
Chapter 1474 Witness

Chapter 1474 Witness
Qingyuan County is located in the south of Taiyuan City, about [-] miles away from Taiyuan City.

Instead of going to the county seat, they went to Hutou Village, Changqu Township, west of the county seat, which is Wu Kang's hometown.

Wu Kang's old house is a big house, covering an area of ​​at least five acres. It has been renovated, giving people a deep feeling of a courtyard.

The inner guard knocked on the gate of Wu's mansion, and went directly into the house. Wu Kang was indeed here. He was frightened, and ran out quickly to clasp his hands and begged Zhong Huan, "My parents are old, please don't enter the house. Everything fits you?"

Zhong Huan looked at him coldly, "I'll give you one last chance to repeat what you said just now. If you say something wrong, your parents, wife and children will be taken away together, regardless of life or death!"

Wu Kang fell to his knees and slapped himself desperately, "My parents are old, my wife and children are weak, I implore the general not to enter the inner house, I will take care of everything!"

"Everyone is like this, thinking that they are the only ones who are smart and that others are idiots and fools. If we didn't know that you are a fake divorcee, would we rush to Qingyuan County on ice and snow?"

"The villain is stupid, I say everything!"

Chong Huan snorted, "Let me ask you first, where is Huang Zhan hiding?"

"The old man is here!"

Huang Zhan said in surprise, "General Zhong even knows about it. This happened ten years ago."

Huang Zhan sneered and said, "The general thinks everything is sold?"

"You tell me everything you know, and I will keep your daughter and son-in-law safe!"

Zhong Huan felt a little heavy in his heart. If Hu Shatu was involved, Tie Huolei might be involved.

"He has money and power, bought many dead men, and killed those who were unfavorable to him. The biggest mistake I made was not coveting his [-] yuan and underwriting sheepskins for him. You will discover many of his secrets, and you will definitely ask, how did he get to this point, where did the things go, where did the money go, and where did the people go?"

"He fled around November 22. He fled to Datong Mansion in early December, but the grassland has already been blocked by heavy snow, and it is difficult to move. We have to wait for spring!"

"Tell me first, is Dou Huang the most involved person in this case, or is there someone else?"

"Hu Shatu!" Zhong Huan blurted out.

No one wants to die. Although Huang Zhan is over sixty years old, he also does not want to die. When he heard that he could not die, he was also excited. He fled to the Kingdom of Jin. According to the information I got, he was ordered by the imperial court to transport 40 sheepskins to Yanshan Road. He knew that the matter would be exposed, so he destroyed the documents and fled. But it is impossible for him to go to Yanshan. flee in the direction of the road, but go to Datong Mansion!"

An old man came out from the inside, he sighed and said: "General Xiao Zhong is really powerful, even this old man knows about his suspended animation."


Huang Zhan shook his head, "I don't know!"

"This woman may be very powerful in the house, and she charmed Dou Huang. At that time, Dou Huang was still the county magistrate of Yangqu County, and he became a captive under the skirt of this woman. It was spread at the time, but it was not too big. It was forgotten by others, it was two years ago, when Dou Huang was drunk, he told me that he regretted it, but he couldn’t get off the boat anymore.”

Zhong Huan suddenly remembered something, and asked again: "Did you know that Dou Huang involved Tie Huolei?"

Zhong Huan's eyes were sharp, he saw through Huang Zhan's weakness, he was his daughter and son-in-law.

"Also, what evidence is there for Zhao Dang's involvement in the case?"

"Isn't it?"

"It must be in Datong Mansion, and his 1 taels of gold!"

"Everything is sold, tell me, where is the money?"

"Thank you General Zhong. There is a very coquettish woman beside him, and there are eight Jurchen dead soldiers. I have always suspected that these eight dead soldiers were sent by the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. They are very skilled in martial arts. Be careful!"

Huang Zhan shook his head, "I only sold sheepskins, because he needed money to feed the dead soldiers and buy officials, and he sent all the other supplies to the grasslands to the Klei Ministry!"

"Zhao Dang has [-] coins stored in the Sichuan-Shaanxi No. [-] cabinet in Taiyuan, and he uses his son's name, Zhao Xuefeng. In addition, in early February this year, Dou Huang secretly delivered [-] catties of pig iron to the Kelei Ministry. The transportation order issued by the company is for [-] catties of grain to be sent to Datong Mansion, but there is absolutely no record of this in Datong Mansion."

"should be!"

"Because there is no cabinet shop on Yanshan Road, but there is in Datong Mansion, and his 1 taels of gold are stored in Datong Mansion. He will definitely take the gold and flee in the direction of Linhuang Mansion, but there is a problem!"

Zhong Huan nodded, "If Dou Huang can be caught, I will intercede for you!"

"Is this Dou Huang very powerful?"

"How can he do it?"

Huang Zhan nodded, "The reason why I faked my death was to protect my daughter. In fact, it was an old servant of mine who was killed by them. He looked a lot like me. When I found out that they were going to get rid of me, I Let this old servant pretend to be me and often go out in my carriage, but the old servant was shot dead by them with poisoned arrows, the carriage crashed into the moat, pretended to fall into the water and drowned, I was so scared and hid in Qingyuan County."

"You keep talking!"

Huang Zhan shook his head, "Although you know about it, you are not involved in the case. I don't want your family to be dragged down."

Zhong Huan immediately said to Wu Kang: "You prepare a room!"

Wu Kang said anxiously: "Father-in-law, my son-in-law will explain everything clearly."

"what is the problem?"

"This case is relatively complicated, and it also involves Jin Guo and Ke Lie's Ministry, but Dou Huang is indeed the highest person involved in the case of Yong Guo, and there is also Zhao Dang, the deputy envoy of Hedong Transshipment."

"Because he was rich, he gave the east east transshipment envoy Zhao Dang [-] guan. At that time, Zhao Dang was the deputy envoy. He was able to issue a pass, and he sent these military supplies to the grassland in the form of border trade. As a result, we will become stronger and cooperate with the army of the Kingdom of Jin to defeat the Mughal tribe."

Zhong Huan nodded, "I really want to know, can you answer?"

"Since the general spared my son-in-law and daughter, of course I know everything. He is the eldest son of the dignified Dou family in Taiyuan, but he worked for the Jin people. The key is a woman. This woman was brought by an old monk of the Jin Kingdom."

"Did Jin Guo appoint him to send him to the Ministry of Kret?"

"Let me ask you one last question, where is Dou Huang hiding? If you can help us find him, even if you are guilty, I will intercede with King Yong and spare you the death penalty!"

What name does he use in Datong Cabinet?
"Wang Tao, this is the name I gave him. All the cabinets have this name, but his 1 taels of gold are hidden in the treasure house of the cabinet. I don't know what it is?"

Huang Zhan stepped forward and said to Zhong Huan, "I'll go back with you, let's make it clear here."

Wu Kang immediately cleaned up the outer study, and Zhong Huan took Huang Zhan to question and ordered his subordinates to make a record. Huang Zhan is not only an important person involved in the case, but also a key witness, and he handles all of Dou Huang's money.

Zhong Huan understood, "You mean he is still hiding in Datong Mansion?"

"Thank you!"

After writing the confession, Zhong Huan asked Huang Zhan to print his handprints again, and said to him: "I won't arrest you anymore, you stay here, I will intercede for you, and see if His Highness can let you pay for your crimes! "

"Thank you General!"

Zhong Huan immediately returned to Taiyuan City with his subordinates. He first wanted to find evidence of Zhao Dang's involvement in the case.

(End of this chapter)

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