
Chapter 1487 Da Ding

Chapter 1487 Da Ding
Shouts of killing were all around, Pucha Agu was flustered, turned his horse's head and ran towards the northeast. This was his instinct, and the northeast direction was the direction of Shangjing.

Just after running less than a hundred steps, a young general of the Song army came to him, Niu Gao's son Niu Gui. Niu Gao had three sons. County lieutenant, the second son, Niu Ben, is in charge of family affairs at home and manages the property of the estate. The third son, Niu Gui, is the only one who is most like his father, Niu Gao. , with undue courage, is the head of the new six eagle generals in the Western Army.

Niu Gui had been staring at the opponent's general for a long time, and he shouted, "The gold thief will die!"

He swung his knife and struck towards Pucha Agu, the knife was extremely fierce, but Pucha Agu blocked it with a mace, 'Dang! 'There was a loud bang, and both of their arms went numb.

"Good guy, eat me again!"

It was said to be one knife, but in fact nine knifes were slashed in one blow. Pucha Agu dodged left and right to block. Gui Yi remembers returning to the saber, 'poof! '

The knife hit the back of the neck, and a huge human head flew out.

Some soldiers rushed up immediately and picked up the head with spears. The soldiers shouted: "The gold thief master is about to die! The gold thief master is about to die!"

Niu Gui took a fancy to Pucha Agu's armor and war horse. Pucha Agu was a Jurchen nobleman with countless treasures hidden in his family. He was wearing a golden helmet and armor, and a ruby ​​the size of a pigeon egg was inlaid on the helmet. The workmanship was extremely exquisite. , This set of armor is actually a collection of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, which was obtained by his family.

In addition, Pucha Agu's war horse was extremely handsome, and Niu Gui also took a fancy to him. He ordered his soldiers to strip off the armor and lead the horse, preparing to dedicate it to his father.

When Niu Gao learned that the enemy's general was killed by his son, he was overjoyed and ordered: "The enemy will be killed and no prisoners will be kept!"

This was the order of King Yong Chen Qing, to kill all the vital forces of the opponent, so that the Jin Kingdom would not have a chance to stand up. Killing all the soldiers of Goryeo also laid the foundation for the next attack on Goryeo.

The drums sounded like thunder, and [-] crossbowmen also joined the battlefield. The [-] Western Army surrounded the enemy and turned into a one-sided massacre.

It was getting brighter, and the war of extermination was over. The battlefield was full of corpses in disorder, blood flowed like a river, and they were strangled overnight. The Western Army wiped out nearly 3000 enemy troops and left no prisoners of war. The cost of nearly [-] casualties.

The soldiers began to clean up the battlefield and bandage the wounds of the wounded soldiers. Niu Gao consoled the wounded soldiers one by one. Now the soldiers of the Western Army are equipped with wound medicines, one is Jinchuang hemostatic ointment, the other is Feilong Baoming Dan, Jinchuang The hemostatic ointment is honeysuckle and Panax notoginseng, and the Feilong Baoming Dan is Banlangen, Phellodendron phellodendri, and honeysuckle, which are effective in stopping bleeding, disinfecting, and reducing inflammation.

At this time, Niu Gui stepped forward to ask his father for credit, Niu Gao really liked this son, last night he beheaded the enemy's commander Wanfu, causing the Jurchen army to collapse, and made the first contribution.

"Saburo isn't injured, is he?" Niu Gao asked with concern.

"Report to father, the child was not injured, this is the child's trophy, dedicated to father!"

Niu Gui waved his hand, and the soldiers held up the spoils.

A set of exquisitely crafted gold armor. The armor is fish scale armor. It is all made of gold thread threaded with thousands of small gold pieces. The gold thread is extremely strong and will not be broken by a knife. The helmet is also made of gold, and it is inlaid with various gems. In the center is a ruby ​​the size of a pigeon's egg, and next to it are two small rubies that are like sparrow eggs. The three gems are extremely pure, like flames, and extremely precious.

This set of armor is not ordinary at first glance, only the emperor can have it, his son can't use it, and he has no blessing to enjoy it. It must be dedicated to His Highness King Yong.

Niu Gao nodded, "What else?"

"There is also this box, which was found in the general's horse bag, and inside is a jade seal."

Niu Gao opened the box, and there was indeed a jade seal inside, carved with warm and delicate white jade, with two chilong buttons carved on it, and looking at the inscription, it was a small seal script, which Niu Gao could recognize, the six characters 'The Seal of the Great Song Emperor' .

Niu Gao was stunned, this turned out to be the Emperor Yuxi of the Northern Song Dynasty, and it was actually in the hands of a prince of the Jin Kingdom.

After thinking about it for a while, he probably understood that this Chief Wan should be a son of a nobleman, the armor and the jade seal were his treasures, and when he took them out, the Jurchens didn't know the seal script, so they didn't know that it was the emperor's seal.

"Father, and this war horse!"

Niu Gui had personally led this black horse, it was extremely strong, with slender and powerful legs, and its skin was shiny like black satin. Niu Gui really liked this horse, but he wanted to honor his father.

"Nice horse!"

Niu Gao patted the horse's back and said with a smile: "You captured this, if you like it, keep it!"

Of course Niu Gao could see what his son was thinking, he wanted the horse.

Niu Gui was overjoyed, "Thank you father!"

Niu Gao has always been very clear about rewards and punishments, even his own son is the same, his son made the first contribution, and he also captured the war horse, so there is no problem in rewarding him.

Niu Gao asked the soldiers to put away the gold armor and jade seal, and shouted: "Order the army to enter the city!"

The vanguard of the western army has already entered the city. The four gates of Dading City are wide open, and every household in the city is closed. Dading Mansion was called Songmo Dudufu and Raole Dudufu in Tang Dynasty. It was the old nest of Khitan people and Xi people.

However, because the Kingdom of Jin forcibly recruited all the young and strong men from the Khitan people and the Xi people, only the old and the weak, women and children were left in the city. The city has not been repaired for many years, and the city looks very dilapidated. , raped women, and was hated by the people, but the people in the city were still frightened by the arrival of the Western Army, and every house closed their doors.

Niu Gao is still most concerned about the warehouse. When he entered the city, the first thing he did was to check the grain and grass warehouse. To his surprise, the grain and grass warehouse in Dading Mansion was completely different from the warehouse in Linhuang Mansion. The warehouse in Linhuang Mansion didn't have much food. But there is a lot of frozen mutton, and there is not much mutton in Dadingfu, but there is a lot of grain. There are actually 15 shi of grain, mainly wheat and corn.

Niu Gao immediately ordered that the soldiers go door to door to deliver food, each family sent a liter of food, and cooked porridge on the street to help the poor.

Although the language is not clear, the common people can understand that the Goryeo soldiers entered the house to grab money and food, and insulted women, while the Han soldiers came to deliver food. The people were full of gratitude, and the streets became lively again. There was a long queue, reluctant to eat the food given by the Western Army, and they all lined up to get porridge.

Niu Gao knew in his heart that Dading Mansion was the easiest place to Sinicize. The country was ruined and the family was ruined. There were no young and strong men, and almost all of them were old and weak women and children. They found something to do, opened a school to educate children, and ten years later, this place will be a state capital of the imperial court.

Yang Zaixing’s university did not occupy Jinzhou with blood. Jinzhou and Xingzhong Mansion to the north were the seat of Yingzhou in the Tang Dynasty. It was also the place where the Han people in Liaodong lived together. The handicraft industries of Liao and Jin were concentrated here. Of course, military weapons The production is mainly in Shangjing, and other ordinary Han people are near Jinzhou. The handicraft industry here is mainly leather and metallurgy, and it is also the largest medicinal material market in the Kingdom of Jin. Zheng Tongquan was a big drug dealer back then. He came to Liaodong to purchase medicinal materials.

It is also for this reason that Yang Zaixing's army occupied Jinzhou and was warmly welcomed by the Han people at the bottom.

Yang Zaixing was not worried about the issue of food supplies. The navy fleet could carry out logistics supplies from the sea. Yang Zaixing left [-] troops to guard Jinzhou. He personally led [-] troops to kill the Jin soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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