
Chapter 1476 Dou Huang

Chapter 1476 Dou Huang
In an inn in the north of Datong City, a middle-aged man was pacing anxiously back and forth. This man was Sima Douhuang from the Taiyuan Mansion. Everything has been counted, but the heavy snow on the grassland has been forgotten.

He was trapped in Datong City, and he had to wait until the spring of next year before he could set off. With anxiety, helplessness and regret, he had gradually lost his mind.

"Dou Lang, this is the end of the matter, so let's wait patiently for a few more days. Anyway, Huang Zhan is also dead. No one knows that you will come to Datong. What are you worried about?"

A seductive woman entwined herself like a snake, her body was extremely soft, she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered softly in his ear.

If he would have been charmed by this woman two days ago, he would have forgotten all his troubles, but his mentality has changed in the past two days, and he suddenly felt that this woman was as hateful as a snake.

"Go away!"

Dou Huang pushed the woman away fiercely, and the woman was pushed down on the bed heavily. The woman was not angry, giggled, hooked her fingers at him, turned around slowly, lay on the bed and pushed up her skirt. Pull up little by little.

That's how Dou Huang was charmed by her back then, and he bowed down under her pomegranate skirt.

But now he wasn't in the mood anymore, he snorted heavily, turned and left, and slammed the door hard.

The woman's complexion suddenly changed, and her beautiful face became hideous. She gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "My surname is Dou, I will make you regret it!"

Soon he came to the cabinet workshop, and the shopkeeper also went to save money. By the way, he waited for him to go back together. Dou Huang handed in the cabinet ticket and jade pei for inspection, and the steward led him to the big warehouse behind. He took out the small key and opened the door of the small warehouse. There were ten large wooden boxes neatly placed in the small warehouse.

Dou Huang hugged Tie Huolei and went up to the second floor. When he came to his room, he was about to knock on the door when he stopped suddenly. Put it aside, take two steps back, and kick hard at the door.

At this time, several dead men were alarmed by kicking the door and rushed in, and they immediately understood the scene in the room.

"Master, thank you very much!"

"It's okay, I'll also go to the counter to deposit some money."

Dou Huang rushed out of the inn, remorse biting his heart like a snake. He is the eldest son of the famous Dou family. He followed the rules and grew up under various strict rules. For one thing, even getting married is under the arrangement of his father, and marrying a wife is only for the purpose of having children. After having children, he basically doesn't touch his wife.

There is only one cabinet shop in Datong, the first cabinet shop in Sichuan and Shanxi in Datong Branch. Dou Huang rented a treasure house in the store and stored 1 taels of gold. According to the current price, 1 taels of gold is equivalent to 20 yuan. He sold it. The 30 sheepskins got 35 coins, of which 15 coins were used for various purchases, and 20 coins were exchanged for gold by all means.

The small warehouse was slightly damp, and he was a little worried, so he was going to take it back and wrap it in a dry and moisture-absorbing cloth.

The box was very heavy, he lifted it out carefully, locked the door again, and nodded to the steward, "Okay!"

Dou Huang hesitated for a moment, and took down a small wooden box from the top. Inside the wooden box was a Tiehuolei. When Hu Shatu found him, it was actually for Tiehuolei. Five years ago, the management of Tiehuolei was not as good as it is today. So strict, as long as the quantity in the account book matches, it can be written off. He used coal mining as an excuse to receive [-] iron fire mines, [-] exploded, and returned six. It's over.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Dou Huang yelled hysterically as his chest heaved violently.

"Let's go! Back to the inn."

He wants to keep this iron fire thunder for himself as his step into the ranks.

"It's okay, just let me know if Wang Dong mainly uses a cart. It's hard to find an ox cart now!"

But in fact, only twelve exploded in the coal mine, and two were hidden by Dou Huang. Dou Huang had an extra heart at the time and gave Hu Shatu one, and he hid one himself.

The man was one of his dead soldiers, with extremely high martial arts skills, and kicked him to the ground.

After the madness, he finally began to wake up slowly. He realized his stupidity, his absurdity, his cruelty, his abandoned son, his family, the court, and his nation. He regretted it extremely now, but he regretted it. What's the use?
Dou Huang waited for a while at the entrance of the inn, but did not wait for the ox cart. At this time, the shopkeeper drove an ox cart back to buy vegetables, and said with a smile, "Where is the owner going?"

But since five years ago, Hu Shatu, a foreign monk of the Jin Kingdom, gave him a female disciple who was proficient in intercourse. Dou Huang, who had tasted the taste of a real woman for the first time, immediately fell into a trap. Qiang, from then on, all the rules and human relationships were trampled under his feet, and he was completely captured by this alluring woman.

The leader pulled out his sword quickly, and pierced the chest of the cheating man with a sword. The man screamed and died immediately, and the woman on the bed screamed in fright.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The shopkeeper asked the waiter to unload the vegetables, Dou Huang got into the bullock cart, and the shopkeeper drove the bullock cart to the cabinet workshop two miles away.

Hu Shatu relied on this iron fire thunder as a reference, and successfully developed it himself, but he was shot and killed by the inner guard just after he succeeded, which once again setback Jin Guo's iron fire thunder plan.

Walking back to the front hall, the innkeeper was already ready, sitting at the door waiting for him.

He used his power to steal all kinds of strategic materials crazily, and sent them to the grassland according to the woman's instructions. When he was at his craziest, the court began to transfer materials from Taiyuan, and his theft had to stop suddenly. , and fled in panic after destroying the physical evidence.

"Bastard, kill you adulterers and whores!"

"Proprietor Wang, are you leaving?"

Dou Huang carried the wooden box and got on the ox cart. After a while, they returned to the inn in the ox cart.

Gates 'Boom! ' was kicked away with a bang, a pair of naked men and women on the bed looked at him in horror, Dou Huang stepped forward and kicked like crazy.

The man sneered and said, "Only you, an idiot, would regard her as a treasure. Could it be that she was born with intercourse skills? Idiot! She has had countless men."

"It's too cold now, even the car doesn't want to come out, how about I give you a ride?"

He originally planned to take out the gold as soon as he came to Datong, but unexpectedly, the grassland was covered with heavy snow, making it difficult to walk, so he had to temporarily store the gold in a cabinet to be safer, and it would be easy to be discovered by people in the inn.

"Then trouble the shopkeeper."

"I went to the cabinet shop, but I couldn't wait for the bullock cart!"

The leader appeased Dou Huang and said: "Okay, this tone is for you, she is not your wife, what do you care about?"

The leader turned around and grabbed the woman, slapped her a dozen times, and said coldly: "You dare to spoil the wolf lord's important matter, I will feed your cramps to the dogs alive, and I will do what I say!"

The woman was beaten until she was lying on the bed, bleeding from the corner of her mouth, and she was too scared to say a word.

Several subordinates carried the corpse away, Dou Huang got up, grabbed the woman's hair and asked in horror, "Tell me quickly, who are they?"

(End of this chapter)

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