
Chapter 1486

Chapter 1486
Yang Zaixing led [-] cavalry out of Juyongguan and marched northeastward, and soon entered the grassland.

According to Chen Qing's plan, it is divided into three strategies: top, middle and bottom. The best strategy is that Wanyan Nianhan did not realize the danger in the direction of Dading Mansion. In order to annihilate the main force of Chen Qing, the main force of the Jin army entered the Liaoxi Corridor to fight.

If the best strategy succeeds, Yang Zaixing's 20 troops will quickly enter the Liaoxi Corridor, cutting off the retreat of the Jurchen army, and the [-] western army will surround and wipe out the [-] Jurchen army.

The medium strategy is that Wanyan Nianhan was not fooled and defended Jinzhou City to the death. Then the two armies of Yang Zaixing and Chen Qing would meet at the foot of Jinzhou City and attack Jinzhou City with all their strength. There would even be street fighting. Yan Nianhan might also take advantage of the chaos and escape.

The worst strategy is for Wanyan Nianhan's army to flee after hearing the news, and directly retreat back to Shangjing. They would rather lose their land than preserve their vitality. This made Chen Qing's plan to wipe out the enemy's vitality fell through.

But if this happens, there is no way to do it. We can only say that it is up to people to plan things, and it is up to God to make things happen.

After marching for three days, the army arrived at Enhua County, fifty miles north of Dading City. Enhua County is a small county, and the people here are mainly Khitan people and Xi people. They were all confiscated by the Kingdom of Jin, so the county town was almost full of old and weak women and children, and it was very dilapidated.

But Enhua is the place where the supplies are transferred in the plan. According to the plan, [-] camels fully loaded with supplies and supplies will be in Enhua County.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Zaixing's army arrived in Enhua County, he got the news that [-] camels had arrived two days ago. He immediately sent the commander Zhao Lang to lead [-] cavalry to receive the supply of [-] camels.

Yang Zaixing immediately ordered the soldiers to rest in Enhua County for a day. Today is February 350th, and today is also the day when Yong Wang Chen Qing led an army of [-] troops out of Yuguan to the north. Enhua County is about [-] miles away from Jinzhou, and Jinzhou Yuguan is also about [-] miles away, and the distance between the two is about the same.

At this time, Wanyan Nianhan in Jinzhou City had already received news from Yanshan Road, and Yong Wang Chen Qing had arrived on Yanshan Road, which meant that the Western Army's war against the Kingdom of Jin was about to break out.

This was completely within Wanyan Nianhan's expectation. The Western Army has been preparing for more than a year, and it should be ready.

In fact, Wanyan Nianhan originally planned to attack Yuguan, but was hindered by Wanyan Wushu's mutiny. Yan Nianhan's immediate interests.

Therefore, his attention has been focused on the internal affairs of the Jin Kingdom recently, and he does not pay much attention to the movements of the Western Army.

However, Wanyan Wushu treated him well and did not offend his interests. Where is Wanyan Nianhan's interests? In Liaodong, the west of Liaohe River is Wanyan Nianhan's sphere of influence.

Of course, once the Western Army attacks, he will also bear the brunt.

This morning, Wanyan Nianhan got the news that Chen Qing personally led an army of 3 to the north from Yuguan, and last night he also got the news that a western army of about [-] people arrived at Dading Mansion, preparing to attack Dading City. Go on the offensive.

Wanyan Nianhan was quite moved, it was actually Chen Qing who commanded the army himself, if he could defeat Chen Qing's army, or even capture Chen Qing alive, then Jin Kingdom would be turned around completely.

Of course Wanyan Nianhan knew the crisis of national annihilation that the Kingdom of Jin was now facing. It was far inferior to the Western Army in terms of national strength, military strength, and equipment. Even in one-on-one individual combat, the Jurchen soldiers might not be soldiers of the Western Army. opponent.

If he can't send out surprise soldiers to break the current crisis, then the Western Army's offensive will be like a noose around the neck, and it will strangle the Kingdom of Jin to death little by little, and finally the soldiers will come to the capital, and the demise of the Kingdom of Jin will be in sight.

And the odd soldier is the only chance for his own army to defeat and kill Chen Qing, or capture Chen Qing alive.

Wanyan Nianhan also knew the risks involved, and he couldn't make up his mind for a long time. What he worried most was that the Western Army cut off his retreat from the waterway. Just at this time, Wanyan Nianhan got the news that hundreds of warships appeared in Liaohe At the mouth of the sea, we are going to go up the Liaohe River.

This news completely resolved Wanyan Nianhan's worries. He immediately ordered a hundred thousand troops to bring food and supplies to go south to the Liaoxi Corridor to face Chen Qing's main force.

The distance is far away, and there is no means of communication. It is not easy to know whether Jin Bing has gone south.

So Yang Zaixing's best way to deal with it is to act strictly according to the planned date. Today is February [-]th, and Yang Zaixing's [-] troops arrived in Ande County, which is still [-] miles away from Jinzhou.

When the army was resting, Yang Zaixing received an urgent report from the scouts that one hundred thousand gold soldiers from Jinzhou went south to face the main force of the Western Army.

This news made Yang Zaixing overjoyed, Zhang Xiao's strategy really succeeded, Wanyan Nianhan didn't even realize that he was coming, he led the army to set off overnight, and the army speeded up to kill Jinzhou.

Niu Gao led an army of [-] troops and was stationed five miles away from Dading City. He hadn't attacked Dading City for a long time, which really made the defenders in the city startled.

The main general in the city is Pucha Agu, a ten thousand commander. He is only in his thirties this year, and he is able to achieve his current position entirely because he was born in a noble family.

Compared with the veterans who have experienced many battles before, Pucha Agu has no experience in making friends at all. He is actually here to coat a layer of gold, so he is arranged in a relatively remote place like Dading Mansion. A place not affected by the war served as the head of ten thousand.

But his family never imagined in their wildest dreams that even the remote Dading Mansion would not be spared in this battle of the Western Army.

However, Pucha Agu is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf. He relies on his high martial arts skills and does not pay attention to the Western Army. He thinks that the Western Army did not carry siege weapons, which is why they have not attacked the city for a long time.

The Western Army's delay in attacking did not mean that Pucha Agu didn't want to fight back. This morning, Pucha Agu suddenly had a bold idea. Could he take advantage of the Western Army's unpreparedness at night to attack the enemy's camp at night and kill them? Completely defeated!

Although several commanders objected, Pucha Agu insisted on going his own way.

At night, the city gate opened, and Pucha Agu personally led the team in front, holding a sixty-jin mace, and led an army of [-] out of the city.

Among the 5000 troops, there are only 2 Jurchen soldiers, and the other [-] are Goryeo soldiers. It is still one mile away from the Western Army camp. The camp is pitch black and seems to be sleeping deeply, but there are no soldiers patrolling outside. , Pucha Agu was also a little confused.

At this time, a commander suggested: "Commander Wan, you can let the Goryeo soldiers attack the camp, and we will follow behind. If there is danger, we can evacuate in time!"

Pucha Agu readily agreed that this was the role that Goryeo soldiers should play.

He promised the Korean soldiers: "Shoot into the enemy's camp, and you can search for the property inside. Without my order, no one is allowed to retreat, and those who disobey the order will be killed!"

He also ordered [-] Jurchen soldiers to be war supervisors, and urged the Goryeo soldiers to charge in the back. Whoever dares to retreat back will be killed immediately!
The [-] Koryo soldiers were helpless, but also tempted by the general's promise. They rushed towards the Western Army camp with spears in their hands, and the dark [-] soldiers rushed to the south of the Western Army camp.

Getting closer, closer, only a hundred paces apart, at this moment, ten thousand soldiers suddenly appeared in the ditch in front of the barracks, holding crossbows and arrows in their hands, shooting at them like a storm. Come soldiers of the Koryo Army.

When the two armies fought, the Western Army did not show mercy just because the other side was a Goryeo soldier, but killed them resolutely and resolutely. The Goryeo soldiers had a very bad reputation. Inhumane, he participated in the attack on the Northern Song Dynasty, burned, killed and raped all the way, much more vicious than the Jurchen soldiers.

Because of this, Niu Gao issued the principle of the Northern Expedition, not to kill ordinary people, but to wipe out all Jin soldiers.

Goryeo soldiers screamed. Groups of soldiers were shot down by arrows, and more than [-] soldiers were killed in an instant.

At this time, Pucha Agu also realized that something was wrong. The soldiers of the Western Army actually had an ambush, and the opponent was prepared. He shouted: "Retreat! Retreat!"

At this moment, [-] Western Army cavalry came from all directions, and Niu Gao personally led [-] cavalry to come from behind, cutting off the golden soldiers' retreat back to the city.

(End of this chapter)

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