
Chapter 1467 Internship

Chapter 1467 Internship
His Royal Highness Yong Wang arranged for his son to come to the Internal Affairs Hall for an internship. Several counselors attached great importance to it and gathered together to discuss this matter. Everyone unanimously decided that the eldest son should go to the Imperial Academy to study in the morning and come to the Internal Affairs Hall for an internship in the afternoon. Five counselors would personally guide him. It is rotated once a month, so that Shizi can get in touch with all aspects. In the first month, Zhou broadbanded him.

Zhou Broadband brought Chen Ji to Baihutang, and introduced him: "Baihutang is currently under the Menxia Province. It is an official government office for review. The first step of all documents must be concentrated here, and the last step must be concentrated here."

"Why is that?" Chen Ji asked puzzled.

Zhou Kuan explained with a smile: "Our imperial court's authority is very clear. It is divided into three categories according to the importance, A, B, and C. Category A involves military affairs and must be submitted to King Yong for approval. Category B is ordinary government affairs, which are approved by the Internal Affairs Hall and the Privy Council. There is no need to hand it over to King Yong, the C category is called routine government affairs, and it doesn’t even need to go through the internal affairs hall, and the heads of the ministries will approve it themselves, and those involving military affairs will be handed over to the Ministry of War and the Privy Council.”

Chen Ji nodded, "I see, Baihutang is in charge of sorting!"

"That's right, Baihutang will stamp every document, the red type A, the green type B, and the black type C. This is the type C document."

Zhou Kuan took a letter from the table in the lobby and handed it to Chen Ji. Chen Ji took it, and saw a large black seal on the white cover with the word 'Class C' written on it.

"What if the division is wrong?" Chen Ji asked again.

Zhou Kuan said with a smile: "In the past, there were too few people to be too busy, and there was only one trial. Now that there are 30 people, there will be one trial, second trial and final trial. After the first trial, a label will be attached, and the second trial will also be marked. Finally, it will be handed over to the final trial. , the three audits are consistent, the chief officer will stamp the seal, if there is a disagreement, then they will sit together to discuss, if the opinions are not consistent, then it will be handed over to me, and I will finally decide the category, generally not There will be mistakes."

"What's over there?" Chen Ji asked, pointing to the lobby on the left.

"There is also an audit over there. The last step of the audit is called a compliance audit. Regardless of the content, it only depends on whether it meets the approval authority. For example, if there is no King Yong's seal and seal on Class A, it will be sent back, and it will not be issued. If it is serious, it will be returned. be held accountable."

Chen Ji scratched his head and said, "A while ago, my father and king went to the south of the Yangtze River. I saw my mother and Erniang discussing the memorial document together. Could it be?"

"You're right!"

Zhou Kuan smiled and said: "Your father and king are not here, and the Zhubi and King Yong's seal are in your mother's hands. In fact, they should be handed over to you. The emperor goes to war, and the prince supervises the country. It is a system. Because you are not an adult, your mother will execute it for you. The important task of supervising the country has also made things difficult for her, so far no mistakes have been made."

"Then what do I do now?"

"You come with me!"

Zhou Kuandao walked into the review hall. The hall was very quiet. Thirty officials were extremely busy. Everyone was reading the memorial. The box, after reading a book, put the label on it and put it in the alley, and the officials of the second trial kept coming to pick up the documents.

Zhou Broadband and Chen Ji walked into the back room, which was Chao Qing's official room. Chao Qing saw Chen Ji at a glance and greeted him with a smile, "The prince is here!"

Chen Ji and Chao Qing are very familiar. They are still relatives. Chao Qing's mother is Lu Xiu's sister-in-law, and they are cousins.

Zhou Kuan considered the issue very carefully, because today was the first day, he asked Chao Qing to bring the son, they are very familiar with each other, the son will adapt very well.

Zhou Kuan said with a smile: "His Royal Highness asked the son to come to study with us. From now on, he will come for half a day every day to understand the various procedures. Today is the first day to study for one day. I will let him come to Baihutang."

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Zhou Kuan confessed a few words and left. Chao Qing asked his subordinates to bring a set of tables and chairs and put them in his official room, and gave him nine more books. There are three copies, read them carefully, there are reasons for classification on the labels, and you will naturally understand why they are classified after reading too many."

Chen Ji was full of interest, and said with a smile: "I'll come and read it carefully!"

He took his seat, took a Class A document and started to read it. Chao Qing was about to let the tea boy serve the tea. Two of Chen Ji's personal guards waved their hands, and they were in charge of boiling the water and serving the tea.

Chao Qing is right when he thinks about it. The tea boy is no longer in charge of making and serving tea for His Royal Highness. It is handed over to the soldiers. It should be the same with the crown prince. This loophole must be plugged. If anyone bribes the tea boy, he can easily Poisoned.


As soon as Chen Ji opened his mouth, Chao Qing interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "This is the official office, and it's the time for court affairs. You can call me Langzhong Chao!"

"Doctor?" Chen Ji was a little puzzled.

Chao Qing said with a smile: "It is the same level as the six doctors, starting from the fifth grade. His Royal Highness Yong Wang said that next year I will be released to serve in a local area. I am afraid that I will become the youngest governor."

Chen Ji nodded, pointing to a notice and asked: "This is the Jingzhao government's plan to build water conservancy in winter. There is no reason written on it, but I think this is at most a category C. Why is it marked as a category? Is it important?"

Chao Qing smiled slightly and said: "There is a rule here. All documents related to agriculture and animal husbandry must be classified as Class A and must be approved by King Yong. This is a rule that was established many years ago and has not been changed until now. So the construction of water conservancy is regarded as involving agriculture.”

"That's how it is, but it really doesn't need to be classified as Class A. Every state that builds water conservancy has it! Don't they all have to be classified as Class A? Isn't this too much, too flooded?"

Shizi has his own ideas and is not easily constrained by the word 'rules'.

Chao Qing continued: "The rules are made by people. As long as there is no need to engrave the iron plate, it can be changed. The son can mention this matter to King Yong and make improvements. What specific farming tasks must be classified as Class A, and It's not one size fits all, but until the rules change, we have to make it Class A."

"What are the steps to change the rules?" Chen Ji asked again.

"The first step in this rule is to propose. If it is a Class A document, it is proposed by King Yong. Then the internal government hall discusses it, agrees to change it, and comes up with a specific plan, and then submits it to King Yong for review. King Yong approves and signs it. If King Yong does not agree, he will go back to the Internal Affairs Hall and continue to revise. Anyway, King Yong has [-]% of the power to set the rules, and the Internal Affairs Hall has [-]% of the power."

"I understand!"

At this time, a bell rang outside, and Chao Qing said with a smile: "The court affairs in the morning are over, let's go! I will take you to dinner. There are two teahouses, one large and one small, in the Tai Chi Palace. Let’s go and have a meal in the teahouse!”

(End of this chapter)

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