
Chapter 1473

In Taiyuan Prefecture, the investigation into the Cangcheng corruption case has been going on for half a month, and all kinds of serious incidents that have been covered up have been exposed one by one, which is shocking. Cao De, who used to be the prefect of Taiyuan, was too sad to speak. He wrote The letter of resignation strongly demands to take the blame and resign and take responsibility for this case.

Chen Qing approved his resignation. Although he was not involved in the case, he did have dereliction of duty. However, Chen Qing immediately appointed him as Yongnan Propaganda Envoy and sent him to far away Nanyang to preside over the establishment of Yongnan Port and Yongnan Army. Avoid public opinion for a while and protect him.

Cao De immediately accepted the new appointment, bid farewell to his wife and children, and led [-] craftsmen to Quanzhou to go to sea.

Taiyuan Cang is one of the four major warehouse groups in the Yong State. Because of the conquest of the Jin State, a large amount of military and civilian supplies were stored in the Cangcheng. Because many supplies are shared by the military and the civilians, the management is also shared by the military and the civilians, which is prone to dual management. The possibility of not caring about both ends made Chen Qing very worried.

One month after the joint investigation team rushed to Taiyuan, the imperial court received more than a dozen urgent express mails in a row, and what worried Chen Qing most happened. The shortage of sheepskins was only the tip of the iceberg. Other supplies included food, cloth, tents, pig iron, etc. However, all the warehouses managed by the military and civilians have a large shortage and the accounts do not match the facts, while the warehouses managed by the military alone, such as armory, gunpowder depots, and fuel oil depots, etc., have not experienced shortages.

The problem is very clear, the shortage of supplies is related to the government, and all the clues point to one person, Sima Douhuang of Taiyuan Prefecture.

Dou Huang had already disappeared, and disappeared without a trace before the investigation team arrived in Taiyuan Mansion. Not only was he missing, but a large number of people involved in the case, mainly the head of the warehouse, either disappeared or died strangely. there is none left.

One of the reports made Chen Qing very worried. This Dou Huang handled Tie Huo Lei. Although it was five years ago, all military records show that the [-] Tie Huo Lei he handled were either taken back or exploded. , was not missed, but Chen Qing was still very worried. After all, these data were reported by Dou Huang himself to the military. He didn't know if the military had verified them.

He wondered if the Tie Huolei of Hu Shatu, a foreign monk from the Kingdom of Jin, might be related to Dou Huang. After all, Hu Shatu came from the Taiyuan Gunpowder Bureau, and Dou Huang was also from a wealthy local family in Taiyuan. Is there any relationship between the two? Some kind of intersection.

There were several counselors sitting in the official room, and Chen Qing paced back and forth with his hands behind his hands. He said angrily to the crowd, "There are many big problems here, such as how his supplies were shipped out, and why no one found out? And the money he sold How is it transferred, hundreds of thousands or millions of coins is not a small amount, how can we know nothing about such a huge flow of copper coins?"

"Humble job is leaving today!"

Chen Qing nodded and said: "The division of labor in the case investigation in Taiyuan must be clear. The investigation team should not worry about hunting down and finding materials. It should only investigate the warehouse and the officials involved in the case clearly. The hunting and tracing should be left to the inner guards. They are more efficient. More professionally, this case can be classified as the first corruption case in the Yong Kingdom, not only corruption, but also dereliction of duty, it must be thoroughly investigated, an iron plate must be engraved on the record, so that future generations will remember it!"

Chong Huan cheered up, and quickly said, "What clue?"

Orihiko nodded, "I understand!"

Everyone felt the overwhelming anger of King Yong, which rarely happened. Jiang Yanxian said cautiously: "The matter has come to this point, and there is nothing we can do to get angry. What we can do is to make up for it. The second is to hunt down Dou Huang and minimize losses as much as possible. .”

"It's the clue that the general thinks is suspicious!"

Chen Qing confronted Zheyan again: "The Tiehuolei incident needs to be independently investigated. I ask the Privy Council, the Arms Supervision and the Firearms Bureau to form an investigation team. I am not the investigation team to find out the whereabouts of Tiehuolei. This matter is left to the internal guards." Do, what I care about is whether there are similar things in other places. You can sort out the incident of Dou Huangling using Tiehuolei, how he applied, how to use, how to confirm that he has used it, how to return it, how to destroy it, every The link is clearly arranged, and then you will know where there are loopholes. In fact, I suspect the use link the most. He said he used three, so how do you know how many he actually used? This is the key."

"After Huang Zhan's death, his daughter Huang Huan disappeared, but someone once saw Huang Huan's mother and son in Qingyuan County, and Qingyuan County is Wu Kang's hometown, and the low-level investigation has shown that Wu Kang and Huang Huan have a very good relationship. , Huang Huan is very filial to his parents-in-law, there is no reason for Wu Kang to divorce his wife for being unfilial."

Jiang Yanxian leaned forward and said, "I obey my orders!"

The time has come to mid-December, less than half a month before the New Year, and Taiyuan is still a world of ice and snow with several heavy snowfalls.

"The guess about Lu Shenzheng is very reasonable!"

"You mean, Wu Kang, Huang Zhan's son-in-law?"

But Zhong Huan did not give up, he still carried out a very detailed investigation, of course Huang Zhan was murdered, there is no doubt about it, he believed that an old-fashioned person like Huang Zhan would not spare a hand.

Chen Qing said to everyone: "Now iron fire mines are being used more and more for civil purposes. When we build the Danba waterway, I will approve [-] large iron fire mines, as well as the dredging of the Sanmenxia waterway and the expansion of the Tianbao Canal. A lot of iron fire mines have been used, and more will be used in the future, so we must improve the system, and the investigation of Dou Huang is a negative example, so that we can be more meticulous when formulating the system, so that there are no loopholes."

Zhang Xiao added: "If we infer according to Lu Canzheng's thinking, it is very likely that among the materials we seized in Yanshan Mansion or Hebei Road, there were stolen items from the Taiyuan Warehouse."

He said to the crowd: "Everyone is right. First of all, it is a dead sheep. I require a thorough inspection of warehouses everywhere. In addition, loopholes in the system must be repaired. Shared warehouses are not allowed. Military warehouses are military warehouses, and official warehouses are military warehouses. The official warehouse must be separated, and secondly, an exchange of warehouse chiefs must be established. Any warehouse chief must not serve in one place for a long time. After three years of service, he must be transferred to another place. "

Wu Kang is Huang Zhan's son-in-law and a dentist. He divorced his wife Huang Huan two years ago, so he was missed during the investigation.

Lu Qingshan also added: "With so many materials being sold at a high price, the market will definitely respond. According to the current market research, only sheepskins have responded, and the supply of other materials is relatively normal, especially for tents, which are missing 1 pieces. If the tents enter the market, we will have news immediately that these are military tents, so I suspect that these supplies have not been cashed in yet, and they are either hidden somewhere or shipped to the Kingdom of Jin."

Chen Qing said to Lu Qingshan again: "Please ask Lu Canzheng to go to Taiyuan Mansion to lead the investigation. There are too many investigation teams and there is no leader. I am really not at ease!"

This morning, Lu Jin, the commander of the internal guards, ran into the lobby of the Taiyuan Internal Guards Office like a gust of wind, and said to Zhong Huan, "General, we have found a clue!"

It has been almost half a month since Chong Huan led hundreds of internal guards to Taiyuan City. They found Huang's Yamen, but the Daya man they were looking for, Huang Zhan, fell into the water and drowned this summer. All transaction records were burned, except Except for Huang Zhan himself, no one knew who the client was, and even all the counters couldn't find any records about Huang Zhan's large wealth transfer.

Everyone spoke to each other, and the anger in Chen Qing's heart gradually subsided, and he finally calmed down.

"What's wrong with him?"

"It's this man!"

Zhou Kuan also said: "His Royal Highness, judging from the current situation, this should be a nest case. It cannot be done with Dou Huang's ability alone. There must be other officials involved in the case. I have two suggestions for humble officials. First, don't Set a deadline to give the investigation team enough time, and second, implement a heavy reward system, and those who have made great contributions can be rewarded and even promoted."

Zhong Huan said slowly: "You mean, Wu Kang only claimed to divorce his wife, but in fact he did not divorce his wife."

"The humble official believes that it is very likely that Huang Zhan's intentions are serious, and he used the method of divorcing his wife to protect his daughter and son-in-law, and then many secrets are hidden with Wu Kang!"

"Where is Wu Kang now?"

"He is not in Taiyuan, and he probably returned to his hometown."

Zhong Huan immediately said: "Let's go to Qingyuan County!"

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