
Chapter 1489 Guests

Chapter 1489 Guests
The murderous aura was so powerful that it made the Jin soldiers on the city wall and in the county panic. Even Wanyan Nianhan, who was watching the battle on the top of the city, couldn't help but change his face. He has fought in the north and south for so many years, defeated countless armies, and Including many Song troops.

The Song army defeated by him was almost all defeated by one blow, and it was all massacred by Jurchen cavalry.

The Han army he saw was lackluster. Although there were a lot of people, he felt like a huge flock of sheep. No matter how many sheep there were, they would still be slaughtered.

After nearly 30 years in the battlefield, it was the first time Wanyan Nianhan saw such a powerful formation of the Western Army. He felt his mouth dry and his butt trembled slightly. Could it be that he was really old?The bravery of the past is gone.

At this time, his son, Wanfu Chang Wanyan Xiege, stepped forward to persuade him: "The southern city wall is within the killing range of the western army's catapults, please retreat to the western city to watch the battle."

Another soldier ran to report, "Report to Marshal Du, the main force of the Western Army has also been discovered in the north!"

Sure enough, it was a north-south attack.

Wanyan Nianhan gritted his teeth and shouted: "The bed crossbow is ready to fight back."

Thousands of soldiers around shouted, "Don't worry, my lord, we will fight with bed crossbows, and we will not be afraid of the Western Army's attack!"

This is not for Wanyan Nianhan, but for the more than 1 Jurchen soldiers in Nancheng to boost their morale.

Wanyan Nianhan quickly walked down the south city, and moved to the west city several miles away. When he was far away, the chief general Wanyan Xiege ordered: "Prepare the bed crossbow to attack!"

Five hundred bed crossbows were lifted onto the pedals, and there were shooting holes in the city wall. Soldiers of the Golden Army put the jackdaw iron arrows, which were as thick as a thumb and as long as one foot, into the launching slots, aiming at the stones thrown hundreds of steps away. machine.

This is a bed crossbow invented in the Song Dynasty, which became a powerful weapon for defending the city of the Kingdom of Jin.

As the night slowly fell, fifty heavy trebuchets were pushed 250 steps away from the city wall. The trebuchets were launched using a winch. Dozens of soldiers pushed the winch handles, and as the wheels turned, the three-foot-long arm Being gradually pulled down.

Several soldiers of the Western Army put the ball of fire cloth weighing tens of kilograms into the launching bucket.

With 'Boom! ' A muffled drum sounded, and fifty soldiers holding torches lit the fire cloth ball at the same time, and the fire cloth ball burned rapidly.

Another muffled drum sounded, and fifty catapults were fired at the same time, fifty fireballs soared into the sky. The bright red flames streaked across the dark night, like meteors falling from the sky, crossing the city wall and smashing into the enemy. In the camp, a huge fireball bounced off the ground and rushed straight towards the dense crowd of Goryeo soldiers.

Laibin County is a small county, and the circumference of the city wall is only ten miles. At this time, the city is crowded with [-] troops and tens of thousands of horses, and the city looks very crowded.

Moreover, there are still many large tents in the city that have not been dismantled, but the surrounding area has been dismantled. The large tents in the middle of the city are mainly warehouse camps. The Jin soldiers thought that the Western Army could not attack them, so they did not dismantle them.

The soldiers shouted in panic and fled in all directions. Many soldiers were knocked over by the ball, and more than a dozen fireballs rushed hundreds of steps into the tent. The tent was quickly ignited, and the surroundings of the tent were in chaos.
At this time, the [-] bed crossbows on the wall also launched a counterattack. Following Wan Yan Xiege's order, the sound of clappers sounded, and [-] bed crossbows were fired at the same time. A hundred paces, the powerful arrow is powerful enough to open gold and crack rocks.

Two thousand five hundred iron crossbow arrows whizzed and shot at the western army's trebuchet. At this time, the cavalry and infantry retreated to [-] paces away. Their task was to deter the enemy and not to fight. More than ten soldiers operating.

The powerful iron crossbow arrows came, and dozens of soldiers of the Western Army were unable to dodge. They were shot by the crossbow arrows. The iron arrows pierced through their chests and fell to the ground screaming. The iron shot the catapult and nailed it to the thick wooden frame. The belt of a catapult was shot, and several belts broke at the same time, causing the long arm tied to the wooden frame to fall off and roll down.

The bed crossbow could not stop the attack of the Western Army. The second round of fireballs rose into the air again and fell into the enemy camp. The burning tents in the barn camp had been extinguished by the Jin soldiers with sand. After fighting with the Western Army for so many years, they also had A little defensive fire attack experience.

When the fireball rushed towards them, hundreds of Jurchen soldiers around the tent held up their shields to block the fireball from the tent. Several soldiers quickly pushed the fireball into the dug pit with steel forks and filled it with soil.

In front of the Western Army's formation, there appeared one after another chariots. There were oil tanks on the chariots, and they were pulled by heavily armored horses. They were not afraid of the arrows shooting from the sky above the city.

They ran under the city wall and began to spray fire oil on the top of the city. At the same time, the trebuchets also changed their tactics. They aimed at the top of the city and threw burning fire oil cans on the top of the city and into the city.

Soon, Nanchengtou and the city were turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The battle lasted all night, and at dawn, the Western Army's catapults had been withdrawn, and the fire on the top of the city was gradually extinguished, and the entire top of the city was burned to blackness.

That night, the Jin soldiers suffered more than 7000 casualties. The death toll was not many, only more than [-] people. The remaining nearly [-] people were burnt, most of them were Jurchen soldiers on the head of Nancheng.

Although they did not die, the burns were also very serious injuries. If the treatment is not in place, most of them will die.

The Western Army did not attack again, and the 18 Western Army began to set up large camps in the north and south, installed camp fences, and dug trenches, only three miles away from the county seat.

The camp and supplies of Yang Zaixing's army were naturally supported by sea. Hundreds of sea ships brought in a large amount of tents, barracks and food, which guaranteed the military supplies of Yang Zaixing's army.

This is also in Chen Qing's plan. Originally, Chen Qing considered using sea ships to carry soldiers and cut off the retreat of the Jurchen army, but the army brought by sea ships had no horses, and secondly, the number was not large, with a maximum of [-] troops. Wanyan Nianhan's army turned back.

Chen Qing and his entourage observed Laibin County from afar, and Chen Qing smiled at Zhang Xiao: "How many people do you think can be accommodated in such a small county?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head, "This kind of county is only a small county with more than 1000 households, and 1 people are enough to support the sky. But if all kinds of houses and buildings are demolished and all of them are erected into tents, then at most 8 to [-] people can be accommodated. It's crowded."

"But there are nearly 10 people in the opponent's city, and there are tens of thousands of horses. Land is also needed to bury the dead. You can imagine the degree of congestion in the city."

Zhang Xiao nodded, "Our big camp is three times the size of the county seat, and we still feel crowded. The situation in the city can be imagined. It's spring now, and there might be an outbreak of disease."

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Wanyan Nianhan is such an experienced veteran, he will not put himself in a desperate situation, if I am not wrong, today or tomorrow, he will definitely drive the Korean soldiers out to attack us and consume them, So as not to become a burden to the Jurchen army!"

"What if Goryeo soldiers surrender en masse?"

"If you surrender, you can let them go to mine. Liao and Jin have a lot of iron ore. At that time, Liushihe iron mine in Liao was nearby, and the output was very large. Jinzhou's smelting industry is also very good. These Korean soldiers are Jin. Get me ready miners."

(End of this chapter)

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