
Chapter 1468 Concept

Chapter 1468 Concept
Although he moved into the Yongwang Palace, which covers an area of ​​thousands of acres, Chen Qing still maintains some old traditions. For example, the whole family still eats together. He is not at the house at noon, but the whole family has to be together in the morning and evening, and cannot be absent unless there are special circumstances.

Even though they are actually kings, Chen Qinghe's family's meals are still relatively simple, no different from before. Breakfast and lunch are simple, and dinner is a little richer.

Frugality is only equivalent to the luxury of other emperors, and of course it is not like ordinary people, but it is similar to a wealthy family, with ten main dishes, more than thirty side dishes, as well as snacks, fruits and drinks.

Personal hobbies are also different. For example, Princess Luxiu especially likes warm Qiongzhou coconut juice, children like grape juice and pumpkin juice, and Chen Qing likes wine from Zhangye.

However, there is a rule that has been changed. Perhaps Chen Qing also felt that it was a bit depressing not to speak while eating. Originally, everyone didn’t have much time to get together. After eating, they went back separately. It’s better to be like the wine table in later generations. Everyone was talking and chatting, and they were very happy and lively. Once the rules were changed, the table became lively.

"Ji'er, how do you feel about going to the Internal Affairs Hall to study today?" Princess Lu Xiu asked her son with a smile.

Chen Ji glanced at his father cautiously, and said to his mother, "Today I went to Baihutang to work with my cousin, and I feel that I have gained a lot!"

"Do you have any personal thoughts?" Chen Qing asked with a smile after taking a sip of wine.

Chen Ji hesitated and said, "I have a little personal opinion."

"Tell me!"

Chen Ji plucked up his courage and said: "Father, my son saw a Class A letter about the plan to build water conservancy in Jingzhao Mansion in winter. It is not special. Water conservancy is built every year in winter. It’s not that I want money, this letter should not appear, but it is a type A letter, the reason is that there was a principle in the past, everything related to agriculture was type A, my child felt that this was a bit too much of a fuss, A waste of father's precious energy and time."

Chen Qing nodded, and asked Lu Xiu and Zhao Qiaoyun, "Have you encountered anything similar?"

"I met it not long ago!"

Lu Xiu smiled wryly and said: "Not long ago, there was an acknowledgment letter for the application site for the autumn harvest and grain drying. Because it was Class A, it was sent to us here, and there was also an investigation report on the summer grain shortage in the four prefectures on Henan Road. Husband, Ji'er is right, this agriculture-related principle pays too much attention to form, it's just rules for the sake of rules, and lacks substance, which wastes a lot of time for me and Qiaoyun."

Chen Qing said slowly: "The reason why this rule is made is because the rivers are planted with grass to raise sheep, hemp is changed to cotton, and new crops such as corn and pumpkin are promoted. These are all new things, and they are of great importance. When people understand this new thing, they will lose their priorities and deal with it improperly. For example, I proposed to encourage the riverside to grow grass and raise sheep. At that time, I did not consider preventing excessive grazing. There was not enough grass to eat, and there was a large-scale fighting in several villages in Fengxiang Mansion to grab the grassland, and many people died. When I knew it, the problem was already very serious. They have all been reported to the court to request the government to promulgate measures to control sheep raising, but I have not seen any of these ultimatums, and the Animal Husbandry Department has not taken it seriously because these reports are contrary to my requirements for advocating sheep raising.

So I ordered that all agriculture-related things should be classified as Category A. It’s the same thing if I don’t take a closer look, but after I have given my instructions, the officials below will pay attention to it, and it won’t happen again because of the farming. Tragic things happen when sheep are overdosed. "

"The child understands!"

Chen Qing smiled again and said, "But it won't be like this all the time. As you said, some insignificant things really take up too much of my energy and time, and it seems that I don't trust the officials below, because my father has been doing this for the past two years. In the busy Jin Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, there is no time to think about changing the rules, because the proposal to change the rules must be proposed by me, and I will not mention it. Even if the counselors have ideas, they cannot exceed their authority. The counselors have a chat, listen to their thoughts, and then write down all these thoughts, and then hand them over to your father. If I am not around, you can also hand it over to your mother. This is the first task I have assigned to you. The rules of Category A need to be changed, but how to change it, you can listen to the opinions of the counselors and write a specific plan.”

Chen Ji nodded again and again, and Chen Qing smiled again: "I have considered it. From now on, you will go to the Internal Affairs Hall for an internship in the morning, and in the afternoon to study at the Taixue Agricultural College. Of course, you have to change your identity. You can call Lu Chen in the morning, Chen in the morning, isn't it?" I want you to learn how to farm, but to learn the characteristics and habits of the crops in various places, learn and think from a large perspective, and become a qualified official of Sinong Temple. You can live in Taixue and meet many new friends. Of course, you You can't reveal your identity, understand?"

Chen Ji went to study like an ordinary child, and had his own classmates and friends. This was the main reason why he wanted to go to Guozixue, but he was a little tired of the Four Books and Five Classics. He went to Taixue to study agriculture, and he could also go to various places for inspections. Let him look forward to it, he nodded excitedly, "My child must study hard!"

At this time, Xue'er and Bing'er also ran over to pester their father and said: "We also want to go to Taixue to study with our brother and live in Taixue!"

"Why, aren't you happy living here?"

The two little ladies glanced at their mother and said in unison: "Not happy!"

Chen Qing laughed out loud. He patted the heads of the two and said with a smile: "In the future, Dad will set up a girls' school. When you are older, you can also go to the girls' school to study and make more good friends."

The two little ladies clapped their hands happily, "We can go to school to study now!"

The whole dining hall burst into laughter, only Lu Xiu shook her head helplessly.


Three days later, Chen Qing came to the Agricultural College of Taixue again. At this time, the eldest son Chen Ji had been studying in Taixue for two days, but he came in the afternoon. His alias was Lu Chen, because there were two personal guards, everyone guessed He is a son of an official, but no one would have thought that he would be the son of the prince. The son of the prince should go to the Imperial Academy to study, how could he come to the Taixue to study agriculture.

Of course, Xuezheng Liu Xiangyang knew this secret, and he specially chose two roommates for Chen Ji who were about the same age, gentle and down-to-earth.

But today Chen Qing came here early in the morning, and the elder son Chen Ji was still intern in the internal affairs hall, so he couldn't meet his son.

From a distance, Chen Qing saw the glass room he designed, dazzling in the sun, surrounded by students, their eyes full of wonder, when His Royal Highness King Yong arrived, Liu Xiangyang temporarily persuaded the students to leave, and the soldiers quickly controlled the room. around.

Chen Qing came to the glass room. The glass room was very delicate and the craftsmen were skilled. He asked that there be no air leakage. After the glass was installed, the craftsmen sealed the edges with glue.

The entire glass room is very transparent, and you can clearly see the situation inside. Yang Du, the professor of agriculture, was in the sun room with three students. Some students pushed him. He turned around and saw Chen Qing, and ran out quickly.

He couldn't hold back the joy in his heart and said: "This crystal house is simply amazing. It's like early summer inside, and everything can mature. If there are crystal houses in the field, we can grow three crops a year."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "The cost is too high. It's okay to do experiments for Taixue, but don't think about promoting it."

After a pause, he asked again: "How is the potato planting?"

Yang Du hurriedly said: "It's already been planted, Your Highness, please enter the room with your humble official, and all ministers are welcome to join us!"

(End of this chapter)

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