
Chapter 1465

Chapter 1465
Chen Qing said slowly again: "Many officials think that it is too bad for me to use the old city to build official rental housing. If I sell it, I will make more money. I understand, but I don’t want the higher-ups to say the same. Our new dynasty has not yet been established. As a result, the people at the bottom of the capital are forced to leave Jingzhao. I’m afraid that when we get up in the morning, we will have to empty the toilet by ourselves. The house is broken , we have to climb up to the roof to fix it ourselves, who wants to live such a life?
We don’t care if businessmen want to exploit their employees, and we have nothing to do with house prices rising to the sky. But as rulers, we have to cover the bottom line. I built the Changping store to make the bottom people afford food and clothes. I built The official renting of houses is also to allow the lowest-level people to have a place to stand in Jingzhao. "

The three returned to Taiji Palace in a carriage. On the carriage, Chen Qing suddenly remembered something, and asked again: "About the arrangements for entering the Zuoyuan, all states in the south of the Yangtze River also need to enter the Zuoyuan. Is there any room left?"

Zhou Kuan nodded and said with a smile: "Your Highness, don't worry, I'll keep them all! Including the Guangnan two roads, Jinzuoyuan has also been reserved."

Jiang Yanxian also asked: "Your Highness, is there any news from Guangnan Road? Do they still want to continue to be loyal to that old witch in Lin'an?"

A trace of worry flashed in Chen Qing's eyes and he said: "There is no problem with Guangnan East Road. Officials from various states over there will soon send people to hand over their letters of loyalty to us. I got the news when I was in Jiangnan, but Guangnan West Road may be in trouble. !"

"what happened?"

"Do you remember Liu Guangshi?"

The two nodded, "Of course I remember. This person was exiled to Qiongzhou to serve as an army. It is said that he died of a disease a few years ago?"

"The death of illness is a rumor. He did not die of illness, but changed his name to Liu Zhongjun."

Chen Qing couldn't help being annoyed and said: "I just found out that Zhao Gou didn't know what was wrong with his brain. He thought that he had changed his life by changing his name, and he actually used this person again to suppress the Dongman rebellion in Yongzhou. Liu Guangshi led the army to fight several victories and quelled the barbarian rebellion over there, but Zhao Gou appointed him as the envoy of the Yongzhou system and commanded [-] troops. Now that the Song Dynasty is gone, will Liu Guangshi let go of this opportunity?"

"What?" All the girls asked in unison.

Yao Mei, who was sitting on the farthest side, covered her mouth and said, "I don't know why, I always feel chest tightness, nausea, and want to vomit recently!"

Fortunately, the two did not ask why?Chen Qing can tell his wife the answer to this question, but he can't tell others. There are some things that everyone knows, but they just can't say it.

Zhou Kuan blurted out, "I'm afraid the two roads in Guangnan will be in danger!"

Yao Mei blushed and nodded quickly, "I remember."

"Just these two days!"

"Ask the princess! There are other sisters, they are very experienced, but you have to remember one thing, from now on, no more intercourse."

The five women looked at her together, and Lu Xiu stood up and asked, "When did the vomiting start?"

For example, she knew that when it snowed heavily in winter, King Yong could not walk more in the snow as deep as the calf, otherwise she would easily get a fever. For example, she knew that Chen Xueer would have headaches on cloudy and rainy days. It can't be cured, but drinking a bowl of thick ginger soup will be fine.

Not long after, their female family doctor came in a hurry, and she was Dr. Liu who had followed their family for many years. Although her medical skills were not necessarily the best, everyone trusted her the most, and she knew the Yongwang family very well. She knows the situation very well. If someone is sick and sick, she knows where the root cause is?this point is very important.

Lu Xiu still shook her head, "This is the last time we buy and sell land. The officials don't allow us to do it again, but we can do other things."

Yu Lian asked: "Then after we sell it, where do we buy the land again? Does Elder Sister have any goals?"

Since moving into Yongwang Palace, Chen Qing's wives and concubines have spent more time together. When they were tired before, they went back to their own yard to rest. After resting, they came back. Now it's not easy to walk, and they have to take a carriage , might as well come here in the morning, and then go back to the palace after dinner in the afternoon.

In fact, at their level, they are like Ming Jing in their hearts. They also need Queen Wei to come forward to destroy Song Dynasty. It is best to kill those who are loyal to Song Dynasty for them, so as to save trouble in the future.

At this time, Lu Xiu suddenly frowned, "Amei, what's the matter with you, you don't feel well?"

"It is said that the windfall profit of a trip is ten times that of the tax and transportation expenses, at least seven or eight times. It is no different from buying and selling houses. Like the Zheng family, the wealth is incomparable, and it was initiated by doing overseas trade."

Lu Xiu nodded, "That's his suggestion!"

"Then what should I do?" Yao Mei asked nervously.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "This time next year!"

"This is a good thing! When did you get pregnant, do you know?"

Lu Xiu is a big woman, a princess, and will soon be a queen. Naturally, her place has become a gathering place for everyone. Several women sit together, chatting about real estate investment, talking about news in the newspaper, and by the way, taking the children Bring it, let the children play together, and enjoy it every day.

Because of this, she became the chief medical officer of the Imperial Medical Bureau.

Yao Mei was a little uneasy and said, "Ma'am, am I sick?"

Lu Xiu smiled and said, "If nothing unexpected happens, you are pregnant."

Dr. Liu checked Yao Mei's pulse for a while, then nodded and smiled and said, "From the pulse, it should be the happy pulse. The pulse is very stable and should be healthy. Congratulations on giving birth again."

"That's right! I have already ordered Tang Qian to lead an army of [-] to occupy Fujian Road, and Liu Qiong to lead an army of [-] to Guangzhou, at least to ensure the safety of Guangnan East Road. As for Guangnan West Road, we will not go there for the time being. Let's understand first." Let’s talk about the situation, there are hundreds of thousands of mountains over there, it’s very complicated, don’t rush into it!”

Lu Xiu shook her head, "We'll hang it up when the price per mu is [-] guan, and don't care if it will go up or not in the future."

"Then make a plan, what kind of goods are we buying and selling?"

"Then when does His Highness plan to attack Lin'an City?" Zhou Kuan's question was of great concern to everyone, and it also related to everyone's interests.

"Is it profitable to do overseas trade?" asked Zhao Qiaoyun next to him.

Yao Mei blushed and nodded slightly, "It should be in Xiangyang or Hanyang for a few days."

"Ah!" Yao Mei was surprised and delighted, "I am going to have a baby too?"

The living room is sunny, and the windows are all equipped with glass to block the cold winter wind. Under the winter sun, several housewives are sitting in wide rattan chairs drinking tea and chatting. Yu Ying put down the newspaper and asked: "Elder sister, Southwest The land price in the district has risen to [-] yuan per mu, which is six times higher than our purchase price, should we go to a dental store and sell it?"

Lu Xiu smiled slightly and said, "Do overseas trade!"

"Do the officials support it?" Zhao Yingluo asked.

Lu Xiu hurriedly told the maid, "Go and invite Dr. Liu!"

Yu Ying laughed and said, "If it's Xiao Lang, the officials will name him Chen Jing or Chen Xiang."

"Actually, there are still many dietary and daily taboos, which must be strictly enforced in order to give birth to a healthy child. By the way, don't touch small animals anymore."

Doctor Liu also knew that Yao Mei often went to feed the deer with Chen Xueer and Chen Binger.Know that she likes small animals.

After Dr. Liu left, Lu Xiu said: "Amei, you can move to live with me temporarily! You are too deserted by yourself."

"Okay! I'm moving in today."

(End of this chapter)

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