
Chapter 1484 Capture

Chapter 1484 Capture
Niu Gao led an army of [-] troops into Linhuang City, and quickly took control of the major city gates, government offices, warehouses and other key locations. He also had fierce battles with more than a thousand gold soldiers in the periphery, but these battles were not intense and were soon occupied. Annihilated by the overwhelmingly superior Western Army.

But the barracks tent was cruel and violent. The Jin soldiers were awakened by the fire in their deep sleep, and began to scramble to escape to the two camp gates, but they were strongly blocked by the Western Army's crossbow array, and groups of Jurchen soldiers fell in front of the camp. Next, the corpses quickly piled up like a hill.

After experiencing the initial panic, thousands of golden soldiers began to break out with weapons in their hands. They also knew that even if they surrendered, the Western Army would not spare them and would still slaughter them. It would be better to fight to the death.

Thousands of gold soldiers fought desperately, rushing out regardless of everything, and one after another, they died one after another. It was a tactic of killing each other. More and more corpses piled up on the ground, affecting the crossbow array of the soldiers of the Western Army.

The Jin soldiers finally charged up and met the Western Army hand in hand. The two sides crowded at the exit that was only a few dozen feet wide. , I am afraid extremely.

At this time, Wang Duo shouted, "The whole army retreats!"

The soldiers of the Western Army were well-trained. With one order, all the soldiers retreated like a tide, and the golden soldiers rushed out. At this moment, a torch was thrown into the group of golden soldiers, 'Boom! The ground burned, and hundreds of Jurchen soldiers were instantly engulfed in the flames. The soldiers screamed and ran. After running a few steps, they fell down and curled up. Countless soldiers fell to the ground, and their bodies burned.

The feet of many Western Army soldiers were also burning, and the companions quickly took off the soldiers' shoes.

The area of ​​the blazing fire was too large, preventing the Jurchen soldiers from fleeing. At this time, the crossbow arrows of the Western Army shot at the crowd of Jin soldiers again like a storm. The Jurchen soldiers wailed and fell one by one in despair, gradually disappearing Breakout.

The Western Army immediately entered the camp to cleanse, and did not begin to transport the corpses outside the city until it was ensured that every Jurchen soldier was killed and no hidden dangers were left.

At dawn, the battle in the city gradually came to an end. Except for Xiao Wanmu's [-] troops who escaped out of the city in time, the other [-] soldiers were all killed, most of them died in the fire.

However, the Western Army also paid the price of nearly 1000 deaths, mainly because when the Jin soldiers were blocked from fleeing, the two sides fought fiercely for nearly half an hour, and the Western Army suffered heavy casualties.

But compared to the death of the enemy, this death is insignificant.

At dawn, the Western Army immediately implemented martial law throughout the city, and everyone was not allowed to go out to the streets. This city of 10,000+ people became dead silent.

Of course, people with a special access card can still go to the streets, practice medicine, and deliver food and supplies. Xiao Dan is also a person with a special access card, so he hurriedly found Xiao Wanmu.

"Where's Wanyan Asai that dog thief?"

Hatred has been suppressed in his heart for more than 20 years, and he finally waited for the day when he could take revenge.

Xiao Wanmu pointed to a human head on the top of the wall, "That's him, his body was charred, only half of his face remained, and I recognized him."

Xiao Dan looked at the head on the top of the wall, slowly fell to his knees, and cried bitterly.

"Go back! Burn some paper for your parents and tell them that your revenge has been avenged."

Xiao Dan nodded slowly, turned around and went back to the inn, Xiao Wanmu looked at the figure of his brother-in-law, and sighed softly, the hatred for so many years is really not easy!
At this time, a soldier came to salute, "General Xiao, Niu Dutong invites you to come over!"

"I'm going right now!"

Xiao Wanmu followed the soldiers to the warehouse, where he saw Niu Gao who was making a list of grain supplies.

Xiao Wanmu knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Niu Dutong for humble posts!"

"General Xiao, please stand up!"

Niu Gao asked him to get up, and asked again: "I found that there is not much food in the warehouse, why?"

"Reporting to Niu Dutong, the 20 Jurchen troops are supported by the surrounding grasslands, and a batch of sheep will be sent every other month. Niu Dutong can visit the underground ice cellar. There are frozen mutton underneath, and there are [-] of them. many."

"No wonder, I haven't had time to look at the frozen ice cellar yet."

Niu Gao smiled and said: "I received a letter from His Royal Highness King Yong before I left for the expedition. The letter mentioned that after capturing the Linhuang Mansion, you can be appointed as the governor of the Linhuang Mansion and serve as a civil servant. What do you think?"

"Humble job is willing to serve His Royal Highness King Yong!"

"Well, from now on you will officially serve as the governor of the Linhuang Mansion, and the Ministry of Officials will give you a seal and a letter of appointment later."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Wanmu asked again: "I don't know how to deal with the thousand Khitan soldiers under my command?"

Niu Gao laughed and said, "There are also many Khitan soldiers in our army. If they are willing to join the army, they can join my army. If they don't want to join the army, they can retire and go home, and then give the land according to the treatment of soldiers in the Western Army. Give each soldier [-] guan to settle down, and as for the generals, you can give them houses, shops and land, I believe Governor Xiao will not treat them badly."

"Thank you for Niu Dutong's arrangement. In addition, I want to tell Dutong that there are five counties in Linhuang Mansion, Linhuang, Xianning, Fuyu, Xuande and Xiao'an counties. Except for Linhuang County, the other four counties are all small counties. There are only a few thousand people in the counties, and there are not many Han people, mainly Khitan and Mohe people. The grasslands between these five counties are vast, and there are more than [-] pastures, but they are all official pastures and military pastures.”

Niu Gao hurriedly asked: "You mean, the cattle and sheep in the surrounding pastures are owned by the government and the army?"

"Exactly, the [-] troops are supported by these official and military ranches, and are usually managed by the government. Therefore, I hope that the lower officials will not be replaced, and the management of these ranches depends on them."


Niu Gao readily agreed. He was worried about the lack of food. There was only [-] shi of food in the whole warehouse, which was enough to feed his [-] army for a month. Even if he brought supplies, he could only feed the soldiers for three months. If it is given to the people, the food will not be enough.

He didn't expect that there would be such a large area of ​​official ranch and military ranch, which made him overjoyed.

"Take an inventory of how many official and military cattle and sheep there are. I need an accurate number."

"The humble job will take over the government first, and we will start counting tomorrow."

Two days after the martial law, the Western Army had already grasped the situation of the residents in the city and began to clean up. The targets of the cleanup were mainly the Jurchens, and they were lucky to meet the generous elder Niu Gao. If they met the murderous Liu Cui And Liu Qiong, they will not have a good result.

But even if Niu Gao is generous, he will not be without principles. The principle is that all the Jurchens will leave the city and move to live in Xianning, Fuyu, Xuande, and Xiaoan. They are allowed to take away all the property they can take away, and the real estate they cannot take away , including houses and shops, were all confiscated by the government.

If there is no house in Xuande County and Fuyu County, they will be given a tent, and they will be registered as captives. The tax is heavy, they are discriminated against, and their lives are miserable. If you don’t want to live this miserable life, of course Yes, then it must be sinicized, and after complete sinicization, change the nationality and surname, and become a Han citizen.

This is a summary of the experience in the management of Xixia Dangxiang members. There were 10,000+ Dangxiang households in the past, but now there are only a few thousand households left, and the other 10,000+ households have changed their surnames and nationalities after Sinicization.

For several days in a row, tens of thousands of Jurchen households left their homes crying and went to live in four counties.

(End of this chapter)

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