres to a dozen acres. In fact, there is a depression of a thousand acres in the west. Form a large lake, fresh water is enough."

"Let's go! Go and see the Tianwan Lake you mentioned."

"This island is almost a hundred miles long and wide!"

Tang Huai nodded, "Let the soldiers do the digging in the future. In addition, we have military clerks who can write letters home for you and give us the address to ensure delivery to your family."

Tang Huai looked at the man sympathetically, and said slowly: "You can go back to your hometown, or you can bring your wife and children to take our boat. I will give you a certificate, and your family will go to Quanzhou with the certificate. The government will arrange it."

It was still early, so Xie Ping urged the donkey and led them to the central mountainous area.

Xie Ping choked up, "Our family... probably thought we were dead. I still have my wife and children in my hometown."

"How many orange trees are there on the island?"

Xie Ping smiled wryly and said, "If we say it, the Korean people will definitely say it, then you dig the canal, it will be exhausting, so everyone keeps silent."

Chen Qing's fleet returned all the way. In mid-November, Chen Qing's team arrived in Shangluo County. His hundreds of thousands temporarily let go of Lin'an Mansion, and almost all went north to Yanshan Mansion for preparation and training in Yanshan Mansion.

But once the construction is completed, you can take a thousand-stone passenger ship from Lin'an to arrive at Jingzhao directly by water. The comfort of the journey is much better. The food and other materials in the south of the Yangtze River can also be transferred through Xiangyang and other places, and directly transported to Beijing by water transport. trillion.

At the same time, the Bashui River is also extending southward to widen the waterway. The entire Danba Waterway will cost at least 150 million yuan to complete.

"Thank you, General, for your kindness. I want to go home and have a look. If they are willing to come with me, I will bring them along. There is enough land here, and His Royal Highness King Yong promised tax exemption for three generations. It must be better than hometown!"

Tang Huai and his party walked for more than twenty miles, looked around with binoculars, and asked, "How many rivers and lakes are there on the island?"

"The length is about the same. Once we walked from the westernmost point of the island to the easternmost point. We walked for three days. It was about a hundred miles, and the width was slightly narrower, but it was still fifty or sixty miles."

This is also what Chen Qing values ​​most. Although he has invested a lot of money, he can only get through the Danba waterway, and he will do it without hesitation. It can be said that the Danba waterway is related to his rule over the south of the Yangtze River and even the entire southern region.

"I heard that there is a war in the capital, and the oranges cannot be delivered."

Zhang Yuanlang pointed to the hillside in the distance and said to Chen Qing: "Reporting to Your Highness, the key to the Danba Waterway is to level it. Unlike the outside, it can be leveled by detours, but inside the mountain, a channel must be dug out from the two-mile-long hillside. In the Tang Dynasty, the Danba Waterway was successfully completed. Although it was continuously silted up by the accumulation of soil, the foundation left by the Tang Dynasty is still there. We only need to use iron fire and thunder to blow up the loose, and use bullock carts to transport the soil. Although the amount of work is huge, But as long as you persevere, you will succeed.”

Chen Qing smiled lightly and said, "How long is it persistent?"

Zhang Yuanlang thought for a while and said, "Weichen estimates that it will take another year to complete the project!"

Chen Qing nodded, "If you can finish the work on time, you will be the next Secretary of the Ministry of Industry!"

(End of this chapter)

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