
Chapter 1485 Plan

Chapter 1485 Plan
Chen Qing arrived at Yanshan Mansion. He did not hide his whereabouts this time, and came to Yanshan Mansion in a fair manner. In fact, there is nothing to hide. The entire Yong Kingdom is mobilizing for war, and it is impossible for the spies of the Jin Kingdom not to feel it.

40 troops were stationed in the two camps of Daxing Prefecture and Pingzhou. Chen Qingxian came to the camp of Daxing Prefecture. The camp covered an area of ​​several thousand acres and stationed 20 troops.

As soon as Chen Qing arrived at Daying, he got the news that Niu Gao had captured Linhuang Mansion. This news was really exciting. Occupying Linhuang Mansion meant cutting off the channel for the nomadic cavalry to support the Kingdom of Jin, and it also meant burying the enemy in the back of the Kingdom of Jin. Ambush soldiers, if the Kingdom of Jin pours its troops south to fight the Western Army, it is very likely that the Western Army of Linhuang Mansion will dig out their lair.

Moreover, the location of Linhuang Mansion is very delicate. It is located at a right angle point. It is thousands of miles away from Yanshan Mansion, and hundreds of miles away from Shangjing. There is no way for Jin soldiers to carry heavy siege weapons for hundreds of miles. Siege.

At that time, Jin Bing had just seized Zhongjing, Liao Kingdom, and the country was the most powerful. Jin Kingdom was still able to transport large siege weapons for hundreds of miles in carts. transport vehicle.

Therefore, once the Kingdom of Jin loses the Linhuang Mansion, it is basically impossible to regain it, but on the other hand, the Kingdom of Jin will definitely strengthen the defense of the Dading Mansion, and capturing the Dading Mansion is Chen Qing's second strategy.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Chen Qing stood in front of a huge sand table, which was the full picture of the Jin Kingdom sand table that took three years to make successfully. Chen Qing first found the Linhuang Mansion, and then found the big sand table on the sand table Dingfu, the distance between the two places is about three hundred miles.

Zhang Xiao, a political officer who accompanied Chen Qing on the expedition, said: "It is about three hundred miles from Linhuang Mansion to Dading Mansion, Linhuang Mansion is no longer in suspense, we must take Dading Mansion down as soon as possible.

Chen Qing nodded, and asked Yang Zaixing next to him, "How many maiden troops are there in Dading Mansion?"

Yang Zaixing said: "Originally there were only [-] Jurchen troops in Dading Mansion, but our spies discovered that Wanyan Nianhan sent [-] troops to the west. It should be to support Dading Mansion, but the [-] troops are all Koreans."

Chen Qing pondered for a while and asked again: "How is the defense of Dading City Wall?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it is far inferior to Linhuang's Mansion. It is made of mud and can use iron fire mines!"

Chen Qing immediately said: "The army is going to go northward in three routes, one from the West Liao Corridor, the other from Dading Mansion, and the other way through the Liaohe River, but the Liaohe River is a false attack, restraining the Jin soldiers of the Liaoyang Mansion, preventing them from supporting Jinzhou. In our first battle, 20 troops will attack Jinzhou and wipe out Wanyan Nianhan's [-] troops!"

Yang Zaixing understood His Royal Highness King Yong's strategy, if two armies would attack Jinzhou, taking down Dading Mansion was the inevitable first step.

He hurriedly said: "The humble official is willing to lead an army to attack Dading Mansion!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Yes, you lead an army of 20 to capture Dading Mansion, and then leave [-] troops to defend Dading Mansion. I will go north from the Liaoxi Corridor. The march will be very slow. You should arrive in Jinzhou first. When Yan Nianhan went south to fight, you took the opportunity to cut off his retreat, and the [-] troops wiped him out in the West Liao Corridor."

At this moment, Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "I want to add something, too!"

"Please tell me about the political affairs!"

Zhang Xiao pointed to Dading Mansion and said: "Yang Dutong can lead [-] cavalry to bypass Dading Mansion, and give Dading Mansion to Niu Dutong for a feint attack, so Wanyan Nianhan will have one of us attacking Dading Mansion for a long time. It's an illusion, once he doesn't realize that Yang Dutong's [-] troops have gone north, then he will most likely lead his army south to face His Highness's army, we have heavy iron fire mines, they know they can't hold the city!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Then I have to show Wang Qi!"

Zhang Xiao nodded, "That's right, shoot a horse first when shooting a man, and capture the king first when catching a thief. The people of Jin Kingdom also understand this truth. Of course, Your Highness is not a thief, they are the golden thieves."

Yang Zaixing also agreed: "The plan of participating in political affairs is very good, and I fully agree with it!"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "Then what about your supplies?"

Yang Zaixing thought for a while and said: "The humble officer is carrying ten days' worth of dry food and detoured from the north of Dading Mansion. I asked Niu Dutong to supply us with supplies on the way. Once we cut off the main retreat of the Jin soldiers, Niu Dutong will quickly take down Dading Mansion. Dingfu, then provide us with supplies from Dadingfu, or we can get food supplies from Jinzhou."

The plan of replenishment on the way is not bad, not to mention that there are [-] camels on Niu Gao's side, Chen Qing immediately said: "I will implement it according to this plan!"

Chen Qing finalized the details of the implementation date of the entire plan, and immediately led his army to Pingzhou, and Yang Zaixing immediately sent someone to Linhuang Mansion to deliver an urgent letter.

Three days later, a group of messenger soldiers arrived at Linhuang City at a speed of three hundred miles a day, and handed over the detailed plan drawn up by King Yong Chen Qing to Niu Gao.

Niu Gao and Wang Duo discussed the countermeasures. They were mainly worried that the nomadic cavalry would support the Kingdom of Jin, but the support for the Kingdom of Jin would only happen later, so Linhuang Mansion didn't have to stay with so many troops.

Niu Gao decided that Liu Wangduo led [-] troops to stay in Linhuang Mansion, and he led [-] troops to attack Dading Mansion, followed by [-] camels.

Of course, [-] camels were taken care of by [-] peasant husbands, each of whom took care of [-] camels. Of these, [-] camels were to be handed over to Yang Zaixing, and the other [-] camels carried food and supplies as supplies for Niu Gao's army.

According to the plan formulated by King Yong, two days later, Niu Gao led [-] soldiers and [-] camels and set off in the direction of Dading Mansion.

Dading Mansion is today's Chifeng area in Inner Mongolia, and it is also a major town in the west of Jin Kingdom. If Linhuang Mansion is the only way for the grassland to go to Shangjing, then Dading Mansion is the only way for the grassland to go to Liaodong.

At this time, Wanyan Nianhan's [-] troops were stationed in Jinzhou, a strategic city, and Dading Mansion was the only way to go east to Jinzhou.

At present, Dading Mansion has 5000 troops stationed, which is more than Linhuang Mansion in terms of number, but the structure of soldiers is completely different. There are [-] troops of Koreans.

That is, the prisoners of war captured by Jin Guo's attack on Koryo, and a total of more than 20 prisoners of war were captured. In addition, after Koryo surrendered to support Jin's army, the number of Korean troops in Jin's country reached [-].

Raising an army of 20 people requires a huge national strength, and Jin Guo can barely support its own army, so how can it afford Korean soldiers?

If you can't afford it, you can only lower it to a level that can't be lowered. There is no salary, and the food is provided by Korea. Every day, the worst meal is provided, and you can only eat half full. You hold weapons made of broken copper and iron, and wear felt armor. , that is, the worst leather armor, but they do the hardest and most tiring things, even if there is no war, they must be enslaved to the maximum extent,

Every Goryeo soldier lives like an animal. In such a living environment, how can they be expected to work hard for the Kingdom of Jin?

In fact, Jin Guo also knew that once the war broke out, these Koreans would rush to their deaths to cover the attack or retreat of the Jurchen soldiers. In the words of later generations, they were cannon fodder.

This morning, the golden soldiers guarding the city suddenly found a mighty army in the distance. They were shocked and immediately sounded the alarm.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Alarm bells rang loudly in Dading City.

[I'm a bit caught a cold, there are only two chapters today, sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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