
Chapter 1502

Chapter 1502
Goryeo soldiers are soldiers who are used as temptations and coolies. They do the most dangerous things. In today's words, they are cannon fodder.

Not only were they treated poorly, but their equipment was also extremely poor. In the case of the increasingly iron-deficient situation in the Kingdom of Jin, the Goryeo soldiers were not even equipped with swords and daggers.

This kind of armor is called felt armor, which is not the same as the leather armor of the Western Army. The leather armor of the Western Army is cowhide or horsehide. A piece of sheepskin is rough and thin, and it can't block the powerful crossbow arrows of the god arm at all.

The Kingdom of Jin discriminated against these Goryeo soldiers from the bottom of their hearts. So many Jurchen soldiers died of illness, their leather armor would rather be burned than to equip the Goryeo soldiers.

However, the Western Army did not feel pity because of the miserable treatment of the Goryeo soldiers. On the battlefield, there was no mercy.

Arrows shot at the Goryeo soldiers like a storm, and the Goryeo soldiers fell down one by one. They were terrified and turned around to flee, but before they could run back to the main formation, a thousand Jurchen soldiers rushed up, hacked with knives and axes, and immediately killed countless soldiers. Hundreds of people.

The Goryeo soldiers had no choice but to continue to charge. Arrows were still raining down on the city, and the casualties of the Goryeo soldiers continued to increase. After three rounds of arrows, [-] Goryeo soldiers killed or injured more than [-].

Goryeo soldiers gradually rushed out of the moat, and they began to build pontoon bridges with wooden boxes. Some Goryeo soldiers shot arrows and fell into the moat, but the arrows on the top of the city continued to shoot, and three more rounds of arrows were shot. More than halfway through, although the pontoon bridge was gradually completed, a large number of soldiers lay on the ground and refused to cross the river.

This is also their last resort, they will die if they cross the river, and they will die if they go back, so they can only lie on the ground where they are, avoiding the arrows on the top of the city.

Even though he was lying on the ground, he was shot in the back by soldiers of the Western Army.

Seeing that the Goryeo army refused to attack, Suoli Yishi was really annoyed. At this time, Wan Fuchang Wan Bilie persuaded: "The general can let them come back, and then mix them with the Jurchen army to attack, the effect will be more effective." a little better!"

Room B of Suo Li felt that it was reasonable, so he shouted an order: "Send the order to withdraw the troops!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The remaining [-] Koryo soldiers retreated in a panic, and the Western Army took the opportunity to shoot back. Hundreds of people were shot and killed, and the wounded soldiers on the battlefield eventually died of excessive bleeding.

However, Suoli Yishi also got the information he wanted. There were no trebuchets or bed crossbows on the top of the city, only bows and arrows. It was impossible to think about it. The Western Army rushed thousands of miles, and these heavy weapons could not be carried at all!
Jingzhao, Chen Qing decided to go to Yanshan Road again after a few days of deliberation. Although he had only returned to Jingzhao for half a month, the major situation changes in the Kingdom of Jin made him unable to sit still.

In the internal affairs hall, Jiang Yanxian, Zhou Kuan and Zhang Shun were all silent. In fact, they did not approve of King Yong going to Yanshan Road again. One was the danger of plague in the Kingdom of Jin. Secondly, King Yong’s departure took another few months, and a large amount of government affairs piled up, so it was not appropriate to entrust the princess for review for a long time.

Zhou Kuan persuaded: "Your Highness, you can entrust the generals to encircle and suppress the Kingdom of Jin. Yang Zaixing, Niu Gao, and Liu Cui are all good. Hundreds of thousands of troops are enough to destroy the Kingdom of Jin. Isn't it the credit of Your Highness? Why should Your Highness go there in person?"

Jiang Yanxian also persuaded: "Auspicious sign from the sky, His Highness's enthronement should start. At this critical moment, His Highness should stay in Jingzhao to preside over the overall situation. His Highness has gone to the north. The enthroned real dragon emperor is not here, so the officials are at a loss what to do!"

At this time, Zhang Shun also said: "The "Beijing News" specially surveyed [-] households in the Jiangnan area. As a result, more than [-]% of the residents do not miss the Song Dynasty, and almost all residents hate the reign of the Queen Mother in Lin'an. Everyone hopes that the new emperor will ascend the throne. , to restart the prosperous age, this is not only the wish of ordinary people, but also the idea of ​​a large number of gentry, His Highness is expected by all, we should seize this opportunity to achieve great things!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "I understand your thoughts. If it's just a battle to recover Liaodong or Yanshan Road, it's fine if I don't go. This is to destroy gold, and it's my biggest wish for more than ten years. It's about to come true. , but I can’t personally participate, it will be my lifelong regret, enthronement can be postponed for a few months, it’s not a big deal, or it will take a lot of time to make various preparations!”

There was silence in the lobby. After a while, Zhou Kuan asked, "Your Highness has made up your mind?"

Chen Qing nodded, and the three of them understood that King Yong had already made up his mind, and talking to them was just out of respect for them.

"All right!"

Jiang Yanxian said helplessly: "I wish His Highness a complete victory and an early return!"

That night, Chen Qing bid farewell to his family, and led a thousand cavalry to leave Jingzhao City again, and rushed towards Yanshan Mansion. Each of them was paired with two horses, and they would rush to Yanshan Mansion as quickly as possible.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The drums of war were like thunder, and the mixed army of [-] Jurchen Koreans launched a fierce attack on the city again.

This was the third siege of the Jurchen army. The first time was a tentative attack by 6000 Koryo soldiers. As a result, [-] people died in battle and returned in a disastrous defeat.

The second attack was a mixed attack of 3000 Jurchen soldiers and [-] Goryeo soldiers. The effect was not bad, but because the head of the Wanfu, Wanyan Aku, was shot in the forehead by a stray arrow, he was killed on the spot, so he had to withdraw the troops, causing nearly [-] casualties. .

But this time, [-] Jurchen soldiers and [-] Koryo soldiers attacked together, carrying [-] siege ladders. The Jurchen soldiers were obviously much better equipped. Short spears, they are all elite Meng'an troops, all of them are brave and good at fighting.

This is also where Wanyan Wushu's confidence in capturing Linhuang City lies. He believes that with the heroic and powerful Meng'an Army, he will definitely be able to capture Linhuang City.

Bows and arrows are still useful, but the people who were shot were basically Goryeo soldiers. The Jurchen soldiers used their large shields to block the stormy arrows of the Western Army.

At this time, the bed crossbows on the top of the city were also fired. Unfortunately, there were only three hundred of them. Each round of arrows was [-] jackdaw arrows. This kind of arrow has a strong penetrating power and shot through Jurchen. The soldier's large shield shot and killed more than [-] people at once.

However, more than [-] people were killed, which is still insignificant to the [-] army, but they still forced the Jurchen army to change their tactics. They threatened the Koryo soldiers to run in front and serve as human shields for them.

After paying the price of thousands of casualties, more than [-] troops rushed across the moat from the pontoon bridge and hooked a siege ladder on the top of the city. The Goryeo soldiers were in front and the Jurchen soldiers were behind, and began to climb quickly. climb.

The Western Army had been prepared for a long time. The soldiers hidden on the city wall lit the chain mines and threw them up the siege ladder. Keep advancing, using chain mines specially designed to deal with siege ladders and suspension bridges.

When the soldiers of the siege ladder climbed to the front of the chain mine, the chain mine 'boom! The ground exploded, and with a flash of fire, several Goryeo soldiers were blown out, and the siege ladder was blown off in the middle, and the siege ladder tipped over, screaming from the ladder.

Hundreds of siege ladders were blown up by chain mines, but the real catastrophe came later.

At this moment, thousands of soldiers raised huge fire oil clay pots and threw them downward. The fire oil pot burst, and a large amount of fire oil flowed out of the city. Dozens of torches were thrown down, 'Boom! 'The ground burned, and the outside of the city suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Thousands of bales of hay were thrown from the top of the city, turning the outside of the city into a fiery hell. More than 1 soldiers were caught off guard. Those who stood against the city wall were Korean soldiers, and Jurchen soldiers were on the periphery. More than [-] Korean soldiers fell into the sea of ​​fire and were burned Crying and screaming, the Jurchen soldiers on the periphery were frightened and rushed to the pontoon bridge to escape. The river also turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Fortunately, swimming is an essential skill of Meng'an soldiers. More than 2000 Jurchen escaped from this catastrophe, but the Korean soldiers fell into the sea of ​​fire and hell. [-] people.

(End of this chapter)

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