
Chapter 1480 Search

Chapter 1480 Search
The current supervisor of the development of Tie Huo Lei is Hushatu's apprentice, named Yelulu, who is also a Khitan. Although he does not know the gunpowder formula, Hushatu made it himself, but he cast the iron shell. It took three years to imitate it.

Wanyan Wushu touched the dozens of iron shells on the shelf and asked: "Could the famous Tiehuolei be this kind of scrap metal?"

"My lord doesn't know something. Only broken copper and iron gunpowder can explode. The iron fire thunder of the Western Army that my master got from Taiyuan Mansion back then was such broken copper and broken iron!"

"He got it from Xijun?" Wanyan Wushu asked curiously.

Yelulu shook his head and said, "It's the Sima of the Taiyuan Prefecture. The iron fire thunder of the Western Army is occasionally used by civilians, so he secretly intercepted one by chance and gave it to my master."

"Can I get it again? Money is not an issue."

Yelulu smiled wryly and said: "My master also wanted to get a few more, and used a beauty trick, but there are no more. The Western Army is very strict on the use of iron fire mines. Even if the local government applies, it is also used by special soldiers. There is no difference with the government. It matters."

"All right!"

Wanyan Wushu also knew that the possibility was unlikely, and asked again: "Then what is the problem now?"


Xiao Wanmu said coldly: "The salary is so low, I can't support my family, so I have to think of other ways! Isn't Mrs. Wan also thinking of ways to earn money?"

"My lord, all the iron shells made by the humble job have been tested successfully, and there is no problem with the iron shell."

"If Wanyanchang's remnant party is hidden inside, I won't be able to ask the court to explain."

"Follow the order!"

Wanyan Asai came to Xiao Wanmu's mansion, Xiao Wanmu was nearby, when he got the news, he rushed back immediately.

Xiao Wanmu shook his head, "I'm in charge of guarding the city, why don't you go to my house! Only my house is the safest."

Zhang Lu and his men got out of the wooden barrel, and Xiao Wanmu's son hid in the secret passage with him. Xiao Wanmu then replaced the wooden barrel with a real wine barrel and did not unload it.

If I give myself a few more years, I will definitely reform completely, learn the advanced technology of the Han people, and be brave enough to use the Han people. Will I still have this opportunity?
Wanyan Wushu looked at the frozen Datong River in rapt attention. At this moment, another heavy snow fell from the sky.

"Is it this car?" Wanyan A Sai turned around and asked.

His subordinates nodded, Wanyan Asai stepped forward and patted the wine barrel, the inside was heavy, he ordered someone to pry open the lid, and there were all high-quality wines inside, wine was very popular among Jurchen nobles, and it was also hard currency in Linhuang Mansion , but the taxes are high.

Half an hour later, a large carriage pulled more than a dozen barrels of wine and arrived at Xiao Wanmu's mansion. Xiao Dan drove the carriage himself. Xiao Wanmu ordered his two sons to open the gate and lead the carriage into the warehouse.

Every inn is the focus, Xiao Dan's inn is no exception, but there are only Yin brothers in Xiao Dan's inn, they can be regarded as two fat sheep, someone immediately reported Wanyan Asai.

"Aren't we safe?"

Wanyan Asai rolled his eyes, "Go and see!"

At this moment, the gates of the city were closed, and teams of Jurchen soldiers rushed out of the barracks and began to search the whole city, naturally they searched the remnants of Yan Chang's party.

Everyone is smart, Zhang Lu didn't believe Xiao Wanmu just because he was from Khitan, Xiao Wanmu also knew the power of Yong Kingdom, Jin Kingdom was dying, even if he didn't help the Western Army at this time, he still couldn't make things worse , bringing endless disasters to himself and his descendants.

Wanyan Asai laughed dryly and said, "Someone reported that today a carriage brought a lot of wooden barrels to your house. What's inside?"

"I'm worried about the guard Wanyan Asai. He may search the whole city. In name, he wants to catch the remnants of Wanyan Chang's party, but in fact he is trying to make money. He always finds various reasons to search the city, and this time he found him again. Search the city for a reason."

"A Mughal merchant? How much money do you have?"

"Does it matter what's inside?"

"Today, Wanyan Asai received an eagle letter from Shangjing, asking him to investigate and intercept Wanyan Chang's remaining party."

Wanyan Asai thought for a while and said, "One person, one thousand guan! If you don't give money, you will be arrested."

Yelulu said regretfully: "I have already given all the recipes master used to the gunpowder maker, but it is just a little bit too hot. I can't fry the iron shell, but I can fry the wooden barrel!"

"It doesn't matter if there are more than a dozen people. My home occupies an area of ​​ten acres. The key is not to be seen."

"General Xiao is very worried!" Zhang Lu asked with a smile.

Seeing that the navy of the Western Army is getting stronger day by day, the Kingdom of Jin once had a navy for a while. When they searched the mountains and seas, the warships of the Jin soldiers chased the emperor of the Song Dynasty to the sky, and there was no way to go to the ground. In the end, the navy went from bad to worse. Simply disappeared, is it the decline of national strength?
Thinking of inspecting the warehouse, I saw a mountain of wealth. So much gold and silver were collected from Bianliang, Tokyo, and piled in the warehouse for more than [-] years. I don’t know how to use it. Refused to sinicize, refused to use Han people, so gold and silver became waste copper and rotten iron, but not transformed into national power.

Zhang Lu's eyes lit up, "Is there internal strife in the Kingdom of Jin?"

Xiao Wanmu said: "The inn has always been the focus of the search!"

Wanyan Wushu was really helpless, so he said: "Then make two-handed preparations, continue to develop iron fire mines with all your strength, and at the same time make a large number of wood fire mines, to learn from the Western Army, fill them with poisonous nails!"

Wanyan Wushu left the Gunpowder Bureau and went to the city to inspect again. Outside the northern city was the frozen Datong River, and he could faintly see a dozen frozen boats. Seeing the boats, Wanyan Wushu was heartbroken. Back then, he appealed to the court repeatedly. Shipbuilding has been called for for five or six years, but less than a hundred small boats have been built.

"Which area is General Xiao in charge of? I hid in General Xiao's area. It should be safer!"

"Could it still be a problem with the iron shell?"

The gate opened, Wanyan Asai led his men straight to the warehouse, opened the warehouse door, and saw a carriage, the horse was taken away, the carriage was parked in the warehouse, and there were eighteen large wooden barrels on the carriage.

Xiao Wanmu suppressed his anger and said to his two sons, "Open the door and let them investigate!"

"What is Commander Xiao doing with so much wine?"

"Then what are you worried about?"

What's more, the Khitans and the Jurchens are feuds. Although many Khitans obey the Kingdom of Jin, there are also Khitans who hate the Jurchens, including Xiao Dan and Xiao Wanmu.

Wanyan Asai immediately understood that this was Xiao Wanmu's private goods for tax evasion.

"Master Wan, why did you come to my house?"

"But there are thirteen of us!"

In Linhuang Mansion, Zhang Lu met the worried Xiao Wanmu at the inn. From the beginning of their exploration and communication, they now trust each other. Huangfu.

"It's all goods, mainly sheepskin, and there is not much money."

Another soldier said: "Someone saw the innkeeper deliver a cart of big wooden barrels to Mr. Xiao Qianfu's house. Could it be that he transferred the money of the Mengwu merchants?"

"It should be. There have long been rumors that the conflict between Wanyan Chang and Wanyan Wushu has intensified, and sooner or later there will be internal strife. It seems that Wanyan Wushu has made the first move."

Zhang Lu smiled and said, "I have a solution!"

Wanyan Asai laughed dryly, "Understand! Understood!"

He waved, "Let's go!"

Wanyan Asai took the soldiers away, and when they were far away, Xiao Wanmu's eldest son asked in a low voice: "Are they suspicious?"

Xiao Wanmu shook his head, "Wanyan Asai is just trying to make money, he suspects that I have transferred the Yin brothers' money away."

(End of this chapter)

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