
Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469
Those who came with Chen Qing today include Jiang Yanxian and Lu Qingshan, and Zhang Haoran, Secretary of Sinong Temple, and Liu Xiangyang, the official of Taixue, of course also accompanied him, but his status is low, so he can only follow behind.

The glass room was indeed very warm, really like the early summer season in May, several ministers were amazed, Lu Qingshan said with a smile: "In winter, you don't need to warm yourself by the fire when you handle court affairs here in winter, what did your Highness think of it?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Actually, it's just to keep the warmth of the sun. It might be very cold at night."

"Good evening!"

Yang Du explained: "Beizhi sleeps in the greenhouse at night. It is slightly colder than during the day, but much warmer than outside, and all kinds of sprouts will not be frozen to death."

Chen Qing walked inside again, and more than a dozen sunbeds had been made in the whole glass house, watered and fertilized, and Chen Qing found that Yang Du had planted a lot of potatoes, so he couldn't help asking strangely: "Isn't there only fifteen fields left?" Is there a potato? Where did the other potatoes come from?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, those rotten potatoes have also been planted together. I feel that some of them are rotten, but the other part is good. There are still small sprouts on them. It's a pity to throw them away. Let's try together. Give it a try."

Chen Qing nodded with a smile and said, "I'm interested!"

Jiang Yanxian asked: "Your Highness, is it true that this kind of potato has a yield of three thousand catties per mu?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "I've only heard about it, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, Professor Yang, do you think there will be a high yield?"

At this time, the Kingdom of Jin lost Hebei Road and Yanshan Road one after another. The country was weak and could no longer take care of the grasslands. Instead, it began to attack Goryeo in an attempt to plunder Goryeo to supplement its national strength.

"That's right, but my first step is to take down the Linhuang Mansion!"

Chen Qing handed the letter to Jiang Yanxian and Lu Qingshan, Jiang Yanxian read it, and said in surprise: "Take Tamra Island, is your highness going to use it as a springboard to destroy Goryeo, or to attack the Kingdom of Jin!"

"Then when will it be harvested?" Lu Qingshan asked.

"Exactly, it's from General Tang!"

"Of course it is a waterway. If you take the Yellow River and enter the Yongding River, the fleet can go all the way north. It is estimated that it will take half a year. Considering that the winter freezes and the transportation will continue after the spring, then the combat preparations will not be completed until next summer."


At present, Linhuang Mansion still has [-] soldiers stationed there, still in order to control the tribes in the grassland.

Linhuang Mansion is an important town of Jin Kingdom on the western grassland. It used to be the capital of Liao Kingdom. It was also the headquarters of Jin Kingdom to control the tribes in the grassland. Wanyan Nianhan once stationed [-] troops here and continued to attack the Mughal tribe for several years. .

The Kingdom of Jin implemented a strategy of reducing the size of the grasslands, constantly weakening the tribes in the grasslands, and preventing them from becoming strong enemies. First, they dealt with the Mughal tribes. Wanyan Nianhan led an army of [-] to fight fiercely with the Mughal tribes for many years. The strategy of differentiation, wooing and dividing the interior of the Mughal tribe, and united with the Tata tribe, the Kere tribe, and the Mierqi tribe, attacked the Mughal tribe in multiple ways. The Mughal tribe was finally defeated, the leader was killed, the population and pastures were swallowed up, and the Mongolian tribe Wu was completely marginalized and moved to a distant place.

Orihiko said with a smile: "This is probably the biggest gain Jin Guo gained from attacking Goryeo. Nearly 20 Koryo soldiers surrendered. Jin Guo organized them into Koryo's servant army. The source of Khitan and Xi people's troops has been exhausted. Goryeo has gained a source of troops."

Chen Qing nodded, "In fact, the 30 troops I led to the south of the Yangtze River did not come back, but went directly north to Yanshan Mansion, where 150 troops have already been deployed, and [-] more troops need to be added. For grain transportation, [-] million shi of grain must be transported from Jingzhao to Yanshan Road."

Linhuang's mansion also temporarily did not receive the attention of Jin Guo, and the garrison quickly decreased from [-] troops to [-], while Linhuang's business became more and more prosperous.

When Chen Qing came back from Taixue, as soon as he reached the gate of the official room, Orihiko walked over quickly, "There is an important pigeon letter from Dengzhou!"

Orihiko glanced at Chen Qing, Chen Qing shook his head, and said slowly: "The national power of the Jin Kingdom is unbearable, so I accepted the Koryo Kingdom's peace proposal, and the King of Koryo accepted the canonization of the Jin Kingdom's emperor, and became a subordinate state of the Jin Kingdom. Donate food, supplies, and soldiers, and put the prince as a hostage in Shangjing. Now that winter is coming, the Jin soldiers should withdraw from Korea. It’s cheap, but it lost nearly [-] troops, and the Jin Kingdom is very dissatisfied, so when we attack the Jin Kingdom next summer, it will also be when its national strength is weakest.”

Yang Du hurriedly said: "It's very possible that I planted similar yams and yam eggs, and the yield was very high. During the famine, planting yams can save lives!"

"Has the Kingdom of Korea been destroyed by the Kingdom of Jin?"

Orihiko handed a copy of the pigeon letter to Chen Qing, and Chen Qing invited several people to sit down in his official room.

Lu Qingshan pondered for a moment and said: "Is Your Highness already preparing for the battle against the Kingdom of Jin?"

"Is 45 troops too many?" Jiang Yanxian asked.

"By water?"

Jiang Yan nodded first, "Your Highness has been waiting for this opportunity!"

The best and most beautiful grasslands and pastures were divided up by the Tata, Kelie and Mierqi tribes. However, in the battle of Fengzhou, nearly 10 people were killed in the Tata and Kelie tribes. The Ministry took the opportunity to rise.

Orihiko said with a smile on the side: "The war of destroying the country will take so many, not to mention that His Highness has to leave 40 troops to guard Yanshan Road, otherwise the rear will be empty, and it will be miserable to be attacked by golden soldiers. In fact, it is [-] troops, and we What they are facing may not only be the Kingdom of Jin, but also the coalition forces of various tribes in the grassland, such as the Tata tribe, the Kele tribe, and the Mughal tribe, and even the Koryo servant army, and the opponent must have at least [-] troops."

"Reporting to Counselor Lu, according to my humble job experience, it will be harvested around February next year!"

"At present, it is to attack the Kingdom of Jin. I am considering sending a surprise army from the east. As for whether it will destroy Koryo, I will talk about it later. In addition, it can also be used as a transit point for trade."

After Chen Qing read the pigeon letter, it turned out that it was the news of the occupation of Tamra Island. Tang Huai said that he would lead the fleet northward after the spring of next year, and establish a foundation at Tongmen Water Estuary.

Chen Qing was slightly taken aback, but he immediately realized, "Is it news about the Navy?"

"What's going on with the Koryo servant army?" Jiang Yan asked puzzledly.

The grassland has entered winter, and the blizzard is about to hit. Businessmen from all walks of life rushed to enter Linhuang City to spend the winter before the blizzard.

This morning, a caravan of camels entered from outside the city, consisting of more than 100 camels. The owners of the camels were two very strong and tall prairie men.

They brought more than a dozen guys with them, including Han Chinese and Khitan people, and a tall, thin middle-aged man named Zhang Lu. He used to be the head of the Luoyang Intelligence Station of the Western Army, and was later promoted to Deputy Chief of the Intelligence Department. He is now the Privy Council Intelligence Officer According to the order, from the fifth-rank senior officials, this time he personally led the team into the Linhuang mansion, and the Yinbalu and Yinerhan brothers were responsible for cooperating with him in setting up the intelligence station.

A group of people walked into Linhuang City.

(End of this chapter)

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