
Chapter 1463

Chapter 1463
At the end of November, Chen Qing returned to Jingzhao City. Jingzhao City is still prosperous, and its commerce is highly developed. There are a wide variety of goods from all over the world and even overseas. own position.

In the study room, Chen Qing was relaxed, and the warm winter sun shone on him, making him a little drowsy. At this time, his wife Lu Xiu came into the room with a cup of tea. husband.

Chen Qing woke up suddenly, only to find his wife sitting opposite, he smiled apologetically, "I fell asleep!"

"Husband is a little tired from this long journey, I specially made you a cup of ginseng tea to replenish your energy."

Chen Qing took a sip of ginseng tea and asked with a smile, "What's the big deal in Jingzhao recently?"

Lu Xiu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "What can happen, just a few things."

"Tell me, I can't sleep now."

"The most popular thing in Jingzhao is housing prices. Everyone is discussing, everyone is talking about how much their old houses are worth, but that's not the case?"

"Isn't it?"

Lu Xiu shook her head, "Most ordinary houses only have one or two acres of land, and you can build a storefront along the street. If you don't, you can get it for a hundred bucks. Now the most valuable is the mu house, which is less than one or two mu. It is too valuable, it needs to be more than three acres to be worth it. For a large house with more than three acres, the price per mu in the city is more than five thousand guan, and for less than three mu, the price per mu is about [-] guan. They are responsible for the wave of rising land prices, especially the price of land outside the city, which has risen to [-] guan per mu for more than three mu. At the beginning of the year, the price per mu was still [-] guan.”

Speaking of this, Lu Xiuchi questioned: "Actually, we are also a little strange, why didn't your husband destroy the Queen Mother Wei in one go, and take down Lin'an?"

Going out of the city from Kaiyuan Gate in the northwest corner, a wide new road appeared in front of them. The road was spacious and flat, and there was a parallel Cao River beside it. Many keen businessmen sensed business opportunities and began to buy land next to the new official road and build shops. It has only been a few months since he came here, and Chen Qing feels that a lot has changed, not to mention the wide and flat official road, the excavated New Cao River, and the taverns, inns, foot shops, etc. beside the official road, Chen Qing even looked at the to a new monastery.

And the two houses with a small courtyard outside the city cost at least [-] yuan. This is still far away from Jingzhao City, at least three miles away. The rent will be more than two consecutive.

Chen Qing nodded, "What else is hot?"

"The most popular thing during this period is that the Empress Dowager Wei ascended the throne and established the Wei Dynasty. The Song Dynasty was lost by her. Every day, various comments were published in the newspapers, saying that the Wei Dynasty was an absurd farce, and that our army should be defeated at once. She's gone, it's too disgusting to keep her."

"Now there is still salvation, and there is still a sigh of relief. I still have the two sons of the former prince in my hands. After I wiped out Wei, I will make another child the young emperor. The Song Dynasty has been resurrected, so the best way is to wait, wait for the Song Dynasty. It is completely dead, and no one cares about whether it can be saved, and after everyone gradually forgets about Song Dynasty, I will destroy Empress Wei, and the establishment of Yong Dynasty will be a matter of course."

"How is the construction of Han Chang'an City?" Chen Qing asked again.

Everyone calls it the old city now, and it will be called Jianzhang County in the future. The purpose of developing Jianzhang County is not that Jingzhao City has no land. In fact, Jingzhao City still has a lot of official land reserves. For example, there are large areas on the left and right sides of Taiji Palace. The land, the land of the entire ten workshops is still a piece of vacant land, which belonged to the former land and housing department, and now it has been merged into Taifu Temple. Taifu Temple is an institution that manages real estate such as warehouses, land and real estate.

Only then did Lu Xiu understand her husband's scheming, she said with a smile: "Then one year later, it will be the time when your husband ascends the throne?"

Early the next morning, Chen Qing came to the official office. He lives in the harem now, so he doesn't have to cross the street. It is very convenient and close to the official office, but he only stayed in the official room for a while, and asked Zhou Kuan and Jiang Yanxian to accompany him. Inspection of the old city, the old city is Han Chang'an City, of course, the Han Great Wall has long since ceased to exist, leaving only a wasteland of ruins and overgrown weeds.

"I don't care too much. I just heard that the official rental housing is about to be built, and the official road from Jingzhao to the old city has been repaired. My husband will know when he looks at it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Chen Qing said lightly: "I think the best time is after Jin Guo is destroyed."

"Can Da Song still be saved?"

Chen Qing held up a finger, "One year, any regime exists for one year, it will be recorded in the annals of history, and the historical records will be written. The Wei Dynasty destroyed the Song Dynasty, and Liu Guangshi established the Jing Dynasty, and Zhang Jun also established it later. The Zhang Dynasty, but the two dynasties only existed for more than ten days, and then disappeared. Naturally, no one will recognize their existence, so I want to let the Wei Dynasty exist for a year, and the Song Dynasty will die completely. The blame for destroying the Song Dynasty It is also up to Wei Chao to recite it, and it has nothing to do with me."

The old city is in full swing. Tens of thousands of laborers are building all kinds of houses. Tens of thousands of government-rented houses have been built. Almost all of them occupy two parts of the land with one courtyard and two rooms. The rent is still [-] yuan a month. A house of [-] renminbi in the Southwest District is much better, and it is not far from Jingzhao City. It takes half an hour to ride a donkey, and half an hour to take a boat.

Moreover, the Southwest Square is about to be demolished, and the 10,000+ people who live there either accept the government's arrangement to go to the old city, or rent houses outside the city by themselves.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "So what if you destroy her, rebuild Song Dynasty? I don't have this awareness."

The development of the old city is mainly to relocate various official workshops, as well as craftsmen and poor people at the bottom.

Of course, these lands cannot be put into the market immediately, and the land supply must be continuously increased as the population increases.

Three miles away from the city, it costs a lot of money to rent a private house with no security, so why not rent an official house that is not far away and only costs 20 Wen?You can even sign a [-]-year lease, no one will drive you out, it is almost your own house.

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, so almost all low-level civilians are willing to go to the old city. The official dental office is booming. Since everyone wants to rent a house near Jingzhao, the solution is finally solved by drawing lots.

Each household is issued a tooth card, and the official housekeeper builds a tent on the spot to rent a house, draws lots with the tooth card, and the household that is drawn is the one, and it is not allowed to change, and then it is registered, and the key can be obtained after paying two months' rent. moved.

When Chen Qing came to make an inspection tour, there was a wave of moving houses. The official roads were full of carts pulled by donkeys, loaded with furniture, pots and pans, and large and small parcels, as well as a family of several people, happily going to the new house.

(End of this chapter)

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