
Chapter 1478 Teachings

Chapter 1478 Teachings
Two days before the new year, Chen Qinghe's internal affairs hall received an official report from Lu Qingshan, and the case was completely over. Dou Huang and the gold soldiers around him died in Datong. Dou Huang lit an iron fire thunder and The Jin soldiers who threatened him were all killed. Another high-ranking official involved in the case, Zhao Dang, the transshipment envoy of Hedong Road, facilitated the transportation of stolen goods.

In addition, 47 people were found to be involved in the case, 19 of whom disappeared mysteriously, which should be more or less ominous.

Material losses include food, sheepskins, tents, pig iron, and medicinal materials, worth 60 guan, half of which are made of sheepskin alone. In the end, 1 taels of gold and 13 guan were seized.
These materials were sent to the Kelie Department in the grassland, and the Kelie Department cooperated with the Jin soldiers to destroy the Mengwu tribe.

Chen Qing threw the report aside and stared out of the window for a long time. Jiang Yanxian said: "We confiscated the proceeds of the three major leather goods dealers. There were 50 guan. In the end, we didn't lose money, and we even made 1 taels of gold!"

Zhou Kuan shook his head, "We can't calculate the account in this way. We calculate the loss according to the cost. If we estimate it according to the market value, the loss of 30 sheepskins alone will reach 150 million. The cheapest old sheepskin costs five pennies apiece."

Jiang Yanxian retorted: "But we also recovered 20 sheepskins from the furrier's warehouse, why don't you count them?"

"Okay! Stop arguing."

Chen Qing stopped their argument, and said calmly: "Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, let's not discuss these unpleasant things, don't worry! The Ministry of Cree took our supplies, and I will make them double the compensation. Filled up."

King Yong's murderous intent had already started, and Jiang Yanxian and Zhou Kuan were silent. At this moment, Chen Qing took a copy from the table and handed it to the two of them, "This is an urgent report from Li Cheng, the governor of Dunhuang. The Khan Dynasty has been destroyed by the Xiliao army. The Xiliao army continued to advance eastward, and a fierce battle broke out with the Xizhou Uighurs. Restoring the homeland of the Liao Kingdom, if this is the case, the Hexi Corridor and Lingxia Road will be in danger."

Jiang Yanxian and Zhou Kuan glanced at each other, and they asked worriedly, "Will this affect our plan to destroy money?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "I'm just asking casually, the inner guard is responsible for your safety, I don't have that much energy."

There is a natural hot spring in the Yongwang Palace. A lotus palace, also known as the hot spring palace, was specially built. It is a large lotus soup pool, which is steaming all day long. It is also the favorite place for Chen Qing's wives and daughters. They will go there every day or two. Take a bath and soak in soup.

Chen Qing remembered something again, and said with a smile: "Did the lady give out the annual reward this year?"

Chen Ji has been studying at Taixue Agricultural College for more than a month, and his identity is well concealed. Because his surname is Lu, many people speculate that he is a child of the Lu family, and Chen Ji does not deny it. However, the Taixue students are all young and do not understand the world He didn't care about the children of officials and eunuchs, and Chen Ji also had two classmates in Taixue.

There was a burst of cheers in the soup pool.

There was nothing to do in the afternoon of New Year's Eve. Every family was preparing New Year's Eve dinner. Almost all the shops were closed, and there was no one on the street.

"Speaking of the manor, we can go to the manor for two days after the spring. We promised to take you to Quanzhou, but now we can only go to the manor to make up for it."

"I go to see it every day. I went to see it before I came back yesterday. It's growing very well. Professor Yang said that there are a lot of small potatoes growing underneath, but unfortunately I didn't see it."

New Year's Eve is the bathing day of the year. On this day, every household has to boil water to take a bath, cleanse the filth and get rid of the old, and welcome the New Year.

"Okay! I promise everyone that next autumn, we will take a boat to Jiangnan Road. By then, the Danba Waterway should be opened. We can go directly to Xiangyang by boat, and then change to a larger boat."

"That's right, it's rare for an old Confucian scholar to have such an idea!"

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "The main reason is that the compensation given by my husband is too insincere. If I can't go to Fujian Road, I will go to the manor for two days. This compensation is not worthy!"

"His grandfather was more open-minded. He always believed that food is the most important thing for the people, and food is more important than anything else, so he asked his grandson to learn farming."

Lu Xiu sat beside him and smiled, "Husband, is it good for the pain in the leg after soaking in the hot spring?"

"Why not? I sent it in the morning."

That night, Chen Qing issued an order from King Yong to remove Zhao Dang, the transfer envoy of Hedong, from all duties, and sent him to Jingzhao for interrogation. In addition, Huang Zhan testified and prosecuted him, and he was granted a special pardon!

Chen Ji remembered something, and hurriedly said: "After the beginning of spring, eighty of our agricultural students will go to Fengxiang to farm for a month, and the children want to go too!"

"Do winter things in winter. What we have to do now is to be diligent and thrifty, accumulate materials and wealth, and prepare for our reconstruction of the great achievements of the Han and Tang Dynasties!"

"I don't know. It depends on how long the Xizhou Uighurs can resist? I have sent someone to Li Cheng to send a letter. If Xizhou asks for help, he can send troops to help. Try to buy time for us."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "It's surprising that the chief professor's grandson actually studied agriculture instead of going to the Imperial Academy!"

Zhou Kuan sighed, "Unfortunately, it's winter now!"

Chen Ji calmed down and said, "One of them is Yao Lei and the other is Fang Jiedong. They are both from Guanzhong. Yao Lei's father is Yao Changyun, the magistrate of Zheng County, and Fang Jiedong's grandfather is the chief professor of Fengxiang Prefecture School."

Chen Qing also dreamed that all his wives and concubines would have sex together and enjoy the happiness of being equal to each other, but it was actually impossible. With so many children around, he was more disciplined than ever.

Today the whole family soaked naked in the lotus soup pool, except for the son Chen Ji, who has grown up and is inconvenient.

"That's why I suggest that after my husband comes back every day, soak for half an hour, and after a winter, the pain will not recur!"

Chen Qing smiled wryly. Although he made a promise, he didn't know whether he could keep it.

"Okay! Soak for half an hour every day from now on." Chen Qing readily agreed.

"What's their name? Where are they from? What do their parents do?"

Chen Ji asked a little nervously, "Is the father going to investigate them?"

Chen Qing squinted his eyes to enjoy the comfort of the boiling hot spring, while Yu Ying sat behind him and washed his hair carefully.

Everyone was silent, Chen Qingxiao asked: "What's the matter, don't you want to go to the manor?"

It was rare for Chen Qing to be so free. He sat in the study and asked his eldest son Chen Ji about his studies.

"Of course I'm going!"

"I asked you to care about the growth of potatoes in the glazed room. Have you watched it during this time?"

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, "Don't tell me, my lady, I haven't noticed it yet. It seems that I haven't had any pain since the beginning of winter this year. Maybe it has something to do with soaking in hot springs."

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "The five hundred court ladies each receive ten guan, the same goes for the eunuchs, and then the female guards and wet nurses receive fifty guan, and the soldiers and manor stewards each receive [-] guan."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "You have to understand that being a father doesn't mean that you should learn farming!"

Chen Ji pondered for a moment and said, "Father sent the child to show mercy to the peasants!"

Chen Qing nodded, "If you don't know the hardships of farmers, you won't understand the difficulties of the world. It is not easy to build a country for your father, but it is even more difficult to maintain this country. It needs you and your descendants to maintain it from generation to generation. "

"Father's teachings, children will remember them in their hearts!"

(End of this chapter)

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