
Chapter 1482 Encounter

Chapter 1482 Encounter
It was early February, and the grassland had entered the early spring season. The snow had not yet faded, and piles of residual snow could be seen everywhere, but the color of the grass had already been revealed. Groups of deer were gnawing on the grass seedlings that had just emerged from the ground beside the water plants. Very vigilant, looking up from time to time to watch the movement around.

At this time, a large herd of elk suddenly ran westward in fright. It turned out that an army appeared not far from them, and thousands of cavalry were rushing towards the small river.

This army is the vanguard of Niu Gao's army, led by the vanguard general Shao Jichun. Shao Jichun is only 23 years old this year, and he has already accumulated meritorious service to be promoted to the commander. Although he is young, he is very experienced, and his martial arts are extremely strong. The sixty-jin eight-lens purple gold copper hammer is second only to Yue Yun's plum-blossom bright silver hammer.

Ranked fourth among the new five tiger generals, second only to Yue Yun, Zhang Xian and Cao Ning, slightly higher than Yang Wenyi who ranked fifth. Cao Ning is the son of Cao De, who has won the essence of the Cao family spear Dragon Golden Spear is extremely fierce. Yang Wenyi is Yang Zaixing's son. He got his father's true biography. His Blizzard Spear can't even resist Liu Qiong. When Yang Wenyi was only 16 years old and lacked some experience, he ranked fifth.

There are also some cutting-edge young players, such as Niu Gui, the son of Niu Gao, Huyan Qingyun, the nephew of Hu Yantong, Liu Jinpeng, the son of Liu Zan, etc. These are the outstanding players of the new generation.

One thing that needs to be corrected here is Zhang Xian. He is 36 years old and should not be ranked alongside these young generals, but he is indeed extremely skilled in martial arts and has not caught up with the ranking of the five tiger generals in the previous class, so Chen Qing designated him as the new general. One session of the Five Tigers.

Don't underestimate these five tiger generals. This is the ranking of King Yong Chen Qing. It has the highest authority. It is the ranking list of martial arts recognized by the 70 Western Army. Of course, there will be a ranking of the top ten generals later, not only for martial arts, but also for commanding power , Yang Zaixing had already been designated as the top of the list by Chen Qing in advance.

Three thousand cavalry were drinking and resting by the small river, and their war horses were grazing tender grass. Shao Jichun stood on a high place and looked into the distance. They were now in the territory of the Kelei Department, and the Kelei Department was the only way to go to Linhuang Mansion.

After experiencing the fiasco in Toyosu, the Kelei Department has become a lot more honest, but honesty does not mean gentleness. Their honesty is more of a lack of strength. Once their strength is restored, they will immediately show their ferocious teeth.

At this time, two scouts came rushing from a distance, waving desperately while running, Shao Jichun also saw the black spot in the distance, and he shouted: "Blow the horn and gather!"

But the target of the Western Army's crossbow arrows was not them, but their war horses. The dense crossbow arrows caused the horses to be hit by arrows one after another, and they fell down after only a dozen steps. In an instant, hundreds of war horses fell to the ground.

You must know that Linhuang City is famous for its firmness and tallness. The Jin soldiers lost tens of thousands of talents to capture Linhuang City. Their [-] troops rushed thousands of miles without carrying heavy siege weapons. To capture Linhuang City, they can only rely on internal response and surprise attack It is possible, so killing the enemy is a necessary means.

The arrow used is also a short crossbow. The front end of the crossbow is quenched with a strong anesthetic, which is not very toxic. When the enemy or horse loses combat power in a very short time, it can only recover after lying down for at least an hour. It can penetrate the enemy within 120 steps. Army double leather armor.

Before the nomadic cavalry could react, the second round of crossbow arrows from the cavalry of the Western Army came in like a storm. The cavalry of the Western Army shot arrows with one hand while running. This is an essential skill for cavalry training. There is a handle, which is very convenient for the cavalry to hold with one hand. Holding the three-jin cavalry crossbow in the hand must not shake the arm, and accurately shoot the straw man target [-] steps away.

Shao Jichun commanded [-] elite cavalry. Since they are elite, one-handed crossbow shooting skills must be mastered.

With the equipment and combat power of the Western Army, it is no problem for three thousand cavalry to kill four or five thousand nomadic cavalry. The key is not to reveal the news. They are only two hundred miles away from Linhuang Mansion. The strategy of raiding the Linhuang Mansion would have major consequences.

"About 5000 people!"


"how many people?"

The five thousand cavalry rushed closer and closer, brandishing their sabers and shouting, and the distance was already a hundred paces away.

Shao Jichun ordered: "Sort out!"

"Riding the crossbow is ready!" Shao Jichun shouted.



The horn of the Western Army blew, and three thousand cavalry who were resting quickly got on their horses and gathered in the open space. At this time, two scouts rushed over and shouted: "It's nomadic cavalry!"

Shao Jichun quickly judged that this should be the troops assembled by several nearby tribes.

More and more horses fell to the ground. After several rounds of shooting, more than half of the horses of the five thousand nomadic cavalrymen were lost. This loss came so quickly that the opposing general had no time to judge. , he was terrified, and shouted: "Retreat! Retreat!"

Shao Jichun immediately ordered: "Divide the troops and fight!"

The Western Army rode horses and shot at the enemy while running. This kind of non-contact battle gradually caused the nomad cavalry to collapse. Although they also shot the enemy with arrows, the opponent had almost no casualties, and their arrows could not penetrate the opponent's body at all. armor.

Three thousand cavalrymen took out their crossbows from their horse sacks one after another. This kind of crossbow was specially made for cavalry. It was short and lean.

These are the tactics summed up by the Western Army for many years. They cannot be attacked head-on. These nomadic cavalry are very fragile, with only two casualties. They have to retreat and escape. If they want to wipe them out, the last way is to attack from the side, even if they realize that something is wrong. , It was too late to escape.

The three thousand Western troops lined up neatly. Each soldier was wearing iron armor, holding a short spear, a sword on his waist, a shield on his back, and a horse on his crotch. He was well-trained and murderous.

With the sound of the horn, the Western Army suddenly launched, sprinting to the east and west sides like cutting through the waves, passing the enemy's head-on impact, rushing to the side and raising the crossbow to shoot, but the target was their horses.

This is a change in concept. The arrow does not need to penetrate the internal organs of the enemy, as long as it hits the flesh, the enemy army will lose its combat effectiveness. It is up to the Western Army to decide whether to live or die.

Five thousand nomadic cavalry came rushing from the north. They were indeed the assembled forces of the three tribes. They didn't realize that the Western Army's goal was Linhuang City, two hundred miles away to the northeast, but thought that the Western Army was aiming to destroy them. come.

"Pass down the order to wipe out the enemy army and leave no prisoners of war!"

The best way to deal with this kind of small-scale nomadic cavalry is to use crossbows. Although the opponent has bows and arrows, they cannot penetrate the armor of the Western Army. The casualties are very small. If the opponent loses [-]% of their horses, they will collapse. The rest is chasing and killing. up.

The crossbow arrows rained down on the nomadic cavalry. The cavalry were skilled in equestrianism, and they tried to dodge one after another, hiding their bodies behind their horses.

As the horns sounded continuously, the cavalry of the Western Army began to divide their labor. [-] cavalry were responsible for chasing and annihilating them, and the other [-] cavalry were responsible for killing the enemy soldiers who had fallen from their horses.

Fifteen hundred cavalry followed closely behind, raising their crossbows and firing arrows, and the enemy soldiers became fewer and fewer. In the end, dozens of them were surrounded by the cavalry of the Western Army, and they were all killed in a moment.

The cavalry of the western army in the back was killing the fleeing soldiers mercilessly, beheading their heads and piercing their vests mercilessly. Mercy, they will only be more brutal when they encounter Han women and children.

In less than an hour, the battle was over. Five thousand nomadic cavalry were all killed, and no one survived. Shao Jichun continued to lead his army to search the nearby tribes. Once found, it would be a merciless massacre. The news spread to Linhuang Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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