
Chapter 1464 Access

Chapter 1464 Access
【Missed to post in the evening, I'm sorry! 】

The city wall of the old city has been built, but it is not high, only two feet, much shorter than Jingzhao City. The city is divided into twelve workshops, and the two westernmost workshops are the workshop area. Gefang is a residential area for craftsmen, of course it must be a craftsman in the official house, which is somewhat similar to the current worker's new village.

And the six squares to the east are civilian areas, of course not only houses, shops along the street, all kinds of tiles, but also small rivers and roads extending in all directions.

Of course, there is not only one type of apartment for government renting. There are five types of apartment in total. In fact, it is from one house to five houses. Except for one house without a yard, the others have yards. The cheapest house has monthly rent. In an era when ordinary people at the bottom were earning 3000 yuan a month, the rent for a single room was equivalent to [-] yuan a month, which was actually a good deal.

The most common type of apartment is two rooms with a small courtyard, which accounts for 20%. The monthly rent is [-] yuan. With a small courtyard, the monthly rent is two yuan. The most expensive is five houses with a yard, and the monthly rent is three yuan. There is a big yard. If you rent for [-] years, you can also build two houses in the yard. It is a big family, or the owner of the restaurant rents it out for the guys to use as a dormitory.

Under the strict protection of a hundred cavalry guards, the three of Chen Qing came to inspect the new civilian area in a carriage. The streets were relatively deserted, with no people there. There were small shops on both sides, most of which had been rented out, and the shops selling snacks were open for business. , the business is not bad, there is a long queue in front of a steamed stuffed bun shop, and the shopkeeper can’t close his mouth with a smile. The business is so good when it just opened, which is a good sign!

"what is that?"

Chen Qing suddenly saw a strange ox cart parked by the side of the road, pulling a big wooden box, he asked puzzledly, "What kind of cart is that?"

Jiang Yanxian smiled and said: "That is the car that sells briquettes. Generally, briquettes are sold in Changping stores, but the Changping store here has not been built yet, so the Changping store that uses bullock carts for the time being does not only sell briquettes, but also sells briquettes. With cheap food and cloth, the Changping store will be completely repaired in a few months, and there will be no need for this kind of ox cart Changping store.”

"Moved!" A joyous shout came from afar.

"What do you do for a living in Jingzhao? How much money can you earn?"

Chen Qing laughed and said, "Do you think the government will allow you to repair it?"

Chen Qing remembered that it was the time of the Puppet Qi State, when millions of refugees escaped from Guanzhong.

"My son works as a big clerk in a big cloth shop, earning four pennies a month. My daughter-in-law takes care of two children at home. I help out at the snack shop, which is the bun shop in front. I am in charge of kneading dough, and I pay fifty dollars a day. Wenqian, the whole family earns [-] by month

"We were originally from Chenzhou, and later fled to Jianghuai, and then moved from Jianghuai to Guanzhong. It has been seven or eight years."

"Tell me about the future! What wishes do you have?"

The man next to him said: "I want to save money to buy my own house, but now that the housing price is skyrocketing, I'm worried that I won't be able to afford it in the future."

"Actually, it's pretty good in Chenzhou, haven't you ever thought about going back to your hometown?"

Chen Qing waved his hand and asked a large group of soldiers to wait outside. He, Zhou Kuan, and Jiang Yan first walked into the yard, followed by only two soldiers.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about that. The house price won't go up much. What's going up is the housing price, and there are differences in location. For example, the house you live in now, according to the regulations of government rented houses, after 15 years of living, you You can apply to buy it. Your house is not a prosperous area in Jingzhao City. It is worth a hundred dollars. After 20 years, it will still be the same price. If you save ten dollars a year, you can buy it in ten years. .”

Chen Qing said with a smile: "We are the officials who manage these houses, come and find out the situation!"

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Let's go and have a look!"

"Don't worry about safety, haven't you noticed that there are internal guards deployed around?"

Chen Qing had already got off the carriage and walked towards a residential house. Jiang Yanxian and Zhou Kuan hurriedly followed, guarded by the guards, very nervous.

"Ah! Please come in, please come in."

People are always weak in front of officials, whether they like it or not, they must put on a very enthusiastic look.

"Your Highness, it's safe," Jiang Yan said worriedly.

Chen Qing smiled and said, "The income is not bad, why don't you rent three rooms? You have a family of five, two rooms are a bit too crowded?"

The owner in the yard was stunned and asked, "Are you?"

If Zhou Kuan realized something, these people should be inner guards.

The woman suddenly asked: "If I buy all fifty households in the surrounding area for only [-] yuan, then I build a big house, which is a five-acre house. Can I sell it for [-] yuan?"

Chen Qing waved his hand, indicating that the woman didn't need to boil the water. They chatted casually and left immediately.

The man quickly took a few small stools and asked them to sit down.

Chen Qing walked into a small courtyard with only two rooms. There was a family of five standing in the courtyard, a couple with two children, and an old man. The one who cheered just now should be this old man.

The old man shook his head, "There is no land in my hometown, it is all rented and planted land by landlords. I have worked hard all year round, but I still can't get enough to eat. I live in dilapidated mud thatched houses. At least we can make a living here in Jingzhao. Can eat and clothe warm."

The old man sat down, and Chen Qingxiao asked, "Where is the old man from?"

The old man smiled wryly and said: "Three houses cost the same amount of money. I can still do some things now, but if I can't do it in the future, my income will suddenly decrease. I have to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Besides, we have asked, and I can build my own house in the yard." , we signed a ten-year lease, so we’re going to buy some bricks and build a hut by ourselves.”

"Old man, please sit down too!"

"excuse me!"

Zhou Kuan immediately looked at the shops on both sides, and he really noticed that many of the customers were strong young men, holding bowls, squatting on the side of the road eating soup cakes, but watching the surrounding situation sharply.

Jiang Yanxian and Zhou Kuan were stunned, they really didn't notice.

. . . . . . .

Coming out of the private house, Jiang Yanxian said: "The woman reminded us that if someone buys a private house, he will have the land to build a big house. This is indeed a big loophole."

Chen Qing shook his head, "Just now I said that the government does not allow it, because this house is rented by the government, and the land is also the land of the government. Even if they buy it after 15 years, there are still restrictions. They can't resell it, they can only live in it, and they have to sell it. If so, it can only be sold to the government according to the cost, so that the government will always have a piece of land in its hands to provide housing for the lowest-level people, but we cannot interfere with the normal private house sales. Others have land deeds. If someone wants to buy land, of course It’s okay, being a seller is not a fool, he has to persuade each family, and I am afraid that the final payment will be more than buying a five-acre house directly.”

Jiang Yanxian said apologetically, "It's because I didn't think carefully, and I really shouldn't control it too much."

(End of this chapter)

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