
Chapter 1488 Trap

Chapter 1488 Trap
At present, Chen Qing's [-] troops are assembled in Qianmin County, Qianzhou, while Wanyan Nianhan's [-] troops are assembled in Laibin County, Laizhou. In fact, both Qianmin County and Laibin County are empty counties, tens of thousands of people They were all relocated to Pingzhou for resettlement. The two counties were dominated by Han people. Chen Qing did not want the war to involve them, and had already moved them to Yanshan Road one after another when preparing for the war.

The two county towns were fifty miles apart and facing each other far away. Naturally, Chen Qing would not take the initiative to attack the [-] Jin soldiers, but the Jin soldiers were not stable and needed to build fortifications, so naturally they did not launch an attack.

On the surface of the sea, two vehicles and boats were speeding on the sea several miles away from the coast. This kind of small cargo ship with two thousand stones was equipped with paddles, and its speed was very fast. Especially when patrolling along the coast, it could sail day and night. Basically, no ship was faster than it. , Two groups of soldiers stepped on it in turn, and they could sail more than [-] miles a day and a night.

Not long after, the two vehicles and boats passed Laibin County and continued to drive south.
Today is February 22. According to the plan, Yang Zaixing's [-] troops should lead the army south today. Of course, the plan may not be so accurate, but the top priority is to establish a communication mechanism with Yang Zaixing.

Chen Qing inspected the defense in the barracks as usual. In order to prevent the Jin soldiers from sneaking in, the Song army established a strong defense system. First of all, it built two defense lines at the narrowest point. Each defense line was more than ten miles wide. Each of them built a ten-foot-high earth wall. In addition, the distance between the two earth walls is 150 steps, which is very suitable for the defense of crossbow arrows and trebuchets.

The reason why such a powerful fortification was built was related to Chen Qing's strategy. Chen Qing decided to use a war of attrition to block the north and the south, cut off the opponent's food supply, and trapped one hundred thousand golden soldiers to death in just a few hundred days. In the corridor left and right.

At this time, a soldier came to report, "His Royal Highness, Yang Dutong has sent a letter!"

Chen Qing was overjoyed and asked anxiously, "How did the letter get delivered?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it was sent by ship."

Chen Qing took the express letter and looked at it, then said: "Bring the sender here, I have something to ask him!"

After a while, the soldiers brought up the leader of the soldiers who delivered the letter. He was a Dutou, and he knelt down on one knee in front of his head to salute, "See Your Highness for humble positions!"

"Let me ask you, what ships are you using?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it is two chariots and boats worth two thousand shi!"

"Car and boat!"

Chen Qing became interested, and asked again: "How many people operate a ship?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, we have a total of 64 people, 32 trampling soldiers, [-] people on each ship, [-] people trampling at a time, and changing a group of people every two hours, which can guarantee uninterrupted sailing for twelve hours."

"Then how long did it take you to get here from the mouth of Liuzhou?"

"In fact, we only spent less than four hours!"

"It took less than four hours for a distance of 120 miles. This speed is not bad!"

Chen Qing then wrote a warrant and handed it to him, "Give this warrant to Yang Dutong!"

"Follow the order!" Dutou retreated holding the warrant.

Chen Qing looked up to the north, Yang Zaixing's army had arrived, on the north bank of the Liuzhou River, this time, Wanyan Nianhan was doomed.

At this moment, Chen Qing began to change his mind, Wanyan Nianhan was not Wanyanchang, the siege was too long, Wanyan Wushu's reinforcements would probably arrive, and Yang Zaixing's army would be in danger at that time.

Taking the initiative to attack yourself is also the best policy.

The Jinbing camp in Laibin County was shrouded in a tense atmosphere. The news that the commander Wanyan Nianhan repeatedly ordered the blockade was leaked. Almost all the soldiers knew that their back roads were cut off and their logistics channels were cut off.

Although the barracks was very silent, in private, almost everyone was complaining about the misjudgment of the coach Wanyan Nianhan, which led to the current crisis. passive.

'Wanyan sticky Han is getting old!The tiger is no longer powerful! 'And other comments can be heard everywhere in the barracks.

These are almost all the comments of middle and low-level generals and soldiers. Many high-level generals are also dissatisfied with Wanyan Nianhan, thinking that Wanyan Nianhan fell into the trap of the Western Army because of his greed for merit and victory.

It is indeed a trap. They are trapped in a corridor that is only a hundred miles long from north to south and twenty miles wide from east to west. It is the vast sea.

Wanyan Nianhan himself was also deeply regretful. He thought things too simply, always thinking of going south to catch Chen Qing, but he forgot that the opponent had an army of [-] troops, and he even forgot that the opponent could still withdraw southward, and also from the sea. Withdrawing and trying to catch Chen Qing is tantamount to dreaming.

Now he is a little bit blind. The opponent's army came from the north, which meant that Jinzhou was lost, and it also meant that the logistics and reinforcement routes were cut off.

The most annoying thing for Wanyan Nianhan is that they only have ten days of food left. After ten days, they will either starve to death or kill their horses. Wanyan Nianhan suddenly remembered the scene when he was captured that year. Qing was blocked at both ends, food was cut off, and the feeling of hunger was coming again. Could this be his fate?
But waiting to be starved to death is definitely not the best policy, he must take the initiative to attack.

At this moment, a soldier rushed to the tent door and shouted, "Marshal Du, the Western Army is attacking from the south!"

Wanyan Nianhan was taken aback, the Western Army actually dispatched to attack.

Wanyan Nianhan was not prepared for a night battle at all, so he immediately ordered: "Order [-] crossbowmen to go to the city to defend, tear down the big tent, and no one is allowed to fight!"

Wanyan Nianhan rushed to the south wall, stood on the wall to watch the battle, and stared at the densely packed western army in the distance.

The moonlight was very good, under the silver moonlight, the western army was divided into several square formations, and the team was boundless. It should be that all the main force of [-] came up.

Generally speaking, as long as the camps of the two armies are within ten miles of each other, it means that a war is about to break out, but the camp of the Western Army is fifty miles away from them, so how could they suddenly come here?
Although many Jurchen cavalry could fight at night, Koryo soldiers did not have the ability to fight at night. Once they went out of the city to fight, the [-] Koryo soldiers would inevitably be held back and become the root cause of the army's defeat.

What's more, there are [-] Western troops ambushing behind, the two armies fought fiercely, and the [-] Western troops came from behind, and the entire army was wiped out.

Wanyan Nianhan knew this very well, so he would rather stick to Laibin County than go out of the city to fight.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous drum sound in the Western Army, 'Boom—boom—boom! '

The sound of the drums was low and slow, shocking. Immediately after the formation opened up, groups of cavalry came out of the large formation. There were two hundred cavalry in a group. Ten oxen were pulled, followed by three hundred infantrymen.

Six thousand cavalry, fifty giant trebuchets, and 1 infantry were lined up in order. Hundreds of steps away, there were another [-] cavalry in formation. Every [-] people formed a square formation. Spears were like a forest, and their steps followed the sound of drums. From time to time, a loud cry broke out in the legion, "Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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