
Chapter 1466 Remedy

In the evening, when Chen Qing returned to the mansion, he heard that Yao Mei was also pregnant. He was overjoyed and immediately decided that if he was pregnant with a boy, he would be called Chen Xiang.

Chen Qing chatted with his wife Lu Xiu for a while, and then called his son Chen Ji to the study. Chen Ji was 14 years old this year. He knelt down and saluted respectfully, "I see my father and my mother!"

"Get up!"

Chen Ji stood up and stood aside with his hands down. Chen Qing asked, "Have you been studying with Master recently?"

"Reporting to father, from next year, master may not tell father that he wants the child to go to school."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "The school still reads the Four Books and Five Classics, don't tell me you haven't read enough?"

"Master said that my son didn't understand the sage's explanations in the scriptures thoroughly, especially Mr. Banshan's commentary on the scriptures. My son needs to re-study seriously, so I want my son to go to Guozi Academy for another three years."

Chen Qing felt a little displeased, Lu Cunyi was going to teach his son to be a nerd, of course he understood Lu Cunyi's intentions, these great Confucians wanted to mold their son into the king they wanted, this is not acceptable.

Lu Xiu asked with a smile, "What about you? Do you want to go to Guozi Academy to continue studying?"

Chen Ji thought for a while and said, "I want to go to Guozi to study, but I don't want to read the Four Books and Five Classics anymore."

Chen Qing nodded, "Tomorrow morning, my father is going to make an inspection tour of the Imperial Academy, so you can go with me!"

"My son obeys!"

"Go! Rest early and get up early tomorrow."

"Excuse me, baby!"

Chen Ji saluted and left, Lu Xiu said to her husband, "Doesn't your husband want Ji'er to go to school?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "If he continues to study, he will become a nerd. He talks about poetry all day long, and the real talents who help the world are not good at all. The people don't know the suffering and the world. To control hundreds of officials, control millions of troops, and rule the world, I want him to go to Taixue to study agriculture."

"But tomorrow my husband will take him to the Taixue, won't everyone in the Taixue know his identity? Will it be?"

Chen Qing was right when he thought about it, his son had to conceal his identity to go to school, "My lady reminded me, forget about it tomorrow, I will go to Taixue by myself, and Ji'er will go to the Internal Affairs Hall to study government affairs."

Early the next morning, Chen Qing brought his son Chen Ji to the Internal Affairs Hall, handed him over to Zhou Kuan, and let Zhou Kuan's son know about government affairs.

Chen Qing went to Taixue by himself, and now Liu Xiangyang was the Xuezheng of Taixue, and Zhe Yanzhi, the former Xuezheng, had now served as a member of the Privy Council, and he would no longer succeed him as Xuezheng of Taixue.

Liu Xiangyang accompanied Chen Qing to the Agricultural College, and Chen Qing asked: "I asked Liu Dajiang to send a batch of potatoes before, did you get them?"

Liu Xiangyang hurriedly said: "Report to Your Highness, I got it, and the humble job has been sent to the Agricultural College, but now it's a bit troublesome."

"What's the trouble?"

"When he brought it, half of the potatoes had sprouted, but now it's winter, and it can't be planted in the soil. It must have been frozen."

Chen Qing frowned, "Is the thing still there?"


"Take me to see."

Liu Xiangyang brought Chen Qing to the Agricultural College. Liu Xiangyang asked someone to take out a box of potatoes from the warehouse. Chen Qing squatted down to pick them. He found that most of them were black and rotten. There are only [-] whole potatoes left, but if they are not planted, all the potatoes in this batch will be destroyed. It is not known whether the batch of potatoes in Yuezhou can survive.

It will be too late if there is no remedy, Chen Qing felt a little anxious, and said to Liu Xiangyang and the teachers and students present: "These potatoes are shipped from Nanyang, and Nanyang is also very difficult to come by, it may be such a chance, if you lose it , will make everyone regret.”

Everyone was puzzled, Liu Xiangyang asked: "Your Highness, what are the characteristics of this potato?"

Chen Qing sighed, "Everyone, it is a kind of grain, and the grain yield per mu is three thousand catties. Do you think it is important?"

Everyone exclaimed, the yield of three thousand catties per mu is simply too terrifying.

Chen Qing said again: "The key point is that it can be grown anywhere, and it may be grown on the mountains, unlike wheat and rice that must be grown on the plains. Its significance to the mountainous areas is of great significance. From then on, the mountain people have their own food."

Liu Xiangyang became anxious immediately, "Then what should we do? It's just winter now, if we plant it, it will freeze to death."

Chen Qing thought for a while, and gave some instructions to a soldier, who got on his horse and galloped away.

"Don't worry, maybe I have a solution."

Half an hour later, Luo Zhenyu, the director of the Shaofu Temple, hurried over, "Please refer to Your Highness for humble posts!"

Luo Zhenyu was promoted to the director of Shaofu Temple because of his success in making transparent colored glaze, but he was still in charge of transparent colored glaze at the same time.

Chen Qing asked: "Let me ask you, how many transparent colored glazes are there in the warehouse, that is, the flat transparent colored glazes used to install windows in Yongwang Palace, how much is there?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, we have just finished burning a batch, and we are going to replace the windows for six departments of Shangshu Province. The cost is about a few thousand yuan."

"After the sixth part is postponed, quickly transport all the transparent colored glaze to Taixue. If it is urgent, we will also find all the craftsmen who install the windows!"

The solution Chen Qing came up with was to build a glass greenhouse so that potatoes could be grown even in winter.

Chen Qing drew another simple picture, and asked Liu Xiangyang to find a few old carpenters in Taixue who can build wooden houses, and showed them the drawing, "Can you understand this house?"

The old craftsman at the head nodded and said: "This is a wooden house, one foot wide and five feet long. It is actually a frame with no walls or tiles. Is your understanding correct?"


Chen Qing explained again: "In fact, its roof and walls are all windows, and then all the windows are installed with transparent glass. Do you know the transparent glass?"

"We've all seen it, it's completely transparent like crystal, much brighter than the glass in the past."

"Then can this wooden house be built?" Chen Qing asked.

Several craftsmen discussed it and said: "Reporting to Your Highness, it is very simple to build a wooden house, but we will not install this kind of transparent glaze."

"Other craftsmen are in charge of installing the colored glaze. You just build a wooden house, can you build it in two days?"

Several craftsmen nodded, "The materials are all ready-made, so it's not a big problem!"

"Okay! After it's finished, each person will be rewarded with ten coins!"

The craftsmen were overjoyed and agreed repeatedly.

Chen Qing said to Liu Xiangyang again: "Find a piece of farmland with fertile land, a wide view, and plenty of sunshine, and use the pumpkin field from last year to build wooden houses for them. The Liulifang I requested must be completed within three days. "

Although Liu Xiangyang was confused, he didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly agreed to ask some old craftsmen to take a look at the land.

Chen Qing also came to this land. This land is really suitable for growing potatoes in a sun room. It is flat, open, fertile and sunny.

Chen Qing asked Liu Xiangyang to cooperate with the craftsmen to build a wooden house, and gave them all the materials and transportation tools they needed. He then asked the agronomy professor in charge of planting pumpkins, "Can you grow yam eggs?"

Yam is a special product in Guanzhong, and yam eggs are also produced in many places. It is a dish of ordinary people and is very common in Guanzhong.

The professor of agriculture nodded, "The humble job grows yam eggs."

"This potato is planted in the same way as yams and yam eggs. After the glazed house is built, the sun will shine in. Although it is cold outside, the house is warmer than spring, and it won't be cold at night, so we can plant potatoes inside. , it will be harvested next spring, and then widely planted, if the planting is successful, I will be promoted to a doctorate in your agricultural college."

"Please don't worry, Your Highness, the yield of grain per mu is three thousand catties, and the humble staff will work hard to grow it successfully!"

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