
Chapter 1472

Chapter 1472
After the rise of Yong State, Jingzhao has become the largest city in the world, with a population of more than one million. It is not only the political and military center of Yong State, but also the economic center. It has many of the largest markets in the world, such as medicinal materials market and cloth market. , food market, oil market and so on.

Among them, the fur market is also the best in the world, and fur and leather from all over the world are traded in this market.

The leather goods market is located outside the south city, covering an area of ​​several hundred acres, with two to three hundred shops, large and small, almost all of which are wholesales of all kinds of fur goods, fur goods from all over the world are transported here, and then sold from here to all over the world.

Jin Binghui is a well-known fur merchant who specializes in the sheepskin business. Two generations have been in the business for decades and have rich connections in this industry. Jin Binghui is also the first batch of big businessmen to enter the market. His shop is called Jin's Leather Goods. It is located near the entrance, covering an area of ​​about three acres, with the Cao River behind it, and his shop also has a private dock on the Cao River.

Jin Binghui is the target that Zhong Huan is looking for. He is also one of the instigators of the price drop of sheepskin in March. He must be an insider.

Zhong Huan led a few men to the fur market, and saw Jin's fur shop at a glance. The signboard was shining golden in the sun, which was very eye-catching.

Several of his subordinates waited at the door, and Zhong Huan walked into the shop. The shop was very large and powerful, and there were piles of leathers as tall as a person everywhere.

"Excuse me, what do you want to buy?" A waiter came up to greet him warmly.

"Just look!"

Zhong Huan walked up to a stack of thick sheepskin, and lightly twisted it, it was old sheepskin.

Seeing that the situation was not good, this guy ran to inform the security of the fur market, a group of professional warriors.

"Is my friend here to find trouble?" The middle-aged man stared at Zhong Huan viciously.

"It must be the grassland! This leather can be seen as a Zhangye product at a glance."


"And Dongzhu Yang and Dongzhu Shi!"

"Who is the other party?" Zhong Huan asked, staring at him.

"I don't have much patience to fight wits and courage with you. If you don't want to go to the internal guard's office and don't want to cause trouble for yourself, then you can tell me what I ask. Don't hide anything. If I find out that you have concealed it afterwards, I will definitely To convict you as an accomplice will cost you your head, understand?"

"Where did it come from?" Zhong Huan asked again.

Jin Binghui lowered his head and couldn't help trembling all over. He only looked fierce on the outside, but in fact he was very timid, especially afraid of death.

Jin Binghui nodded, "That's them!"

Jin Binghui lowered his head, terrified to the extreme, and said in a low voice, "We suspect it's the military's sheepskin, otherwise it would be impossible for so many high-quality old sheepskins to appear all at once."

"Let me ask you, what's the reason for the sudden drop in the price of sheepskin in March this year, by more than [-]%?"

"Because this batch of sheepskins are all high-quality old sheepskins, it's a pity to sell them at a reduced price. The other party is eager to ask for money, so we will sell the ordinary sheepskins cheaply and give him the money."

After Wang Hao got the report, he immediately sent people to arrest the two big businessmen Yang Shaoan and Shi Wensheng to the inner guard for interrogation. At the same time, he found [-] old sheepskins purchased at the beginning of the year from their warehouse.

"When was the first sale?"

"Is it Yang Shaoan and Shi Wensheng?"

Zhong Huan said calmly: "I think it looks like a Taiyuan product!"

Zhong Huan gave him a wink, and the two inner guard soldiers put him down, and Zhong Huan looked at him coldly, "Let me remind you one last time, my patience is almost running out."

"Tell me first, where did your old sheepskin come from?"

"We don't know the real owner of the goods. We deal with a dental man named Huang Zhan. We all call him Huang Fang. He is the owner of Taiyuan Huang's Dental Shop and is very famous in Taiyuan."

These two people, together with Jin Binghui, are the three largest fur merchants in Jingzhao.

Of course, if there is nothing wrong, the inner guards will not arrest people randomly. It is completely different from the plum blossom guards in Lin'an, and ordinary people at the bottom basically cannot feel their existence.


Zhong Huan is not interested in his shoddy profiteering behavior, he only cares about the supply of goods.

Zhong Huan was sitting on a large chair, playing with a porcelain teacup on the table, which was not an official kiln, but a fine product of folk kiln.

"Take him to the back room!"

"The guest was joking, where does Taiyuan produce sheepskin?"

Zhong Huan was right when he thought about it, this kind of well-known big leather merchant doesn't have to worry about the sale of goods, it is impossible for the goods from the beginning of the year to be still stockpiled until now.

He strode forward, trying to push Zhong Huan out, but Zhong Huan dodged and pulled him, and the man fell to the ground.

In the room, Jin Binghui crouched in a corner, without any initial arrogance at all, and he honestly admitted that he was Jin Binghui.

"It was just imported from Zhangye more than a month ago, and it's less than five years old, only three years old."

He hurriedly retreated, looked into the back room, and saw a middle-aged man walking out of the back room. He was not tall, and he was very strong. Very vicious.

It was already very close, and Zhong Huan asked again: "How much is that batch of old sheepskins?"

"three years ago!"


"Who am I has nothing to do with you, get out if you don't buy anything!"

The middle-aged man was furious, and drew out the dagger at his waist. Before he could stand up, several inner guards rushed forward and held him down.

Zhong Huan squatted down and flashed the inner guard's silver medal in front of his eyes. The middle-aged man was terrified immediately, he lowered his head and stopped cursing.

"About [-] copies!"

Chong Huan gritted his teeth and said, "Don't you feel anything unusual about this batch of goods? How could Taiyuan produce sheepskin?"

The clerk quickly introduced: "This is an authentic five-year-old sheepskin. It is definitely a rare high-end product in the market. It is a baby with cold legs. You will know it in winter. If you have old people and children at home, you must buy it!"

"I said! It's because a large batch of sheepskins came, too many, and the other party asked us to sell them as soon as possible, so we had to lower the price, but we didn't sell this batch of sheepskins, and we sold ordinary sheepskins at a reduced price."

Chong Huan snorted heavily, "Why don't you go to the Neiwei Yamen and think about it slowly!"

"This March, let me think"

"Little man understands!"

Especially for big businessmen like Jin Binghui, their road to wealth will definitely not be law-abiding, and there will be disgraceful things, so they are also very afraid of the appearance of inner guards.

Two inner guard soldiers raised him up, and he shouted in fright: "I remember, I remember!"

Two inner guards dragged the middle-aged man into the back room. At this moment, seven or eight warriors came running, "What happened?"

The inner guard soldier at the door held up the bronze medal and said coldly: "The inner guard handles the case!"

"How long will it take you to sell a batch of goods here?"

Suddenly a sharp voice came from the back room, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Five sticks cost a piece, and it can be cheaper if the quantity is large."

"Let go of me, you bastards, who are you?"

"How much is this leather?"

This bastard harmed people and asked them to provoke the inner guards.
The inner guard is an organization that everyone fears in Jingzhao, especially those outside groups like businessmen and warriors, who absolutely dare not provoke the inner guard.

Jin Binghui's face changed drastically, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. The thing he feared most finally came.

The guy shuddered in fright, "Shopkeeper, I know!"

"Up to three months!"

A group of samurai stopped, turned around and left without looking at it, and the leader of the samurai who reached the end gave the guy a hard slap, knocking him into a daze.

The quantity was a bit inconsistent, so Zhong Huan continued to ask: "This is not the first time I have sold old sheepskin to you!"

"No! A total of three batches were sold, and this year is the third batch. Each time there are 30 copies, a total of [-]."

"Who else bought this batch of sheepskins besides you?"

How could Chong Huan be intimidated by his gaze, he looked at this person calmly, and asked lightly, "Are you Jin Binghui?"

They received it at the price of two pens per piece, worth 20 pens. In addition, the first and second batches of 20 old sheepskins have been sold by them.

After Chen Qing got the report, he ordered the confiscation of their property, and ordered Zhong Huan to lead [-] elite inner guards to Taiyuan to arrest the broker Huang Yaren.

Although Chen Qing generally would not confiscate the property of merchants, the behavior of these three fur dealers was so bad that each bundle of sheepskins had the military's stamp number on it, which was washed off by them with vinegar.

Knowing that it is military capital and selling it to make huge profits, this is a big crime.

(End of this chapter)

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