
Chapter 1470 Lin Huang

Chapter 1470 Lin Huang
Linhuang City is just at the junction of several forces, bordering the Kingdom of Jin in the east, grassland in the west, and not far from Yanshan Road. The ethnic structure in the city is very complicated, including Jurchens, Khitans, tribes of the grasslands, Han people, Xi people, etc. Wait, various forces are intertwined, and the situation in the city is weird and complicated.

The Yin brothers have been to Linhuang City many times, and they are quite familiar with the situation here. They came to a large inn. The owner of the inn was a middle-aged Khitan, who was very familiar with the two brothers.

The Yin brothers told Zhang Lu that the owner of the shop was Xiao Dan. His parents and brothers died in the Jinbing massacre, and he was the only one in the family who survived. He buried the bodies of his parents and brothers in the backyard. Along with the inn left by the ancestors for generations, it also accompanied the graves of parents and brothers.

The Yin brothers also told Zhang Lu that if they want to gain a foothold in Linhuang City, they can ask this shopkeeper for help.

Looking for an opportunity, Zhang Lu came to the shopkeeper's room to visit the shopkeeper Xiao, who was also the owner.

"You are Zhang Proprietor, a friend of Yinbalu?"

Zhang Lu was surprised that Xiao Dan could speak Chinese fluently.

"How can you speak Chinese?"

"My grandmother is Han Chinese, she brought me up, and I can speak Chinese since I was a child."

Zhang Lu nodded, "I came from Datong Mansion, and I want to open a medicinal material store here. You also know that the situation in Liaodong is tense, and many precious medicinal materials can only go to Linhuang Mansion."

It was Wanyan Asai who killed Xiao Dan's parents and two elder brothers back then, so when he mentioned this name, a trace of deep hatred appeared in Xiao Dan's eyes.

"If he is really a businessman, I will do business with him. I can also get high-quality ginseng, tiger bone and other medicinal materials, which can make me a lot of money."

"I want to buy leather goods and medicinal materials in Linhuang City, can General Xiao give me a suggestion?"

But Xiao Wanmu didn't say anything, the two exchanged a few words and sat down.

Xiao Dan nodded, "I think it's a bit like that too!"

Both of them have the surname Xiao, but there is no blood relationship. There are many people with the surname Xiao in Khitan, and there is no such thing as Han people who have the same surname not to marry.

Xiao Dan sighed and said, "To open a store here, you need a backer, especially for a Han Chinese like you. Without a backer, it is easy to be taken away as a spy of the Western Army."

Xiao Wanmu poured two bowls of wine and placed some side dishes. After hearing Xiao Dan's words, he sneered and said, "Didn't the Yin brothers always boast that they knew King Yong? This Han merchant surnamed Zhang is probably Spy from the Western Army!"

Wanyan Asai was the first centurion to attack the city of Linhuang when the Jurchen army attacked it. After entering the city, he was named commander of a thousand and was rewarded with [-] sheep. He was very young at that time, only two He was in his teens, now he is in his fifties, he has already been promoted to the head of the Wanfu, and now he is the chief general of Linhuang Mansion.

Xiao Wanmu nodded and said with a smile: "I am also from Yanshan Road. The Khitan people on Yanshan Road were called Shufan in the Song Dynasty. They are Sinicized Khitan people. They can basically speak Chinese."

"Yinbalu is fine, but the new store is easier to be targeted by people. If someone finds out that the actual operator is a Han, he will report to the government, and he will be rewarded with ten coins. Can the proprietor Zhang withstand the government's interrogation? ?”

"you say!"

Zhang Lu pondered for a while and said, "Then, does General Xiao have a better way?"

"Please say!"

"General Xiao means that we cooperate?"

"I told him that finding a backstage depends on money, and he has to give protection money every month. A normal businessman will definitely ask, how much will he pay? But he didn't ask at all. I knew he was not a businessman. Brother, what should we do now? manage?"

Xiao Wanmu smiled slightly and said: "I suggest that Proprietor Zhang hang it under the shop of the local people, so that he doesn't have to go to the government to file for the record. You must know that it is impossible for Han people from other places to open a shop in Linhuang, and the government will not approve it."


There was a hint of worry in Zhang Lu's eyes, "This is my first time here, where do I know any backstage?"

At the same time, Yin Balu is also introducing Xiao Dan's brother-in-law to Zhang Lu. "Director Zhang doesn't know that Xiao Wanmu is not an ordinary person. Back then Wanyan Nianhan led a large army to attack the Mengwu tribe. Linhuang City was empty. Only Xiao Wanmu led 3 Khitan troops to guard it, and the Kelie tribe had 2000 people. Wanted to sneak attack Linhuang City. As a result, Xiao Wanmu led 20 people to defend the city for 6000 days, and nearly [-] people were killed or injured by Ke Lie’s troops, but he failed to attack the city. Wanyan Nianhan admired him very much, and wanted to promote him to be the chief of the Wanfu several times , but the imperial court disagreed, saying that he was a Khitan and unreliable."

"How much does the eldest brother want?"

Zhang Lu asked with a smile, "General Xiao can also speak Chinese?"

"Do you want to talk to him, brother?"

Xiao Wanmu said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Proprietor Zhang doesn't need to open a store, he just lives in my brother-in-law's inn. As for the medicinal materials and skins that Proprietor Zhang wants, I will find them for you."

Xiao Dan nodded, "I can introduce someone to you."

Zhang Lu was silent for a moment and said, "Yin Balu said, Master Xiao can help me!"

Xiao Dan thought for a while and said: "I feel that this person is very magnanimous, the magnanimity of a Han official, unhurried, calm and calm, not at all mercenary like ordinary businessmen, I can give you an example."

Xiao Wanmu understood what he was thinking, and patted him on the shoulder, "I can be his protector, let's have a long-term plan."

"My brother-in-law is a commander, and a Khitan like me."

Zhang Lu pondered for a while and asked, "Is there any possibility of this person being wooed?"

Xiao Wanmu shook his head, "What I want is not money!"

Zhang Lu heard the clue, and said with a smile: "If the cooperation is successful, what price does General Xiao want?"

"What if I ask Yinbalu to go to the government to apply for opening a shop?"

"You don't expect me to report to Wanyan Asai!"

"To get the price of Datong, I have no regrets in this life!"

Xiao Dan smiled wryly and said, "Proprietor Zhang didn't understand what I meant. The so-called backstage doesn't mean that there is any friendship, but that if you pay money regularly, someone will naturally protect you."

That night, Xiao Dan found his brother-in-law Xiao Wanmu.

Xiao Wanmu nodded, and said with a pun in his words: "I have been stationed in Linhuang Mansion for 20 years, and I have some contacts. I can get whatever goods I want!"

"It should be possible. Xiao Dan's parents and brothers were killed by the Jurchens, and the hatred towards the Jurchens is as deep as the sea. Xiao Wanmu knows that he should marry his sister to him. If he is devoted to the Jurchens, he will not be able to marry his sister. Married to Xiao Dan, but..."

Early the next morning, Xiao Wanmu came to the inn. Under Xiao Dan's recommendation, Xiao Wanmu and Zhang Lu met. In fact, Xiao Wanmu's eyes were extremely sharp, and he happened to see some of Zhang Lu's assistants carrying Cargo, each with a straight waist, vigorous gait, boundless strength, and steady and focused eyes. He is no ordinary guy, but an extremely elite soldier. Without rigorous training, how can he have such a temperament.

Zhang Lu nodded, "If General Xiao wants the price of Datong Mansion, it's totally fine, I can make the decision!"

But when he saw Zhang Lu, Xiao Wanmu knew that he had guessed correctly. With such a calm gaze and elegant demeanor, he was clearly a Han civil servant rather than a businessman.

Yin Balu smiled and said: "I mean this Xiao Wanmu City Mansion is very deep, the manager should not confess to him for the time being!"

"But what?" Zhang Lu asked.

"There is a way, it depends on whether Master Zhang is willing to accept it or not?"


Xiao Wanmu smiled, "Of course!"

Zhang Lu nodded, of course he would not be so reckless.

Xiao Wanmu said lightly: "I have a deep affection for Linhuang Mansion. If possible, I would like to continue this business with Zhang Proprietor in Linhuang Mansion."

Xiao Dan suddenly understood, he whispered: "What if he is really a businessman?"

"How do you tell?" Xiao Wanmu asked quietly.

Xiao Wanmu said goodbye and left. When Xiao Dan sent him out, he asked in a low voice: "What does he mean by Datong price?"

Xiao Wanmu smiled slightly and said, "The magistrate of Datong is Yelu Qiyan from Khitan. What he means is, let me be the magistrate of Linhuang. He said he can make the decision. It seems that his status in the Jingzhao court is not low."

Xiao Dan was taken aback, and immediately filled with anticipation, "Prefect Linhuang, can big brother do it?"

"He said that if the cooperation can be successful, that is to say, I will help them seize the Linhuang Mansion. I think this is really an opportunity given to me by God. The Kingdom of Jin closed the door for me to be promoted, but the Kingdom of Yong closed another door. Open it up for me."

(End of this chapter)

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