
Chapter 1471

Chapter 1471
A heavy snow fell one after another, and the entire Jingzhao City was covered with silver. Looking around, it was covered with white snow, and the whole land became a world of ice and snow.

Although the battle preparations were still going on, Chen Qing was extremely annoyed by another matter these few days.

The Privy Council ordered to transfer 40 sheepskins from the Taiyuan warehouse to Yanshan Road to keep the soldiers warm. Unexpectedly, the account of the Privy Council did not match the actual warehouse. There were 50 sheepskins in the account of the Privy Council, but there were only 30 sheepskins in the warehouse. 20 sheets.

This news made Chen Qing extremely annoyed, and immediately ordered the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, Yushitai, and Privy Council to form a four-party joint investigation team and rushed to Taiyuan to investigate this matter. Chen Qing suspected that not only the lack of sheepskins, but also other supplies and food did not match the accounts. .

But what makes Chen Qing a little tricky is that the Ministry of War should also be involved in this matter, but Cao De, the Minister of the Ministry of War, is the former prefect of Taiyuan. The warehouse where the sheepskin is located is a warehouse jointly managed by the military and the government. Will Cao De be involved in the case?

Chen Qing was pacing back and forth in the official room with his hands behind his hands. At this moment, Pei Wenjin's voice came from the stairs, "Your Highness, Minister Cao please see me!"

Just when he was thinking of Cao De, he came, and Chen Qing ordered: "Let him come to see me!"

After a while, Chen Qing went downstairs, Cao De stood up and saluted, "My humble minister, see Your Highness!"

Chen Qing waved his hand, "Cao Shilang, please sit down!"

The two sat down, and Cao De said urgently: "Go to Taiyuan to investigate military resources, the Ministry of War is also duty-bound, please Your Highness arrange it!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for fulfilling the task!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Then the internal guards will be divided into two groups. One will go to Taiyuan for secret investigations, and the other will go to Jingzhao to investigate and sell stolen goods. General Xiaozhong will be in charge of Jingzhao."

The two stood aside, Chen Qing sat down and asked Zhong Huan, "How long have you been back?"

"I hope the Ministry of War will also participate in the investigation!"

"Follow the order!" Wang Hao bowed and agreed.

"Your Highness, firstly, the Cao family does not lack this little money, and secondly, the reputation of the Cao family is more important than money."

"Actually, it is enough to have a joint investigation by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple, Yushitai and the Privy Council. If there is more than one party, it will not make much sense!"

The soldiers brought tea in, Chen Qing took a sip from the teacup, and asked calmly: "Cao Shilang has been working in Taiyuan for nearly two years, didn't you notice it?"

At this time, Chen Qing saw that Zhong Huan was about to say something, so he asked, "What does General Xiao Zhong want to say?"

Wang Hao hurriedly said: "I have heard about it from the humble position, and the inner guard can intervene at any time!"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and asked again: "Has that Zou Shuan been dealt with?"

Chen Qing nodded, and then said to Wang Hao: "There is a big case in Taiyuan, have you heard about it?"

Chen Qing nodded, "I can understand that the warehouse is jointly managed. Cao Shilang thought there would be an inventory by the military, and the military thought that the government would do an inventory, so both sides ignored it."

"Could it be because after winter, merchants go to inventory and sell goods?"

Zhong Huan thought for a while and said: "My uncle also told me a piece of news, which I think is worth paying attention to. He said that in March this year, the price of Jingzhao's sheepskins suddenly fell sharply, and it fell by nearly half. Months are slowly recovering."

"Reporting to Your Highness, it has been almost a month."


Zhong Huan hurriedly bowed and said, "I obey my orders!"

"I heard about this incident yesterday afternoon. I have been thinking about whether I can check back from the sale of stolen goods. It happened that my uncle opened a leather goods store in Jingzhao. I went to consult him last night in the afternoon. He told me that the military Fang's sheepskins are all old sheepskins, which are very popular in the market, and the price of old sheepskins has always been the highest in Jingzhao, which is [-]% higher than other places, followed by Bashu. The winter in Bashu is relatively cold, and many people have rheumatism in their legs. Lao Yangpi is the most suitable, and I was thinking, if we start the investigation from Jingzhao, will we be able to find more clues."

Pei Wenjin bowed and said, "His Royal Highness, I think the possibility is unlikely."

"you say!"

Not long after, Wang Hao and Zhong Huan hurried into the official room, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Actually, it doesn't necessarily have to be something that happened to you, but you can investigate if you really want to. I allow the Ministry of War to participate!"

"Get up!"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it may be done by the military, but it may also be done by someone in the government. The high-ranking official in charge of the warehouse is Dou Huang. He served as the Sima of Taiyuan Mansion. He has worked in Taiyuan for ten years. He has many contacts and connections. If It was discovered that it was done by the government, and he is the most suspected."

"If it is off-season destocking, it should be the same every year, but there was no such thing in previous years, and it happened this year."

Cao De sighed, "Actually, I want to lead a team to investigate in person. It's too uncomfortable that such a big case happened in my job. I really can't shirk the blame. I just want to personally catch the culprit. I'll feel better."

"Then does your uncle know why?"

Wang Hao also said: "Your Highness, what General Xiaozhong said is very reasonable. In fact, this case is no longer a secret. How can the principal culprit wait to be killed? He will definitely destroy all kinds of evidence, and even some key people, such as the person in charge of the warehouse, will disappear or even be killed." After being silenced, go to Taiyuan to investigate, at most to investigate, and other things have been stolen, etc., but it is probably not easy to find the main culprit, and it is indeed a good way to investigate from the sale of stolen goods!"

Coming out of Taiji Palace, Wang Hao asked, "General Zhong, how do you plan to investigate?"

"It is indeed for this reason that the humble official does not want to interfere with the military affairs."

A trace of shame flashed in Cao De's eyes and he said: "The humble official really doesn't know anything, and this is also the dereliction of duty of the humble official. In the past two years in Taiyuan, he didn't even take stock of the warehouse."

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "Why are you so decisive?"

Cao De resigned and left. Chen Qing looked at the calligraphy and paintings on the wall for a while, then turned to Pei Wenjin and asked, "Wen Jin, do you think Cao De will be involved in the case?"

"Let them in!"

Wang Hao nodded, "So you suspect that someone shipped a large number of products at a low price and lowered the price?"

"Then how do you see the wrong number of sheepskins? Who do you think did it?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, I have a small idea about this case!"

"Then what do you mean?"

Chen Qing nodded, "You are right, I should be worrying too much!"

Zhong Huan bowed and said: "Report to His Highness, it was dealt with at that time, and he gave his parents 1000 taels of silver afterwards."

At this time, one of his subordinates came to report, "Your Highness, King Neiwei has ordered them to come!"

Chen Qing went to the window with his hands behind his back, pondered for a moment and said: "We have arranged five departments to form a joint investigation team, but it is not possible for ordinary people to steal 20 sheepskins. The inner guard immediately sent five hundred elites to Taiyuan Secret investigation."

Chong Huan shook his head, "He's not specialized in the sheepskin business, he's in the leather business, and only sells some sheepskins at the same time. You need to find a big merchant who specializes in sheepskins."

Wang Hao asked, "Do you have a goal?"

Zhong Huan nodded, "My uncle told me about a big fur dealer, and I'm going to buy from him!"

[I have something to do today, there are only two updates, sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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