
Chapter 1475

Chapter 1475
He was one of the high-ranking officials of Hedong Road, and was one of the high-ranking officials of Hedong Road. Zhao Dang was originally an official of Fen Prefecture in the Puppet State of Qi. Because he actively welcomed the Western Army into Hedong Road and was appreciated by Chen Qing, he was soon promoted to Hedong Road. He was the Deputy Envoy of Transshipment, and was promoted to the Principal Envoy of Transit the year before last.

Generally speaking, the arrest of officials of the fifth rank or above must be approved by King Yong. Chen Qing has approved the arrest of Dou Huang, the governor of Taiyuan Prefecture, but Zhao Dang, the arresting transfer envoy, has not approved the arrest. The investigation team can suspend Zhao Dang, but there is no right to arrest him.

The same is true for the inner guards. If the inner guards have solid evidence, they can monitor the officials, but they still cannot be arrested. The arrest must be approved by King Yong. This is an iron law.

Huang Zhan gave two pieces of evidence for Zhao Dang's involvement in the case. One is that he took [-] guan in bribes and stored them in the treasure house of Taiyuan Chuanshan No. [-] Cabinet in the name of his son. The camel team can use this legal document to travel across the state and across the government to transport a large amount of strategic materials to the grassland.

Huang Zhan only knows one of them, but one is enough.

Zhong Huan immediately divided his troops into three groups, and commanded Lu Jin to lead a hundred internal guards to monitor Zhao Dang. The so-called surveillance was actually a form of house arrest in disguise. Being followed and monitored by the soldiers of the internal guards is not a secret surveillance, but an open surveillance. Zhong Huan has the gold medal of King Yong and can exercise the surveillance power.

Immediately afterwards, Zhong Huan sent two other teams to the cabinet workshop and the official office of the transit envoy to search for evidence.

And Zhong Huan himself came to the investigation team, and he needed the investigation team to come forward and suspend Zhao Dang.

It was also a coincidence that when Zhong Huan rushed to the government office, he happened to meet Lu Qingshan who had just arrived in Taiyuan.

Lu Qingshan was also under a lot of pressure. Although King Yong didn't set a deadline for them, he knew in his heart that this case must be concluded before the beginning of spring.

Lu Qingshan was discussing the case with the officials, when he heard that Zhong Huan, the leader of the inner guard, asked for an urgent meeting, Lu Qingshan was refreshed, he knew that Zhong Huan must have made a breakthrough, so he hurriedly invited Zhong Huan in.

In the lobby, Zhong Huan clasped his fists and saluted, "Please refer to Lu Canzheng for your humble position!"

"You are welcome, General Lu, please sit down!"

The two sat down, Lu Qingshan asked urgently: "Does General Zhong have any clues?"

Zhong Huan nodded, "I have confirmed that Dou Huang is hiding in Datong City, and all the supplies have been transported to the grassland!"

Lu Qingshan cheered up, "How did General Zhong determine that Dou Huang is in Datong City?"

Zhong Huan took out Huang Zhan's confession and handed it to Lu Qingshan, "Lv Shenzheng will know this after reading this."

Lu Qingshan took a look at the confession and said: "This Huang Zhan is the man with yellow teeth who sells sheepskins to Dou Huang as a broker?"

"It's him. Dou Huang wanted to kill him to silence him, but he killed the wrong person, and he hid his mistakes. The humble official found him through his son-in-law, and he hid in the old house in his son-in-law's hometown."

Lu Qingshan nodded, read the statement carefully, his eyes widened, Zhao Dang was actually involved in the case?Could it be that King Yong questioned how so much money and supplies disappeared out of thin air? It turned out that the official transshipment system was used.

"This Huang Zhan is the biggest insider right now! Where is he?"

Chong Huan was a little embarrassed: "The humble official promised to intercede for him and reduce his crimes, so he confessed the truth."

Lu Qingshan waved his hands and smiled: "It's okay, I won't embarrass him, as long as he is willing to do things for us, provide information, and help us close this case, I can pardon him innocent, Your Highness gave me this power."

Zhong Huan immediately wrote an address to Lu Qingshan, Lu Qingshan said with a smile: "I will send someone to invite him today, don't worry, I will not make things difficult for him."

Zhong Huan hurriedly said: "The humble official is now investigating Zhao Dang's evidence involved in the case, whether Lu Shenzheng can suspend him."

Lu Qingshan has already seen the detailed information about Zhao Dang's involvement in the confession. He criticized the investigation team just now for not being effective. After half a month, there was no result at all, and he couldn't explain it to King Yong. Now Zhong Huan sent the result to himself , How could he let it go?

Lu Qingshan smiled and said: "Can you discuss with General Xiaozhong, we will handle Zhao Dang's case, and General Xiaozhong is responsible for arresting Dou Huang in Datong, how about it?"

Zhong Huan was stunned for a moment, isn't this the result of stealing his own achievements?

Lu Qingshan laughed again: "General Xiaozhong doesn't know that Dou Huang and Zhao Dang are only high-level officials involved in the case. In fact, many small officials are also involved in the case, such as the transshipment envoy. Don’t you know? If you take advantage of it, you’ll pretend to be a fool, and we’ll have to clean it up, I’m afraid General Xiaozhong doesn’t have that much time and energy.”

Zhong Huan is right when he thinks about it, what should others do if he eats alone?
What's more, the other party is a prime minister participating in political affairs, how can I not give face?
"All right!"

Zhong Huan said bluntly: "Then I will hand it over to Lu Canzheng. I will keep two hundred inner guard soldiers, and Canzheng can command them to assist in the arrest!"

Lu Qingshan was overjoyed, "Thank you, General Xiaozhong, for making this happen!"

Zhong Huan immediately handed over two hundred internal guard soldiers to Lu Qingshan, and told the commander Lu Jin to obey Lu Canzheng's dispatch.

Zhong Huan then led a hundred inner guard soldiers to Datong Mansion on horseback.

Zhao Dang did not flee in a panic like Dou Huang. Although he was also involved in the case, he did it very covertly. Even if the goods and documents did not match, there was no real evidence. More importantly, he did not directly embezzle the warehouse goods, but secretly It was just accepting the bribe from Dou Huang. The bribe was very hidden. Huang Zhan, the middleman, was dead. Unless Dou Huang was caught, no one had any proof.

Zhao Dang is only 50 years old, of course he still wants to continue to be promoted, retire as a high-ranking official, and enjoy life with his huge wealth.

In the past few days, Zhao Dang is also actively assisting the investigation team in investigating the case. He is very enthusiastic, and he is extremely distressed and indignant at Dou Huang's evil.

In the morning, Zhao Dang drank tea and was about to go out. At this time, the housekeeper rushed to report, "Master, there are dozens of soldiers outside the gate, and guards are standing outside all the gates, saying that they are protecting the master and his family!"

Zhao Dang frowned, "Where are the soldiers, I don't need their protection, let them go!"

"I asked, and they said they were internal guard soldiers!"

Zhao when the brain' buzz! With a bang, the inner guard soldiers didn't come to protect him, but to monitor him and put him under house arrest. Did they find out?
Zhao Dang's legs went limp, and he almost couldn't stand up, so he quickly sat down while supporting the table.

At this time, the porter also came to report to the housekeeper, Zhao Dang asked anxiously, "What's the matter?"

The concierge hurriedly said: "Master Qi, someone is here at Yushitai, what are they here to read?"

Footsteps sounded outside the door, and several officials from Yushitai came in, they were also members of the investigation team, headed by Zhang Zhen, the servant of Yushi, who was famous for his ruthless and selfless face.

Zhao Dang hurried forward and asked, "What's the matter with Zhang Yushi?"

Zhang Zhen glanced at him, and said loudly: "According to the order of Lu Canzheng, I am here to read the suspension order!"

He unfolded the document and said loudly: "With the authorization of His Royal Highness King Yong, Lu Qingshan, the Minister of Political Affairs and Zuo Cheng, investigated the Taiyuan Cang case. The existing witnesses identified the East Road transfer envoy Zhao Dang as involved in the case. For the sake of fair investigation, he specially exercised the right of investigation and suspended the investigation. Zhao Danghe East Road Transshipment Envoy has been in office for a month, please do not leave Taiyuan City, cooperate with the investigation, hereby inform you!"

Zhao Dang said anxiously: "You can't just find any witnesses, you must tell me clearly, who will testify against me?"

Zhang Zhen glanced at him, and said coldly: "Huang Zhan, the proprietor of Huang's Dental Shop, confessed that he once handed over [-] guan to you, and stored it in the cabinet under your son's name!"

"Huang Zhan!"

Zhao Dang was like a thunderbolt, isn't Huang Zhan dead?Why is he alive again? Isn't the drowned person Huang Zhan?

His eyes darkened, and he fell limply to the ground, fainting.

(End of this chapter)

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