
Chapter 1477 Despair

Chapter 1477 Despair
In the afternoon, Zhong Huan led a hundred inner guards to Datong City. They did not gallop into the city on horseback, as the noise would be too loud and would alarm Dou Huang.

Everyone went into the city separately and met at the government office. Zhong Huan led his men straight to the cabinet workshop. Judging from his experience, the gold should still be in the cabinet workshop and will not be taken out for the time being.

Seeing that it was the inner guards handling the case, the shopkeeper was startled, and hurriedly invited them to the guest room.

"I don't know what I can do to help the general?"

Zhong Huan cut to the chase and said, "A guest named Wang Tao, he should rent the treasury for about a year. I want to know if his storage is still there?"

"Wait a minute, general, I'll check it out!"

The big shopkeeper went out, and came in after a while and said, "There is such a guest, who indeed rented the treasure house. He came here this morning, and all the things are still there. He only took away a small box."

"Little box?"

Zhong Huan narrowed his eyes, and he vaguely thought of something. Others did not understand the situation, but he knew it well. He personally led the team to assassinate Hushatu. He saw Hushatu test the iron fire mine with his own eyes. Hu Shatu's Iron Fire Thunder was made with reference to the Western Army, and Dou Huang was launched by Hu Shatu. It is very likely that Hu Shatu's Iron Fire Thunder was obtained from Dou Huang, so will Dou Huang still have it?
"Go and open his treasure house!"

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment, this is absolutely not allowed, Zhong Huan said coldly: "He is Sima Douhuang from Taiyuan, who committed a shocking crime and fled to the Kingdom of Jin with top-secret information. King Yong is trying his best to arrest him, open the door quickly !"

The treasure house door was temporarily closed, and everyone came to the lobby. After a while, the steward brought up a clerk, who bowed and said, "That's the shopkeeper of the Yuntong Inn in the north of the city, and the middle-aged man who came with him is a customer of his store. "

As expected, the inner guards raised their crossbows to shoot. The three men in black couldn't dodge and were shot down by the crossbow arrows.

"The inner guard below, listen up!"

"Hurry up and inquire for me!"

Zhong Huan shouted: "Dou Huang, if you are sensible, come down and surrender quickly. If you take refuge in the gold thief, your entire family, your children and grandchildren will be unable to lift their heads because of you!"

Dou Huang has already learned from the woman that these ten dead men are the bodyguards of the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, and they are all ruthless. It's useless, once the opponent gets the gold and iron fire thunder, it will be his death.

At this time, the steward suddenly said: "Maybe there is a clue!"

Zhong Huan frowned, the government's meddling would only do bad things.

The steward opened the first iron door, but the key to the iron door inside was in the hands of the guests. They had no choice but the inner guards. Ten boxes neatly arranged.

"It seems to be a murder!"

The steward shook his head, "I checked just now, and there is no contact address. He seems to have said that it will be taken away at the beginning of spring."

Dou Huang gritted his teeth, ignited the scythe, and ignited the fire rope below. The leader turned around and glared at Dou Huang, "What are you doing?"

Of his five men, two stood at the door, and three crouched by the window, holding crossbow arrows.

At this time, he touched the wooden box on the back, which was his room. He put the iron fire thunder in the corner, but the other party did not know that it was the iron fire thunder. He slowly took out the match rope, stood up little by little, He touched the fire sickle from the lamp niche above his head.

"Are there any other guests on the second floor?"

The leader was shocked and rushed forward to snatch it.

Chong Huan felt a little strange, and immediately ordered a soldier to inquire. After a while, the soldier rushed back and said, "General, they are on the second floor of the inn, and the four rooms on the east side are all theirs. Twenty or so yamen servants are here. Confront them."

"Idiot!" Chong Huan yelled angrily.

Dou Huang squatted in the corner, staring desperately at the woman on the ground. The woman told him the truth, but was pierced through the back by the leader's sword, and fell into a pool of blood, breathless and dying.

Zhong Huan turned around abruptly, "What clue?"

"It's Tiehuolei!" The inner guards were experienced, so they recognized it immediately.

"Kill him, and you won't survive!"

"What happened?"

The leader of the dead soldiers on the other side shouted: "Retreat immediately, or we will chop off the head of the county lieutenant!"

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the second floor, "Boom!"

Chong Huan was overjoyed, he didn't expect to find out so soon, it's God's will!
As night fell, Zhong Huan led a hundred internal guards to surround the Yuntong Inn.

Once he realized this, his heart was engulfed by endless regret.

"Don't you want Iron Fire Thunder? This is it!"

"I found the county lieutenant!"

At this time, the shopkeeper was brought up, he was frightened and trembling all over.

"No more, they were all evacuated by the government servants, and they were the only ones left."

"found one!"

Zhong Huan saw that they were in the easternmost room.

Soon, they found Dou Huang near the woman, with a big hole in his chest blasted, and he was also dead.

"I saw him go in a customer's ox cart. That man often comes to our cabinet shop, and he may be known to his clerk."

"dash forward!"

"Do you have his contact address?" Zhong Huan turned around and asked.

Chong Huan is really a bit overwhelmed, do we have to wait until the beginning of spring?

The soldier pried open the lid of the box and looked, and sure enough, it was all gold, a box of a hundred yuan, a piece of ten taels or so, a whole ten boxes.

At this time, Dou Huang heard Zhong Huan's shout, and his heart ached. The woman's death finally made him completely sober and restored the reason of the eldest son of the Dou family. He began to realize the greatness he had brought to the family and his wife. shame.

The inner guards lit the torches and hurriedly turned over the broken wood and rotten tiles.

"Don't dream, he will only die if he surrenders."

Dou Huang took two steps back and laughed miserably, "They are right, I can only atone for my family and descendants by dying!"

Flames shot out, thick smoke shot out, and the wooden building collapsed.

Zhong Huan was deploying soldiers to attack. At this time, he could no longer care about the life and death of the county lieutenant.

The shopkeeper tremblingly said: "Proprietor Wang and a young woman, there were still ten subordinates in the morning, and now... now there are only six subordinates left."

"Dug them out!"

At this time, a soldier ran over and said, "They have captured the county captain Wang Di as a hostage!"

The chief steward didn't dare to hesitate anymore, he quickly ordered the steward to open the treasure house door.

The men in black at the back retreated in fright, only to hear them shout: "It's the inner guard, the inner guard is here!"

In the room, the leader of the dead soldiers stepped on the back of the county lieutenant Wang Di and watched the movement outside the window. Wang Di was lying face down on the ground with his hands and feet tied behind his back.

"How many people are there?" Zhong Huan asked.

At this moment, there were several screams in succession, and I saw a group of yamen servants stumbling out, running faster than rabbits one by one, followed by a few men in black with knives, the two men ran a little slower and were caught by them cut down.

Zhong Huan yelled, and a hundred inner guard soldiers rushed up, half of the house collapsed, and everyone was under the rubble.

Zhong Huan waved his hand, and the internal guards surrounded the inn.

The first to be found was a young woman, already dead.

The soldiers carried the county lieutenant out. He was lying face down on the ground, but he was not hit by the blasted iron sheet, but his leg was broken by the wood, and he passed out.

"He's not dead yet, hurry to the doctor!"

The yamen servants hurriedly carried him away.

Soon, the others were found one by one, and almost all were hit by the splashing iron pieces. Four of the six people died on the spot, and the two guards at the gate were dying, and it seemed that they could not survive.

(End of this chapter)

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