
Chapter 1479 Mutiny

Chapter 1479 Mutiny
Going to the capital, in the dark night, torches were lit inside and outside the city gate, illuminating the gate like daylight, and a mighty cavalry team appeared outside the city, with Marshal Wanyan Wushu in full armor at the front of the team .

When Wanyan Wushu got the news, Wanyan Talan wrote to the emperor, impeaching himself for not doing enough to attack Goryeo, which cost a lot of national power, and suggested that he be relieved of military power.

Of course Wanyan Wushu knew what lifting the military power meant to him?
He didn't stop doing anything, and decided to act first, launch a coup, and get rid of Wanyan Tarlan.

The [-] troops guarding the city gate obeyed his order, and he led [-] troops into the city from the west gate.

"See Marshal Du for your humble position!" Ximen Guard General Wanyan Dabao knelt down and saluted.

"How is the situation in the city?" Wanyan Wushu asked.

"Reporting to Marshal Du, the city is very quiet and there is nothing unusual!"

"Okay! Continue to guard the city gate, and I will reward you a lot later!"

"Marshal Xie Du!"

Wanyan Wushu waved his sword, "Go into the city!"

"It seems to be the army of the fourth prince!"

"The big thing is bad, there are troops surrounding our mansion!"

Wanyan sat up vigorously, and asked nervously, "Whose army is it?"

Of course Wanyan Wushu would not do it, he was already a de facto coup d'état, and if he left enough capital for the emperor, would he let himself go?
Wanyan Wushu continued to exert pressure, the sword had already been placed on the imperial case, the meaning was already obvious, either give way, or give up power, and finally forced Wanyan Quan to draw up another decree, handed over the military talisman, and put his own The last [-] Meng'an troops were also handed over to Wanyan Wushu. In this way, Wanyan Quan was completely emptied, and he could not command all the troops. The power of the army fell to Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Nian. In the hands of the two of them.

"Bodie, are you going to rebel and kill important ministers?" Wan Yanchang put a big hat on him.

"Prime Minister! Prime Minister!"

Wanyan Wushu said coldly: "Light it up!"

Fifty thousand troops poured into the city like a tide, and quickly controlled every vital point in the city.

"It's laziness! Your Majesty, he advocated for peace with the Song Dynasty many times, which made us lose the opportunity to destroy the Song Dynasty. If we destroy the Song Dynasty in time and occupy the fertile land in the south of the Yangtze River, we will not be defeated again and again. In the end, even Yanshan Road It is also lost, our Dajin has reached the most critical moment, to strive for strength, to rejuvenate, we must first eradicate traitors and concentrate military power, Your Majesty, we do not have much time left."


This is the style of Wanyan Wushu, that's what he did on Shandong Road back then, concentrating all his financial and material resources.

Wanyan Wushu bowed and said: "Returning to Your Majesty, I have absolutely no rebellious heart, I am just on the side of the Qing emperor, and I will eradicate the treacherous ministers around me for Your Majesty!"

Wanyan Wushu also served as the prime minister and took charge of the government. The emperor Wanyan Quan was completely emptied and became a puppet emperor.

So after he took power, he began to carry out drastic reforms and prepare for war. He required all Jurchen men over the age of 14 and under 60 to wear armor and gather for training, and sent Wanfu Wanyanchi to Liaoyang Mansion to intercept Western military ships on the Liaohe River. Team.

Wanyan Bodie waved his hand, and the soldiers forced Wanyanchang back into the room, and then hundreds of soldiers surrounded the room, Wanyanchang's wife was also taken away, and there was only Wanyanchang in the whole room.

Holding his sword, Wanyan Wushu walked up the steps step by step, pressed towards Wanyan Quan, and said sharply: "Your Majesty, the ancestors of the Great Jin Dynasty are all watching! Is Your Majesty going to destroy the country for a traitor?"

Wan Yanchang also had an army, but he was stationed outside the city, and he was extremely anxious. The news could not be delivered, so he could only hope that the emperor could resist the pressure of Wushu.

The two deadly enemies were finally broken, Wanyan Wushu raised his will and shouted: "The emperor has a decree, Talan colluded with the Western Army, betrayed the country and sought glory, he deserves death, and he ordered execution!"

Wan Yanchang slapped his forehead, he was careless and impeached Wu Shu, but he didn't expect him to jump the wall in a hurry, this bastard launched a coup d'état.

Wanyan Wushu knew very well that this year the Western Army was going to attack the Kingdom of Jin, but the imperial court didn't respond at all. He didn't know how to prepare for the war, didn't know how to recruit troops, and didn't know how to defend the Liaohe Estuary, which really annoyed him.

Wanyan Quan was forced by the coercion of Wanyan Wushu, sat down slumped, and had to bow her head, "Uncle Huang, calm down, I will just make an order."

Wanyan Wushu replaced the palace guards with his own soldiers, he no longer worried about what Wanyan Quan did, so he rushed to Wanyan Chang's residence in person.

Wanyan Wushu led [-] soldiers into the palace, thousands of guards were confiscated, and the emperor Wanyan Quan was forced to receive Wanyan Wushu.

"But it was too late, Wanyan Chang had just rushed out of the door of the room, when hundreds of soldiers rushed into the courtyard, immediately surrounded him, and the leading general was Wanyan Wushu's eldest son, Wanyan Bodie!"

"Uncle Huang, what are you doing? Are you trying to force me to abdicate?" Wanyan Quan said coldly.

Wanyan Bodie said coldly: "Where did we rebel, it's just the Qing emperor's side, don't worry! Without the emperor's will, we will not kill you."

The house was completely engulfed in flames and collapsed. Wan Yanchang finally died at the hands of his old rival Wanyan Wushu.

Wan Yanchang got up quickly and shouted: "Stop them, don't enter the mansion, I'm going to the palace!"

Wanyan Wushu ordered to kill all of Wanyanchang's wives and children. In order to prevent the concubines from becoming pregnant, more than a dozen concubines were also killed, and all property was confiscated.

Wan Yanchang's Xiangguo Mansion was also surrounded by [-] soldiers. At this time, Wan Yanchang was sleeping soundly when he was suddenly pushed awake.

"What's the matter?" Wan Yanchang asked in a daze.

"Who is the traitor?"

Wanyan Wushu made a wink, and someone immediately sent a pen and ink. Wanyan Quan had no choice but to personally draw up an order to bestow Wanyan Chang's death, and at the same time hand over Wanyanchang's army to the command of Wanyan Wushu. Wanmeng'an Army, except for the 15 troops commanded by Wanyan Quan, the other [-] troops were all captured by Wanyan Wushu.

Hundreds of rockets were fired into the room, and the surrounding area was already full of firewood. In just a moment, the house was engulfed in flames, and Wan Yanchang shouted in despair: "Wanyan Wushu, you will die, and you won't be able to dance for a few days." I will watch you die in the sky..."


Wan Yanchang yelled in the room: "You fart! You persecuted the emperor, you deserve death!"

Wanyan Wushu promoted fifteen ten thousand chiefs, all of whom were his confidantes, and the Han civil officials under him also took control of the imperial power. Beijing concentrated.

At the same time, an order to search for iron was issued, and all iron objects from the people were handed over, including Goryeo, and all iron objects were melted down to make weapons and armor.

At the Beijing Gunpowder Bureau, Wanyan Wushu came to inspect the development of firearms on the third day after taking power.

His dissatisfaction with Wanyanchang actually has something to do with the development of Tiehuolei. Hu Shatu had already mastered Tiehuolei, but because of Wanyanchang's negligence, Hu Shatu was assassinated, and the development of Tiehuolei was interrupted. Do not start all over again.

Under the guard of dozens of personal soldiers, Wanyan Wushu walked into the most secret compound in the Gunpowder Bureau.

(End of this chapter)

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