
Chapter 1483 Raid

Chapter 1483 Raid
In the past few days, the number of foreign merchants in Linhuang City has dropped sharply, and there are almost no merchants coming from the east. The soldiers all guessed that it was because the main general Wanyan Asai robbed the merchants so hard that the merchants were afraid to come.

But no one thought that this was a harbinger of the coming of the Western Army. After all, Linhuang Mansion was too remote, and even if war broke out, it would be Liaodong's side that would start first. Liaodong's side was safe and sound, let alone their turn.

At noon, two young Khitan merchants entered Linhuang's mansion. They led a dozen mules carrying cloth to Xiao Dan's inn.

"We're looking for Shopkeeper Xiao!"

Xiao Dan nodded, "I am!"

"What is the price of ginseng for the elderly in the east?"

"It's very expensive, even if you have 1 taels of gold, you can't buy it!"

The secret order was completely correct, two Khitan soldiers took out the military badges of the Western Army, Xiao Dan took them inside, and said in a low voice: "It's not safe here, Manager Zhang and his men have already been transferred to my uncle's house."

"Take us there!"

Ever since Wanyan Asai searched twenty wooden barrels, Xiao Wanmu suspected that someone was watching the inn, otherwise Wanyan Asai would not have gotten the news so quickly. He didn't dare to let Zhang Lu go to the inn again, so he simply hid in the inn. In his family, his brother-in-law Xiao Dan was responsible for delivering the news.

Niu Gao's [-] troops had arrived in the southwest of Linhuang Mansion, only [-] miles away from Linhuang City. The Western Army finally stopped moving forward. It was already dusk. Niu Gao decided to march at night after getting the news. At noon, two Khitan soldiers had been sent into the city disguised as merchants, and he needed definite news of the response.

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Xiao Wanmu stared at the outside of the city. It was pitch black outside the city, and he couldn't see anything a hundred paces away. One of his subordinates came to report, "General, it's time for the third watch!"

When night fell, the two Khitan soldiers finally came back, and the sergeant immediately took them to the commander's tent. Niu Gao read the confirmation letter from Zhang Lu. There were 5000 troops in the city, and it was time for a surprise attack at the third watch Enemy camp.

Xiao Wanmu nodded, "Open the city gate, lower the drawbridge, and light the fire!"

The five were shocked, but immediately expressed their willingness to follow the leader.

When it was midnight, Zhang Lu also led thirteen men to the west city gate. His men were responsible for leading the way for the Western Army and raiding the Jurchen camp.

Too many troops can be easily spotted by the enemy.

Xiao Wanmu's son called his father, Xiao Wanmu pondered for a moment and said: "I am not on duty tonight, but the day after tomorrow happens to be my mother's birthday, so I can be on duty tonight. At three o'clock, open the west city gate. Take the fire on the top of the city as a sign!"

The Western Army did not carry siege weapons and marched thousands of miles to attack Linhuang City. Once they were discovered by the enemy, they would not be able to take it down, and they could only return home in defeat.

There are five centurions under Xiao Wanmu, each commanding two hundred soldiers, these five are his confidantes and have followed him for many years.

Xiao Wanmu nodded, "Now the Western Army is outside the city, and the city gate is opened at the third watch. In order to prevent accidental injury, let all the brothers tie their left arms with white cloth, so that the Western Army will not attack us. Once the Western Army enters the city , we have to leave the city immediately to avoid being injured by street fighting."

Niu Gao immediately left [-] troops to guard the camels, and he led [-] troops to march towards Linhuang City under the cover of night.

"Lead the way ahead!"

The two Khitan soldiers then left Linhuang City and rushed to report to Niu Gao.

At two o'clock, Xiao Wanmu summoned five centurions and told them the secret that the Western Army was about to attack the city.

The guard at the west city gate is the commander-in-chief Xiao Wanmu. He has a thousand Khitan soldiers under him, and their status is relatively low. They do the hardest and most tiring tasks, such as guarding the city at night.

In the end, Niu Gao didn't blame Shao Jichun, but took the responsibility himself. He didn't tell Shao Jichun well, but ordered him not to leak any news, but didn't tell him what to do.

Among all the high-ranking generals of the Western Army, Niu Gao is the most benevolent and kind. His principle is not to kill women and children. This time, after Shao Jichun wiped out [-] nomadic cavalry, he slaughtered three tribes. From a strategic point of view, there is no problem. , Cut off the possibility of the Linhuang guards getting the news first.

"We are like dogs in the eyes of the Jurchens. We don't want to do it for a long time. We are willing to follow the general!"

Ten thousand cavalry suddenly mobilized and rushed towards the city gate. Shao Jichun and Niu Gui rushed into the city first, and the two soldiers stepped forward and said, "We are Zhang Shuling's subordinates, and we are here to lead the way!"

Niu Gao said to Shao Jichun and his third son Niu Gui again: "You two followed Wang Dutong's surprise attack and obeyed Wang Du's order!"

Wang Duo could see clearly, and immediately ordered: "The army enters the city!"

But the massacre made Niu Gao very unhappy. He could have confiscated their horses and drove them west, the effect would be the same, but Shao Jichun didn't do that, but took the simplest and most brutal method.

The city gate opened slowly, the drawbridge creaked and lowered, and the soldiers lit the pyre, and the fire immediately ignited.

Everyone agreed one after another, and then they split up.

The city wall of Linhuang has a circumference of more than [-] li and is built of large bluestones.

"Follow the order!"

Niu Gao was also very nervous, this was the first battle to attack the Kingdom of Jin, if he lost, he would really have no face to meet King Yong.

Ten miles away from the west gate of the city, the [-] troops stopped again. Niu Gao called the deputy generals Wang Duo, Shao Jichun and Niu Gui, and he said to Wang Duo, "When you enter the city, you lead an army of [-] straight to the barracks. The subordinates are at the gate of the city. They will lead the way for you. The tactics are fire attack and hard crossbow. First set fire to the camp, and the enemy will inevitably flee for their lives. You block the two exits and shoot directly with hard crossbow. No mercy. , and wipe them out as much as possible."

Soon, half an hour before the third watch, Niu Gao led the army to move forward, Wang Duo's [-] vanguards lay in ambush three hundred steps away from the city gate, while Niu Gao led an army of [-] in ambush. Three miles behind.

Soon, two Khitan soldiers saw Zhang Lu. Zhang Lu read Niu Gao's letter and said, "Wait for me for an hour, and I will reply to you soon."

Two men urged their horses to lead the way, and ten thousand cavalry followed closely behind. They also slowed down to control the sound of hooves.

The Jurchen camp was in the west city, less than one mile away from the city gate. After a while, the western army arrived at the camp. Wang Duo ordered Shao Jichun and Niu Gui to block the two gates with 3000 men each, while he deployed 4000 men on the periphery. Once the enemy escapes over the wall, they will be shot and killed.

Hundreds of soldiers sprayed kerosene into the camp with kerosene bags, and then thousands of rockets shot into the camp, and the burning kerosene balls were thrown into the camp by the soldiers.

In the big camp, more than 1000 golden soldiers and sheepskin tents were set alight, and soon burned, the fire was raging, and the fire spread rapidly, gradually engulfing the big camp.

(End of this chapter)

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